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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. We enjoyed our time on the Broads (except the PB's) but it was time to reacquaint myself with my formative years of boating and get back salt side. One of the key things for me was the 'clat' getting out to sea from the Broads you could have experienced a whole years weather by the time you exited the Pier Heads or by the time you got their found the weather was not good enough for your passage. Therefore I really wanted to be berthed where I had 24hr access to the sea at a 'drop of a hat' for me this is the biggest bonus. The fact we are berthed in a modern state of the art marina which is extremely friendly is a real plus. 'Real' Yotties don't have the same hang ups and overblown sense of there own perceived superiority you find on the Broads, some of the nicest folks in our marina are from the dark side I really don't see any downsides sure your anodes may disappear quicker and you will almost certainly need a lift and anti foul most years due to growth but I don't see this as a problem. I guess some would see the higher cost of keeping a boat salt side but I believe all things considered we get good value; its not cheap but it is value. I am sure you will enjoy your time Jonathan and with a young family the facilities of Tollesbury are good even if access is a bit more limited. Not sure if Ellen MaCarthuer is still berthed there or not but if so you can get a tip or two for the PB's
  2. If Boris gets his way http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/ ... airport.do http://www.kentonline.co.uk/kentonline/ ... sland.aspx
  3. Yes I know Ian but I thought you had a tale of your own
  4. If it were not for the Dolphins I would have thought that was the chappie that lives on the ship next to us! He is very fond of sitting on the swim platform looking at the Mullet although I don't think he would be nuzzling them, more like have them for tea
  5. I would pay to see that go through Horning around 10.30 on a summer Sunday morning
  6. That is a great find Carol. You can almost feel simpler times exuding from the film as you watch it - sigh! One question were Bobble hats the equivalent of their day
  7. Latest news reports saying: Alternative view - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16607837
  8. More information http://www.dpreview.com/news/2012/01/16/lr4interview
  9. The reason for the course deviation has been revealed by the CEO not any kit failure but a deliberate change of course to go nearer to an Island. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16576979 I am sure more will come out as time goes on but as is often the case this looks like human error.
  10. Twins give you the ability to steer with the engines Ian, at low speed this will come into its own for you.
  11. The more I am reading and seeing about this camera the more I can see this being my ideal go anywhere camera http://cpn.canon-europe.com/content/edu ... _knight.do My requirements are for pocketable P&S with the ability of an SLR. Some will argue that systems incorporating interchangeable lenses give more opportunities e.g. Olympus PEN etc but surely that is what an SLR is for? The sensor size is a significant potential advantage in image quality with much better IQ than standard P&S. http://cpn.canon-europe.com/content/edu ... plained.do I will keep watching this a while longer until it hits the market and sharing of images show what it can do in the hands of normal folk.
  12. Bill, Perhaps in hindsight I should have substituted 'slanging' instead of 'insults' so accept my apologies for that. However capital letters on a forum denote shouting and this coupled with some of your terms of phrase at times give the impression of a very aggressive response. We are all entitled to an opinion free speech within the TOS; this is all fine but we pride ourselves on being a measured and friendly forum so lets draw a line under things and start again.
  13. A business is a business run to make a profit; yes it is really without profit businesses won't be there tomorrow. As individuals we have 'customer choice' we might not like some of the decisions businesses that supply us make or do and can vote with our feet. I don't feel that hurling insults does anything to add to any argument make your point but don't let it descend into insults - this forum is better than that. By all means have your opinions but accept the business owner is entitled to his. He is best placed to know how and what is best for his business despite what some may think; its his cash he is putting into it and his right to do as he sees fit, and he is allowed to change his mind surely?
  14. The other thing I found is that they have dropped support for XP which my photo editing machine runs - Upgrade due I suppose I have run it on my other machine and imported test raw images. I do like the highlight and shadow recovery.
  15. Thanks for that Bruce I will download and have a 'play'.
  16. Just launched. Is this the ultimate P&S? Very early days but will be interesting to see some real samples and reviews. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/indepth/can ... rshot-g1-x
  17. I don't have 'fuel issues' as I already have my own thoughts and decisions, but was responding to those that had asked in connection with a possible trip which might encompass these issues. I will leave it with you.
  18. Ian the reply is from one of our berth holders who decided to ask the Douane the question we are all wondering. As I have said before we went to Belgium two years ago and were ignored by customs but the thought of a fine at over 4 euro a litre based on the tank size (500 litres in our case) is enough to dampen my enthusiasm; much as I love Belgium. The Dutch examples (from memory) were Yotties carrying spare cans of Red more i.e. carrying spare fuel in addition to their tanks. Having these strapped on to the upper works would be a Red rag one would think. The letter from the Douane states "We have required information from the Dutch Customs about their policy concerning red diesel and received the following information from them" so the Douane have consulted and got the response "You can fill up your tanks with red diesel, but not take more fuel with you then the amount of your tanks. You have to be able to show the receipt, which can’t be older than 1 year old. On the receipt should be written that “the difference in tax between white and red diesel is paid by the UK Government (the 60/40 notice)â€. According to the Dutch Customs this should be on the receipt automatically." I would suggest if you are considering a trip you write and gain your own response to satisfy yourself and know what you need to adhere to.
  19. Official lines seem somewhat different; although of course 'on the ground' can be different again Belgium Dutch
  20. Hardly surprising! http://www.pbo.co.uk/news/530532/rya-su ... cht-owners
  21. http://www.yachtingmonthly.com/news/530 ... 0-forecast Footage from the RNLI http://www.rnli.org.uk/who_we_are/press ... ng=Rescues You decide I have replaced the name of the company with 'The Sailing School'.
  22. I have seen a few of this series over the last year and although no geek I have found its easy way quite interesting. The one that stopped at Downham Market was an eye opener as they have a fully fledged pub, library and reading room! http://1pumplane.wordpress.com/2009/08/ ... t-norfolk/
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