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Autumn Salt incursion

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On our October jaunts to the Broads we like to do a spot of fishing, so far we have stuck to the north side and usually find the fishing is best upstream of the Ant mouth both on the Bure and the Ant although 2 years ago we didnt catch anything downstream of How Hill or Horning.

Can anyone advise how far upstream on the Yare the salt water reaches on an average year?





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Hi Ron,

    Are you trying to find out where the freshwater fish start to be caught?


I would certainly think the water up river of Cantley would still be a little saline, but last year in the big blow it was pushed up way past Brundall.


I have caught and seen freshwater fish caught either end of the New Cut (Reedham and St Olaves) which get a fair dose of salt water every day.

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Yes Baitrunner that is probably what I am asking in an indirect way. For the last few years a autumnal storm or tidal surge as occurred just before our holiday begins causing salty or brackish water to be pushed further into the river system. Two years ago there were many dead fish even as far as Ludham bridge, and there was a stench of rotting fish in the lower Thurne area each time we passed through. Last year was better and we did catch fish on the St Benets stretch but the further we travelled upstream the better the fishing became.


Now its 40 years since I ventured south so just wondering how far to travel upstream on the Yare and Waveney before getting the rods out, should this incursion happen before this years holiday

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I would say unless we have a mega storm again, once your past Cantley you will be fine. The Chet should also be worth a session if you are going that way.


Certainly as you get towards the Beauchamp Arms you will see the anglers out on the left hand bank as you travel upriver if it's a weekend. I personally haven't fished there, but I cant imagine it is barren of fish given the number of anglers I see there.


Down the Waverney the run from the Oulton Broad junction to Beccles and beyond fishes OK. 


So plenty of places to try. Biggest problem will be mud weighting near the bank in a decent sized boat, but if you have a dinghy you will find it easier.

Look forward to a catch report.
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Was that at slack water JM?


I have not really fished there, but when I did - caught an eel!!! About 4ozs and wriggly as hell.

Can't be sure now but I suspect that it was on the ebb. I've had good winter fishing at St Olaves. I understand that the salt water runs on top of the fresh at that point. Either way, after being told that I'd catch I tried it and did!

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"There is good pike fishing ground on the Yare between Brundall and Surlingham ferry with many double figure pike being caught each year."


That will be good news for my son and one of my grandsons, they are both proficient pike anglers. I prefer catching Tench Roach Carp or Bream

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What about Rockland Broad, guys?


It's idyllic for overnight mud-weighting but are there any fish there?

Used to be, 40 to 50 per session was not unheard of, but then the word got about and the pressure was on and pike numbers dropped drastically and accordingly. Pretty much the same across the Broads.

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What about Rockland Broad, guys?


It's idyllic for overnight mud-weighting but are there any fish there?

 Good point HA, i have found several discussions on here about the very place including this one (hope link works)


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 The problem with giving out location advice out on the net is that every man and his dog can read it. The result, as history has proven, is that all those men and their dogs head to that spot and within weeks it will have been overfished and the pike either dead or moved on. Piking on the Broads is a shadow of what it was, such a shame. Giving out location advice will kill your own sport as well as that of others.

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Appreciate that JM that is my OP was a request in general terms for info about how far any salt incursion extends in an average year, thanks to all for your help


Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk

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