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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Not doing a bit of trolling are you Ponky? Cats are generally clean which is why they use your garden rather than their own Cat Pepper, Citrus Friut Peel, etc or get a cat of your own and return the favour to your neighbours. I think a little more friendly than your suggestion.
  2. Well they made it to Limehouse which completes the circumnavigation. I have not seen when the next series is but presumably as they have made the Moray Firth the next one will complete the trip.
  3. According to reports it had been a difficult 24 hours and was dark. He got confused where he was even when given a bearing to steer by the CG. Sheerness ILB were training and I think fancied a run out so guided him back to Queenborough. The are a lot of lights from Grain but even so the channel is pretty well lit even the dog leg to starboard before Stangate. I guess one of the things that keep us watching is (whether contrived or not) that we feel they are human and make mistakes. Anyway due into Limehouse around 1500 today.
  4. Bank Holiday weekend and we had plans of a myriad of options. As we got closer to the weekend the options with the weather reduced and our first choice Woodbridge informed us they were full. Looked like our good old fall back Ipswich. Arrived on Friday evening which tends to be a bit of a club informal evening in the Shipwreck for a pint and a catch up. We were just thinking about returning to our ships when in walked G&A; nice to meet you guys you were clearly on the late shift. Off 8.00am to Ipswich where Andy got us shoe horned in although they were technically full; they like to challenge both of us each time we go to tighter moorings or to create moorings that are not there; luckily we have not failed yet The weather was mixed but Ipswich does offer a bit to do for everyone. The ladies went up to town while we serviced Kingfisher. I managed with a clumsy elbow to deposit about 1.5 litres of clean oil into Kingfishers bilge - still everything is nicely lubricated Had a trip to the pictures and a meal in Chimichanga which was very good if you are looking for a reasonable eatery near the marina http://www.chimichanga.co.uk/locations/ipswich/ The wind was a feature of the weekend and you can certainly tell we are nearing the 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' as the mornings and evenings are cooling down. I am sure Kiki has an RNLI sign down the side...... after rescuing a yacht last year today as coming up to the Orwell Bridge we come up to a yacht which has the lady on said yacht shouting they are on fire. We make an about turn and call said yacht and get no reply but note the skipper is deploying the anchor in the channel and has calmed his other half down. She shouts something about sparks coming out of the engine? but we establish they are not on fire and not in any immediate danger. The skipper calls up Volunteer and in a couple of minutes the RIB is haring down to them ready to tow them into Ipswich - alls well that ends well. I very good weekend and although we have not been far the area allows you to get out and turn the engine over even when the weather is less than ideal.
  5. Entertaining series I agree. Seems like he did end up in Stangate was it foggy http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... ds-newsxml
  6. Herewith map http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ll= ... 6&t=h&z=12 Enter Medway via Sheerness & Grain first to port is the Swale head down here and you will pop out heading towards Herne Bay and Whitstable second to port is Stangate. As you can see heading upriver to Chatham is not that difficult so who knows where they were. I suspect this episode will also have a bit about the Richard Montgomery just to add a bit of drama.
  7. I also suspect some reporting innacurracy. Sheerness is at the mouth of the Medway proper so it is not possible to be going up it the wrong way entering from the Thames Estuary. Sounds as if they were heading up the Medway and turned to port entering Stangate which is after a bit a dead end.
  8. Try again! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-14670050
  9. Oh dear RNLI to the rescue. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-ke ... ter=264195 I know that area like the back oft hand it is not that difficult. The difference between Stangate and the Medway proper is not difficult to differentiate so not sure what went on. On a nice evening Stangate is a great place to drop the hook.
  10. It is a Canon G11 Gav. Thread here: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/phpBB3/ ... g11#p87970 I have a couple of SLR's including a Canon 1D Mk111 but I have to be honest and say these days 90% of what I take are with the G11. I wanted a Point & Squirt that was robust (and it is with a metal body) had the same functionality as an SLR i.e AV/TV and manual for a bit more creativity. I am very please with it and while when I bought it it was a bit more expensive than a normal P&S but for me it has been worth it, I guess it comes down to what functionality you need. A G12 was launched but the consensus was it was not a big improvement.
  11. I agree the Blackwater Motor Boats had a really good hull shape. I recall them telling us that the flybridge was a custom build for a customer and cost a fortune to do. Look forward to seeing what comes out of this one Clive.
  12. I am sure you would get on well with Jim of this manor looking at your tag line memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=72
  13. I can't say I have seen that report either; please be careful the EDP is hardly known for its level of accurate journalism. The RNLI has spent a fair bit of money encouraging folks to wear Life Jackets but just have a look at the number of sea going boats/Yachts that have persons not wearing them. Unless someone is going to make it compulsory it will be down to personal choice - I say what price life but others clearly don't have the same value on theirs or their children's.
  14. Faceache - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=1 ... 196&v=wall Twatter - https://twitter.com/#!/pastafa Blog - http://www.spallsatsea.com/ I think this current run was in the can some while back so presume the East Coast will feature on the next run.
  15. They were only there a few hours but plenty of evidence of a camera team on board. He got pretty close to the starboard lock gate
  16. Perhaps just called in for a bath and some fuel. Now on the Fuel Pontoon If you want to follow it http://www.shotleymarina.co.uk/about-3/live-webcam/
  17. If I am not mistaken it looks like the Princess Matilda has made Shotley. I hope they did not damage the lock coming in
  18. Thanks Bing Bong (or should we call you Avon ) I like where possible to put a few snaps with my posts when I can, to brighten things up a bit. What I did not add was that when we were moored at Dutch Tea Gardens we heard a Bittern from 0500 until 0730, he was really doing a fair shift.
  19. Good stuff Mark. Good to hear you had a good time and got a few more 'Salty Miles' under your belt. You can probably see why we like being where we are
  20. 24 Hour clock engaged..... Part two 20.30 BBC4 tonight
  21. Thanks for sharing those Wayne. Always good to know where other folks get to on their holidays.
  22. Ponkylav the "voice of reason" What is the world coming to +1 from me to Mark's comments too.
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