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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Bill please let me know how your scenario with a business is any different to the same bank lending in the form of a mortgage to an individual for a domestic property - In today's banking world. If the individual defaults the bank will repossess and sell the property for whatever they can get. If a business fails the assets are sold for what they can get with Banks and HMRCE first in the queue. Banks won't lend to business without some form of security e.g. assets and for some small businesses this can even be a charge over their domestic property. If you borrow £5,000 the bank will do a credit search on your credit worthiness in effect looking at how good a bet you are to lend to. If you have a poor record(and not for one minute am I suggesting you have) they won't loan on an unsecured basis, potentially only secured or not at all, this is exactly the same with a business. A business not doing well will struggle to get tangible cash from a bank, they may get some advice but based on risk the bank will seldom lend to a business in significant distress for the reason you outline i.e. protect their shareholders of which with a number of banks currently is UK PLC. Don't believe the rhetoric just the facts.
  2. Can't agree with you there Gav. I don't know which Bank your Lending Manager works for but maybe they are not proactive or indeed signed up to the scheme, HSBC as an example are not. We too bank with Barclay's and they have been pretty pro active with us in keeping us informed of this initiative, we are not a PLC or subsidiary. We have not taken them up on this as our current plans have no requirement, it is good to see it working in practice though. It is important not to confuse investment and cash headroom (flow); banks will seldom advance further cash headroom without security even more so when in distress, and certainly the way this was put to us by Barclay's it is very much investment based. The days of Banks taking a 'punt' on something are long gone but a properly costed, coherent business investment plan will be taken seriously. Banks are more than ever risk averse so as Clive points out if you are not in a good place a bank is unlikely to lend with or without this scheme.
  3. Leave you in charge of the weather then Gav
  4. Well done on the investment Clive and interesting to hear that the NLGS is actually real and working. We hear so many announcements by government (whichever persuasion) allegedly to assist businesses which we all seldom see trickle down, so good to see this one benefiting you.
  5. I am sure you will be fine in Holland Wayne. Might see you down there then Ian
  6. If you are perhaps considering this but wonder what the new features are there are some video's in the link attached. http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/photos ... l_new.html
  7. With the Red Diesel issue just wondered what the plans were for those taking to the salt this year. As Belgium is out I think we will be exploring further The Blackwater & Crouch this year.
  8. Good to get back on our ship now the work has been done and she is back in the water. The merest mention of the drought word and someone at Shotley did a rain dance - it persisted down from just after 9.00am Saturday until 3.30am on Sunday, that will help a bit! Saturday I was up reasonably early and as the marina was deserted set to work with the pressure washer getting rid of the winter coat I was soaked anyway so when the rain started it really mattered not. Saturday night saw us relagated to the Bristol Arms as local Yacht Club had taken over The Shipwreck for their 'fitting up' supper. Mind you judging from the number of cars parked outside when we returned from The Bristol there would have been a fair few 'weak Lemon' drinks, certainly nothing like the Shotley Point Club Sunday morning saw us out to test Kiki's new prop thanks to the crew of Kingfisher for assisting. David kept his eye on the shaft seal as we ran her up to full revs (I had run her up in gear on tick over in the marina yesterday). I am pleased to report that she was smooth through the rev range and gave quite a kick when the turbo cut in, she is back to her old self. Hats of to Clement Marine who specified perfectly the Prop it is bang on what she needed
  9. Press Release From what I can see there has been a narrowing of the channel but there appears no problem with access
  10. Last episode tonight. Shotley got quite a cameo and the footage of Tim getting lost up the Medway. You can watch it again shortly http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... st_Splash/
  11. . No head shaking from me Mark. If they work OK and they do for you, I am sure Jim will be interested. I only have experience with Weavers
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oSN9NolzjU&feature=related
  13. Posted from the big boys site. Chloe Smith the MP that signed off the Impact Assessment of HMRCE 's statement' has replied to questions with the following statement: I think what was said weeks ago still holds true that in some ways nothing has changed except HMRCE statement really says to other member states abroad on our behalf "Open your wallet and let me help myself"
  14. I too would recommend Weavers Jim ours have caused us no issues and allowed easy use of the tender rather than the clat of pumping it up each time you want to use it or storing the inflated tender on the coach roof I can't add much to David's post except in the down position and attached to your ship they help make the tender a great emergency Fender when moored up Ours have been bounced about in all sorts of seas and touch wood we have not had an issue. More info http://www.installation.snapdavit.co.uk/
  15. Good to hear the Seago is in service still and now with an engine. It will give you more scope to explore places you might not want to take your ship or avod the fray of busy moorings by dropping the mudweight and taking your tender ashore. The AG does seem to do a fair job of a final seal on a polished ship. All went as well as these things can Jim; time to move on and get back to normal; weekends will now be fully boaty
  16. Sadly on the best boating weekend this year we were not at our ship. I was laying my father properly to rest god bless him; very moving and in the place he wanted to be. Good to see our 'neighbours' blowing the cobwebs from their engine KF2.doc KF1.doc
  17. Yes there was still plenty of depth but it will be interesting to see what this year reveals. Hamford has always been our first choice. Perhaps I should offer to map it
  18. Yes there was still plenty of depth but it will be interesting to see what this year reveals. Hamford has always been our first choice.
  19. I hope so too it is a great place for visiting boats.
  20. Might be interesting this year! Better go and have a look From another place There was a huge shift last year meaning you had to be between the can and the beach the width at this point was not enough for two boats to pass at anything other than HW and even then it was tight. I have heard of running along the beach but you literally were within 20 yards.
  21. Thanks Strowy; I am sure others will find this useful.
  22. Hi John Sorry I missed your post. This is a sealer so if your paintwork is not polished it both won't look so good and be harder to buff off but will still protect. AG say Ignore the bit about super resin Polish any high quality polish will do the job it clearly does not have to be AG.
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