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About MauriceMynah

  • Birthday 03/11/1954

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    The Broads.

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  1. OK, we all know DISENGAGE OR SWITCH OFF ENGINE. But in fairness here we sit at our respective keyboards muttering to ourselves that this is what we would do, but we are not in that situation. Panic makes one do odd things. The helmsman reacted to the danger of crushing over the danger of the prop. Two real dangers, either of which being possibly fatal. Narrow boats and broads cruisers are a bit different in respect of weights and environments leading to different possibilities for injuries or fatalities. I'm not saying he acted correctly but I think he does not deserve the somewhat critical response he is getting. Respect to the pair of them for going so public and risking reactions such as have been shown here. I like to think that if I saw a person in the water, I'd do the right thing in the right way, but in the heat of the moment, can I be sure?
  2. Do they still do breakfasts?
  3. As we are unable to reply to BA notices, dare I bring to the mods attention that in the latest one, there is reference made to a link but it seems not to exist
  4. You've highlighted an interesting point there Dom. Water from the exhaust. I remember a post from Griff (BA) saying that the best place for the exhaust outlet was at the stern. Actually he said "proper place". On Nyx, the exhaust outlet is next to the helm seat. My contention is that this is the best place as it means I can hear the cooling water spurting out and therefore can monitor the water filter constantly. Important for a solo helm.
  5. I ask a friend of mine if he can remember when my engine was last serviced. If he can, no problem. If he can't, then it's time he did it again.
  6. This is sad, and mostly a matter of perception. It will come as no surprise to anyone, that I, personally do not sense any "anti hire" attitude from this forum, but from my own perspective can understand how someone in the hire business can. I say "from my perspective" as I feel it necessary to have a defensive attitude towards some members here and their posts regarding liveaboards. Of hire fleets, ( especially the large ones ) there are many posts regarding battery condition, quality of initial training and similar issues. This is why I asked Vaughan if he felt the larger yards were performing to the high standards he listed. His opinion is that they do, so ok, fair enough. As I said at the start of this post, it's all a matter of perception.
  7. Well, what a lovely meet. I couldn't get the Beachboys out of my head as I hummed "Good Libations". It was great to catch up with everybody again. And once again I suspect I over libated on Friday, it certainly felt like it on the Saturday. Now, back to business. Although I was generally a tad disappointed with the overall lack of patination displayed at the meet, it was delightful to see, and be treated to, a display of an instant patination installation of the shorts by courtesy of little bramble. His efforts are much to be commended.
  8. Vaughan, would you reckon that's the case in today's larger boatyards, I'm thinking of the big three.
  9. Please turn off the kettle now, the steam has reached Wroxham Island.
  10. Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits. A A Milne I have to express my gratitude to Mr. Milne for the above quote as it demonstrates wonderfully my present status. Whilst I was in thinking mode, and moored at one of my favourite spots, I looked out of the window at the BA 24hr sign "Wroxham Island" it said. "TG311 183" it added. My interest was aroused when I read "NR12 8TS". Ahh I thought, hmmm I added. Who on earth is going to send a letter or a parcel to Wroxham Island? Or, who is going to input it to their satnav. Now, if I remember to do it, while I'm moored at Salhouse for the meet, I shall put it into my Garmin that sits by the helm and see what happens. If it directs me out of the broad and tells me to turn to port, I'll be very impressed. Any bets?
  11. Do you have any "residential" moorings? Pm me if you prefer. Thank you.
  12. Where is the fish restaurant?
  13. It is the BA's responsibility to maintain the navigation. Nobody said anything about stopping anywhere.
  14. Seen worse looking pubs in Essex. Why aren't you open?
  15. Just to add, since the Mermaid's Slipper closed, I'm unaware of any really high end eatery on the northern side.
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