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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Verdict was excellent Clive. Massive amount of diverse area's to go at; possibly a bit daunting for the first timer but enough of a challenge for those who are experienced hirers. The shore side facilities are stunning I suspect in part due to EU grants but unspoilt public moorings in superb locations many with facilities that would put UK marina's to shame. Certainly an area I would recommend; no guarantees on the weather though Most hirers we came across were German, Swiss or Austrian so I can only think it is some very targeted marketing or the fact they just have a penchant for the Black stuff
  2. Yes Clive complete with lovely Green Baler Twine warps No centre cleat so improved Springs.....
  3. Yes Ian but only on the grounds of research you understand. In fact I was not going to do it but then saw this sign
  4. Not Broads based but Hire boating so I guess this fits here! For some while the crews of Kingfisher and Kiki have been mulling the idea of taking our ships to Ireland for a season but thought it might be prudent to have a little recce first. Therefore we found ourselves on a Hire Boat exploring the Shannon and Loughs This cruising area is about as far removed from the Broads as one could imagine. It has the combination of River Cruising for those that want something a bit more gentle (unless the Shannon is in flood) or exploring the massive Loughs of Derg and Ree which are virtual inland seas. Lough Derg is 7.5 miles at its widest point and 22 miles long and has the ability in strong winds to cut up with that fetch. Plenty to keep the interest up with Locks to transit and some nav on the Loughs. I thought it a rich and varied cruising area with public facilities we can only dream of on the broads, we covered around 170km and had but three hours from Killaoe to exit to the coast at Limerick had we been allowed That would entail getting through the Ardnacrusha Lock....... http://irishwaterwayshistory.com/about/ ... dnacrusha/ We had some excellent advice of stops and pubs/restaurants to visit from a local who posts on the MBM so thanks Ocean Froggie Anyway a few snaps I have never seen another Viki in the UK on our travels but saw three in Ireland - common as muck! Not sure about the canopy A few scratches on this one but maybe the one in the you Tube link below I'm sure Jonny will let us know.... Carrick Quayside For the Broads AA's 5kmh limit Friendly Though It was very quiet with relatively few boats around but on Lough Ree we saw three at once! Ye Olde Port Hand Markers Ireland seems very popular with German boaters - We got our towels on the deck chair first exiting this lock Irish Equivalent of Broads Red Stakes Heard of Singing in The Rain but................ To trim or not to trim that is the question Ireland's Hire boats are generally 'proper' ships like this All fitted with proper 'hand brakes' We found the people very friendly but there is the odd reminder of the past Athlone Public Marina Leaving Athlone St O'Benets 'Customs' Check "I could get used to a Flybridge" Especially when the downstairs Helm does this Even with major work their bridges still swing on time Bridge Waiting Pontoons Public Moorings Lough Derg Heading Home
  5. Thanks for following this through Clive it would have been easy to be too busy to keep it updated but a fascinating thread - conception to birth.
  6. I could not agree more Clive. We should shortly open a forum section called 'Doom & Gloom on The Broads' and consign these things there The old saying about one swallow not making a summer springs to mind...... Much of what has been written is anecdotal and the percentage of 'incidents' v's the number of boats hired per season is minuscule. Some here would want a return prohibition just because of a few drunken louts in town centres on a Saturday night. Lets get back to Boating and the Broads...... its much more interesting
  7. As has been said a very tidy installation you should be rightly proud of that; and some shiny bits to boot
  8. I think it depends how you use your ship. Generally Broads based with odd sea foray Petrol is viable. For serious sea work I would not consider Petrol due to range (particularly if forced to displacement speed) and the sheer hassle of finding the stuff. We are all different but but my boating would have the edge taken off it if I constantly had the hassle of where to tank up and how to transport it.
  9. This one is running on the other side too http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?t=274579
  10. On a similar vein I posted this the other week viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10447&p=126207&hilit=seacocks#p126207
  11. What on earth has it do do with them The house is set way back from any water all it has is land that runs down to the Broad. So a hotel is fine but a private house really is not according to the BA - go figure
  12. pks1702


    Don't have an iphone so can't offer a direct solution.............. As a work around can you not upload to an online host e.g. Flickr, Photobucket and copy the link and paste that into the forum post which will allow the photo to display? Not a direct upload but I would have thought a workable option
  13. Glad you saw them Ian. Always surprised me at how noisy they are. If you are quiet there is little doubt when they are around.
  14. Wish you every success Bruce; hope things go well for you.
  15. Well that is a result and worth the perseverance - beer vouchers saved!
  16. Yes a proper hire boat and very reminiscent of a Princess 30DS - and that really is no bad thing.
  17. Sound like a good time was had by all who attended.
  18. I concur with that Ian. It is a known sales ploy to put products such as this under offer in an effort to get someone who perhaps has been hanging their nose over a particular boat (in this case) to make the move before they miss out. Many of the craft for sale on the site mentioned have been there ages.
  19. pks1702


    And a near miss
  20. pks1702


    Recently a boat sank in Portsmouth the owners comment:
  21. pks1702


    Interesting piece from YBW site
  22. Ah Andy Seedhouse Strowy. Many of the 'old school' yotties down our end go misty eyed at their name many bought their first craft from there and can't resit a poke around
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