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Well ok for another 4 years


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Pleased for you Charlie :clap Just as well the fire extinguisher has gone, if the Wench reads this you could well find yourself wearing it lol :naughty:




Had to shoot up to Brian Wards to get a new one to pass .........


cant wear it though Grace as Red dont suit this old git lol



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Sorry Charlie,  Fire Extinguishers are not funny (just ask Iain lol) they are very expensive, a cost you didn't expect to pay out, I'm sure.

Apparently there is a rumour going round that the thief's description is that of a Scottish man in a kilt, on a mobility Scooter (think goes by the name of Scoot) is pinching all the Fire Extinguishers on Boats in the Broadland area :naughty: He has such a phobia with these things, it has been advised he should not be approached, but a decent portion of Haggis may tempt him round :naughty:


p.s For Iain :kiss 

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On the serious side ....first... Charlie sorry to have read a low life had removed said piece of "SAFETY" equipment.

I do not have a phobia about FE's honest! The scab on my leg eventually fell off last week, 16 weeks later, just in time for my next visitation to the Broads. "Scoot" would never run away with a FE:norty: not enough room on him for that :naughty: He is coming again boating, IF I can find space for him on Sparkling Horizon.

Delighted that you have piece of mind for another four years, sadly with additional expense! Grrrrr!

As for the wee sick lady, just you wait till we meet at a meet. You will be eating our national dish, won't you Grace?:naughty:



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On the serious side ....first... Charlie sorry to have read a low life had removed said piece of "SAFETY" equipment.

I do not have a phobia about FE's honest! The scab on my leg eventually fell off last week, 16 weeks later, just in time for my next visitation to the Broads. "Scoot" would never run away with a FE:norty: not enough room on him for that :naughty: He is coming again boating, IF I can find space for him on Sparkling Horizon.

Delighted that you have piece of mind for another four years, sadly with additional expense! Grrrrr!

As for the wee sick lady, just you wait till we meet at a meet. You will be eating our national dish, won't you Grace?:naughty:



Well not sure when it went to be honest, but a new one is back there now.

Mind sounds like FE's could be your new fetish Iain but as for wearing one like me think it wouldnt suit you.....


I'm sure scoooot will find a resting place on Sparkling Horizon ....


Now  now Iain nout wrong with a freshly caught haggis in fact I quite like the real thing. So I'm sure Grace a bottle and a plate of your national dish will be a welcome sight at a meet next year.......



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