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Broads ode!!


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Well folks, it's a long wait until July so l penned a wee poem of what the broads means to me!!

im not sure what purpose it is meant to serve!! But thought I would share it anyway with like minded broads obsessed creatures.

so, here goes. Don't worry I have a thick skin if you think it's a load o mince 


The clinking of sailies , and ducks in the morning

The calmness of Horsey, the hustle in Horning
The swans with their cygnets, so regal and proud
Fishing at sunrise, the silence is loud
Getting your boat legs, and feeling unsteady
The joy when the boatyard says your boat is ready
The long winding Ant, which takes you to Dilham
The big puddle Barton, then sutton and Stalham
Go see Roy in Wroxham, where the young hire a day boat 
With crew and beer cargo just how do they still float 
The racing at Oulton is well worth a shout
The wee bridge at Ludham can catch many  out
The little gap at potter, which makes things hard to reach
Kiss me quick hats and  candy floss ,at the pleasure beach
The memories flood back smelling diesel on water
Hearing a cuckoo and seeing an otter
Playing cards on a nighttime with wife son and daughter
Stay within the posts, on the  Breydon water
Sail  into Norwich , it's cool and it's trendy
The last bit to Loddon , is narrow and bendy
Cruising past a pub is just against the rules
Tie up for a pint and a few games of pool
I'm sure you have gathered , I do love the broads
These foreign beach holidays are just full of frauds
The people and places are close to my heart
So roll on July, cause that's when I start!,
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