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Finding a signwriter


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Thanks Barry, that is very helpful.


I know about vinyl lettering, which we've used on our dinghies, but I just felt like treating our new 78-year old to a "proper" job!

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We have vinyl under varnish and it looks pretty convincing, on a 107 year old Broads gaffer. 78 is a mere sprog! We have 'gold' with a blue shadow, looks good. The blue matches the cove line. Cost £20.00 when we did it, the shadow effectively doubled the price but it was worth it. 

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We have vinyl under varnish and it looks pretty convincing, on a 107 year old Broads gaffer. 78 is a mere sprog! We have 'gold' with a blue shadow, looks good. The blue matches the cove line. Cost £20.00 when we did it, the shadow effectively doubled the price but it was worth it. 


£20 for 5 letters, I think you were ripped off!

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Actually, Hunters is an excellent idea, I'll give them a ring.


But maybe I should go with vinyl and put the difference towards a new suit of sails.....

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The sign writing is not cheap compared to vinyl especially if using gold leaf as on ours but even though I say it myself it does look the DBs at least to me.


MM I know it can be confusing for you youngsters but my username is Springsong,

the boat is called Star Premiere capiche. 

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Barry, yours looks fantastic but I think gold leaf is probably a step too far for us! If you are able, would you mind giving me an indication of the cost?

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Hmmm, that gives rise to an interesting question.

Let's say a person owns a boat on the broads and it's called "Bladder Rack"

He (or she, lets not be sexist!) decides to upgrade to a bigger boat and sells Bladder Rack to as new owner. This new owner decides to keep the name of the boat.

Original owner buys new boat and want's to call it Bladder Rack. Is there any etiquette to be observed?

I am aware that it is permissible to have more than one boat of the same name on the broads but as a matter of courtesy who should ask whom for what?

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In the past an owner would retain the name, nothing, other than custom and etiquette, to stop the new owner reinstating it though! Normally an owner buying a replacement would, for example, call the new boat Bladder Rack II or even more, maybe Bladder Wracked Too.

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I think it is rather nice when a boat keeps it's original name. Ours had hers for over 70 years but it was changed by the chap who sold it to us - we're reinstating the original name. I suppose it only works for a boat with an unobjectionable or fairly standard name, not one of the truly awful names you see. Like "Wet Dream" or "Breaking Wind"  :shocked

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Forum member with boat called Breaking Wind dives for the Tippex!!


I was once the proud owner of several boats who's names ended in Waters, never quite plucked up enough courage to call one Passing Waters!


Agreed, smutty names are truly awful although I thought the original Pheasant Plucker amusing, especially knowing the owner.

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However awful I may think a boat's name is, I have to keep telling myself that it's the boat owners choice. There are one or two I've had to "look into" to find the origins, (Dilligaf being one,) and having done so appreciate the name more for it.

I never did understand "Bod the Pea" perhaps someone will enlighten me, though it always did strike me as a strange choice of name.

People seem to struggle with my boat's name "Nyx". I have been asked "Are you Nick then?" or "What does N.Y.X. stand for?". To the latter I normally reply "Pretty much everything, she's very broad minded."

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