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  • 2 weeks later...

Kiki was lifted this week and will be out for a couple of months. She has not been out of the water more than 10 days since we have had her (4 years) so with SWMBO due another couple of operations it seemed right to let the old girl have a couple of months rest chocked and resting. I have a few jobs to do anyway including having the prop off and sending it for another inch of pitch and cupping and also with the very kind help of Antares _9 fitting a new Triducer to ensure my unreliable sounder reads more accurately. One thing you cannot afford on the East Coast is an unreliable Sounder :o

What has quite surprised me is the Anode situation in just over 6 months since replacement they are not in great shape - but at least they are doing their job.

Apologies for the photo's I did not take my camera yesterday hence only taken with my phone





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Hi Perry. Looks like a mid season lift and scrub is on the cards for you every year.

might be worth investigating performance metals claim on their alluminium anodes, have not got a clue why or how but they claim they will give 3 times the life of zinc in salt water.

You could have already backed that up as I seem to remember you had Kiki in salt for 6 months after a year of mixed and I don't remember them being as used as the zinc you have on now.


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Jonny wrote:

Hi Perry

that prop shaft anode looks like its been chewed away how long a life do you think they will have left if you put KiKi back in the water?

Jonny ice sliceice slice

Hi Jonny

She won't be going back in with that one it will be replaced

Senator wrote:

might be worth investigating performance metals claim on their alluminium anodes, have not got a clue why or how but they claim they will give 3 times the life of zinc in salt water.

I had Ali on Ian when we first moved down from Goodchild and they did an Alka Seltzer impression :o I think after a chat with David yesterday that a Galvanic Isolator is potentially the route we need to go.

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Kingfisher’s were pretty much shot too Ian, with the amount of boats permanently on shore power for chargers and dehumidifiers in Shotley which are all linked to each other by the mains earth lead it’s certainly worth a try. A quick lift and hold in the slings in September for inspection to see if it makes a difference will be on the cards.

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You are right David, sorry but what I was trying to convey was that it looks more like some little B in the Marina has an earth fault and is freeloading your precious metals, than a naturaly occuring event purely through saline conductivity between different metals.


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  • 1 month later...

I am in need of Therapy... I tried to jump but could not do it :o

This was the weekend to fit my new Triducer. The plan was to remove the old one and fit the new but .... After a conflab David & I decided that the siteing of the existing unit was probably part of the reason for some of the false readings. It was too near the bit of a keel Kiki has and would also pick up a lot of turbulence from the prop.

Only one thing to do then and that was to cut a new two inch hole in the hull :cry and that is where I could not face doing it to my beloved ship. I was quite happy for David to do it but somehow cutting a hole in the hull seemed like cheating on your wife :o

Bless David he happily did virtually all the graft while I was like a Rabbit caught in the headlights :(

The wiring of the Sounder box and connection to my C series is work in progress but the job that needed to be completed out of the water is done. I am taking both our Props to Steel Developments this week for in my case a bit of a pitch alteration and a polish up for David.

Thanks David for the therapy I could probably do it if I needed to again - but sincere thanks for the great job :bow

Old Transducer


I want my Mummy!



No wonder our ship weighs 7.5 tonnes




Cable and anti Twist Bolt


Sikkaflex lovely Sikkaflex


In Situ


Paddle Wheel fitted


Finished just in need of a Sikkaflex Clean Up


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well we are ready for relaunch now that the 'out the water' jobs have been completed.

Thanks to David's continued expertise Kiki now sports an HD Sonar/Sounder/Fishfinder linked to her plotter :grin: look out Bass there will be no escape now 18.gif

At least I now have a Sounder I can be confident in.

Technology Details:

http://www.raymarine.co.uk/products/fis ... echnology/

http://www.raymarine.com/submittedfiles ... ochure.pdf



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  • 3 weeks later...

At last we woke to find some of that Yellow stuff in the sky I did wonder what it was 3.gif

Our new boat was delivered but could not get it into the lock as it was too big.... so we sent it back :grin:


This was going across to the Container Termimal across at Felixstowe where a Diver helped a crane strop the boat and lift it onto a Container Vessel bound for who knows where.

The forecast was for the NE breeze to get up later to 5 ish and continue that way for most of the weekend so we slipped our lines on free flow and headed out for a 'spider clearing' session. A run out towards Cork Sands and then toward the Walton Backwaters to see if any of the buoy-age had changed over winter.

Still there!


Kingfisher running into the start of the chop as the NE started to increase



That one shows OK on the Radar :grin:


After a 20NM run round is was time to head back to base as the wind started to increase although the weather itself was glorious. The Shipwreck and a few shipboard jobs beckoned

Locking in


Sunday saw a a forumite from t'north and his good lady visiting us at Shotley - very good to see you both.

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I'm afraid the visit from oop north brought some wind with it (the north kind, not the kind generated by that dodgy Celtic ale they serve at The Shipwreck). Brrr!!!

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