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Down to the Broads tomorrow evening


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Tan & I will be coming down to the Broads late tomorrow afternoon, we are having a long weekend on the boat to get it ready for the season start.

The car will be loaded up to the gunnels bringing back all the curtains, bedding, TV and items we took away for refurbishment over the Winter layoff such as the noisy toilet and galley fans.


We have a potential new owners visiting us on Saturday so we will more than likely be going on the river, so I will have to check that the NBN bungee is still ok.

We are down on the boat until Tuesday but are back again in mid April.





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Wendy & I hope you have a nice time whilst visiting the Broads this weekend, getting your boat ready for the coming season and hope the weather is kind to you.

We are getting quite excited now, as it is just over six weeks, before we arrive at Staham, to take Star Gem on our first Broads Adventure. 

We have decided to stay on the Northern Broads, so we can cover the whole area, comfortably and spend some time at all the beautiful places there are to visit. We hope to be able to visit the other sides of Potter Heigham & Wroxham Bridges, providing we are able to, if not, then there are plenty of backwaters to explore and moor up for the night.

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Yes Iain, it is possible that john (MM) get's worse, he has just advised me in a private conversation that Merlot and Cadbury's should not be indulged at the same time, the man is clearly a sandwich short of a picnic basket, have you ever heard of such a thing  :naughty: (sorry for going off topic)



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Hi Grace,


He was of course thinking of your egg timer wasteline! :naughty:  Anyway, I use to adore a nice Merlot or three, now its Morrisons finest 5% Cabernet Sauvignon. Don't worry about going off topic, in Jellystone Marina, anything goes! Doesn't it?


Alan n Tan will be swettin muck n bullets all weekend getting RB all ship shape and Dulux Brilliant White I bet! See back on topic! Phew!


cheers Iain.

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I thought that everyone knew that if you had to drink anything whilst eating chocolate it had to be a blended scotch (and it doesn't need to be a good one either). Trust me, the combination is lovely!!!!!


Iain, in your post about "that bridge" were you whispering? It was written in a very quiet voice!


Gotta go now. I need to  dress like a bear, and stand on one leg with my left knee under my right elbow.

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Hi Geoff,


If you cannot get through THAT bridge you can always hire a day boat at Potter H to go through and investigate what pleasures there are at Hickling etc.


cheers Iain.

According to the brochure, Star Gem will go under Potter Bridge but we will have to see what the pilot says. Hopefully we will be able get through, if not we might hire a day boat. I don't think we will have any problem visiting Coltishall though, as Wroxham bridge has more clearance, (again we will need to use the pilot). I believe that side of Wroxham is very nice, with plenty of mooring spaces. Hope to have a ride on the Bure Valley Railway whist we are at Wroxham, so will more than likely overnight there.


Our September holiday won't allow us to even get under Wroxham bridge, as we have booked one of Brinks Topliner's.  

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