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I have another couple of questions if someone has some time to spare....

Belaugh Staithe is said to have two moorings - but it is unclear to me where they actually are - could it be indicated on the attached image?

Also, there is one site that lists a mooring at Barton Turf, whilst another says that it is now closed.

Does anyone know if the mooring will be open for the 2023 season, and if so, is the yellow highlighted area correct?


Barton Turf.png

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Re; Belaugh - there's the Church Staithe immediately below the church, space for one boat and downstream of the boatyard. It's not very clear from the satellite photo as I think it's hidden below the green leaved tree on the river bank.


There's also the BA 24 hour free mooring Parish Staithe just above the boatyard. This is located where the boat is moored upstream of the boatyard in the picture below.



RE: Barton Turf - used to have Free 24 hour moorings on the staithe, but the Parish Council decided to close those last year. You can moor up to access the water point, but not moor up to stay otherwise.

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I have another mooring query for those that know the Rockland Broad area.

The BA moorings list refers to Rockland St Mary - but their map is not clear on the location, and the aerial imagery is not clear either.

Could someone identify the moorings please?


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The basin is spot on but the line on the right goes too far up, the moorings on that side stop about the same place as your turned in line on the basin side as there is an outfall after that.

Slipway is beside the cut in at the end, leccy post also in the basin now.


Short dyke is about right.

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As Smoggy said, Short Dyke is about right, as far as the BA moorings are concerned, but there are wild moorings between there and the river. Mind you, the accessibility of those wild moorings seems to vary a lot, depending on nettles! 

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both sides of the dyke where all the boats are, there is an overnight fee- if you go in the pub and pay before they come around you get it cheaper, its slightly more if they have to come round and collect, the area to the side at the end is private moorings. (i think last year it was about £6 if you paid at the pub- couldnt swear to that though)


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On 24/03/2023 at 20:19, grendel said:

both sides of the dyke where all the boats are, there is an overnight fee- if you go in the pub and pay before they come around you get it cheaper, its slightly more if they have to come round and collect, the area to the side at the end is private moorings. (i think last year it was about £6 if you paid at the pub- couldnt swear to that though)


It's £7.50 if you pay at the pub before 6 p.m. (as I found out last year!)otherwise it's a tenner if they come and collect :default_ohmy:, 1000 hrs to 1600 hrs is free.


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