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Norfolk Broads 1963 holiday film

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I received a DVD of some 8mm cine footage of a Broadland holiday taken in 1963 this week. The films were recently transferred by the holiday couple's son and he very kindly gave me permission to upload them to YouTube. It's just under 13 minutes in length and shows their cruise on Breydon Lass II which was hired from the Cobholm Boatyard at Great Yarmouth. It looks like an early season trip and features some lovely footage of St. Olaves, sailing at Oulton Broad, Great Yarmouth seafront, Horning, Wroxham and Thurne. More details can be found on the Broadland Memories blog.


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Fantastic film Carol, many thanks for sharing it with us.

There were so many things to see, I had to keep pausing it!

The railway trip looked to be through the Berney Arms station. I was trying to see the clearance under Wroxham bridge, looked to be nearly 8 feet but I could be wrong! Nice to see the pub shots too, the Swan and a thatched Ferry at Horning plus the Lion at Thurne. Fascinating to see how they have changed over the years.

It’s a video I’ll have to play over and over again to catch it all. Brilliant stuff.


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Thank you Carol for sharing the film.

It shows that some things change over time such as the fashions, boat style but the Broads and the buildings have hardly changed.

I was surprised that the plylon was there in 1963, I assume it was the one that takes the cables over the new cut and St Olaves.



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Glad that you all enjoyed it too - it's with thanks to Will Downing for sending me the film and allowing me to share it! cheersbar

Yes Howard - thhe rail trip looks as though it was between GY and Reedham and does pass the Berney Arms Halt. Quite interesting to see really. It was great to see the footage of Thurne Lion .... my how that has changed !!

Alan - I presume that the pylons are in the vicinity of St. Olaves as this seems to have been the first night stop after leaving the Cobholm Boatyard. I haven't had the chance to study it all too closely yet.

I have another couple of short cine films to put on YouTbe over the next couple of weeks - some colour footage from 1939 and a B&W film from 1947. I had some cine film transferred a while ago which included these two films which were given to me by Barry (Springsong) and were filmed by his parents. It's quite exciting to be able to expand the BM archive in this way as they are such a fascinating record of Broadland through the 20th century.


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I've uploaded the two films from Barry over the last couple of days. The first is rare colour 16mm cine footage of the Broads from 1939 when Barry's parents holidayed with other family members on "Golden Eagle" which was hired from :Leo Robinson's yard at Oulton Broad. Sadly, the film suffered from some water damage over the years, but the colour itself actually survived remarkably well. Lots of footage of the boat itself plus film of Johnson's Provisions store and the Bell Inn at St. Olaves, the River Bure at Horning (including Percival's boatyard) and Stokesby riverfront.

The second is on B&W 16mm film and dates from 1947 when Barry's parents returned to holiday on one of the "Vesta" class from E.C. Landamore's yard at Hoveton.

Many thanks to Barry! cheersbar


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Hi Carol

Two fascinating films, many thanks for sharing with us. And many thanks to Barry too! cheers It's great that these films can be preserved so we can all enjoy them.

Looks like the doggies were enjoying themselves too! Liked the bit going through Potter Heigham Bridge as well. Looked quite tight!

Brilliant stuff.


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