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Future of the Broads


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38 minutes ago, MBA Marine said:

I wonder how many people are permitted to be at this meeting? the skeptic in me says the meeting will be filled with the chosen 'yes men/women' but the optimist in me hopes this is a sign that people are waking up to the fact that reform is needed.

I am sure it will all be above board Mark,....Wont it?


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11 hours ago, BroadScot said:

I am sure it will all be above board Mark,....Wont it?


I honestly hope that it will, I am for the BA as a concept just the realisation falls down, there is a growing discontent with how this organisation is run and the only way to change this is to show a willingness to listen, to take on board the thoughts of all they serve and to implement change.

For me the BA has too much influence in too many area's, planning being my biggest niggle, my next issue would be their ability to go on to private property, if i had a private dyke of basin I would only want a ranger coming in for a chat and a cuppa not to moor up and walk round sticking notices on boats that have not moved for years but are required to pay on the basis that they're afloat. A sorn declaration like we have for cars is a much better way to go, people should not have to pay if they are not using the rivers.  

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5 minutes ago, MBA Marine said:

I honestly hope that it will, I am for the BA as a concept just the realisation falls down, there is a growing discontent with how this organisation is run and the only way to change this is to show a willingness to listen, to take on board the thoughts of all they serve and to implement change.

For me the BA has too much influence in too many area's, planning being my biggest niggle, my next issue would be their ability to go on to private property, if i had a private dyke of basin I would only want a ranger coming in for a chat and a cuppa not to moor up and walk round sticking notices on boats that have not moved for years but are required to pay on the basis that they're afloat. A sorn declaration like we have for cars is a much better way to go, people should not have to pay if they are not using the rivers.  

Hi Mark,

I do too, as you know I live a long way from Norfolk, (not as far as Eric) but I do see how things appear by reading the local papers, admittedly their journalism at times is not of the best.

Even a strong media asking important questions, surely would help the whole scenario how the Broads are run.

I realise money only goes so far, no matter how its collected, but, IMHO the redistribution or lack of it leaves me confused at times. 

I like your SORN idea, but how that would run, I do not know.

Let us hope this bringing together of all those interested in making the Broads better, works.




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My grouse is simple, a career public servant who only see things within tick boxes, who clearly has no affinity whatsoever with the Broads, its ethos, or the people who live and play here, yet he ploughs on with his blinkered 'vision', deaf to wise advice and sound opinion.  I am not alone, the trust and togetherness that was once a feature of the Broads and the Broads Authority has been lost, destroyed by one man. Just my opinion, of course!

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16 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

My grouse is simple, a career public servant who only see things within tick boxes, who clearly has no affinity whatsoever with the Broads, its ethos, or the people who live and play here, yet he ploughs on with his blinkered 'vision', deaf to wise advice and sound opinion.  I am not alone, the trust and togetherness that was once a feature of the Broads and the Broads Authority has been lost, destroyed by one man. Just my opinion, of course!

So why have they not been able to extricate him from his position of authority JM?

Someone on this planet must be liking him!:naughty:

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Marshman, please note the ' Just my opinion, of course' after my earlier posting on this thread. 

I make no bones about it, Dr Packman is an extremely capable, clever, often charming man. Of course there are other views of the man and people are unquestionably entitled to their various opinions. 

Having been on the Navigation Committee for the best part of four years, talking and listening to the man, I have obviously formed my own opinion. 

I have a letter from an ex Authority employee, someone who worked closely with Dr Packman. He too has an opinion ;). . . . . . . . . . . I would put a wink in there, if I could find the blessed thing!

Edited by BroadScot
Added the wink for you JM
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2 hours ago, marshman said:

Clearly others than those on various Forums take a differing view of JP - its easy to read Forums and think that the views stated are necessarily  the correct ones and indeed the only ones!!!!!!!  

Quite right MM, all the active members of all of the Broads forums represent a very small percentage of the 10,000 plus private toll payers, and God knows how many regular hirers.

...and the proportion of current forum posters that consistently oppose the BA and it's CEO is a very small percentage of all the forum users.

The online Broads user base is a tiny sample of the real Broads user base.

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That proportion of anti BA posters on forums being small is a mathematically obvious fact Peter, not just an illusion held by me.

Whether it equates to the same small proportion of real Toll Payers and Hirers is impossible to know, without asking them all.

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