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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Ouch that is certainly expensive even by VP standards. At least you will have piece of mind that they fit and are correctly specified.
  2. And you think we had Snow Amazing time lapse sequence http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeblackp ... 300468512/
  3. viewtopic.php?f=37&t=8511&hilit=thames
  4. Reviews & Options http://www.digitalrev.com/en/panasonic- ... ticle.html Different camera same result..........http://www.digitalrev.com/en/panasonic- ... ticle.html http://www.digitalrev.com/en/sony-nex-5 ... rison.html http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canong11/
  5. pks1702

    Hi All

    Belated welcome Heather Please tell Ian we are looking forward to the link for the video's
  6. http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/11/ ... lumix-gf2/ I looked at this type of product and the Olympus PEN for just the same reasons Brian. While my 1DMK111 is a great camera, for 'snaps' it was too bulky meaning if I carried just that I would miss many shots. The issue I had with the Lumix and PEN is to really do them justice you need a number of lenses and that would see me carting lenses around defeating the P&S/pocket principle. I plumped for Canon's G11 which can be used as a P&S but also allows SLR type creativity with a variable zoom lens. It is a robust beast but still perfectly pocketable I posted a thread on it a bit ago viewtopic.php?f=106&t=7441&p=87970&hilit=g11#p87970 The G11 can be had for around the £315 mark and the G12 £349
  7. Make Smoke.............. bomb proof though
  8. Try this Baz http://www.volvo.com/NR/rdonlyres/604D6 ... 981_en.pdf
  9. As David has alluded Kiki has a Yanmar it is a 4LHA STP 240HP. http://www.quantumboats.com/downloads/4LHA-INBOARD.pdf This are reputed to be amongst Yanmar's best engines quiet, economic and reliable a Google search will come up with plenty of information. I would not describe this engine as sounding like a London Taxi but then if you are used to Petrol I am pretty sure the engine is based on a Toyota block as per fitted to the Land Cruiser; the 6BY is based on BMW and there have been some issues with this one. Ours has almost 400 hours on and has never had any issue (touching wood as I write this). They are relatively easy to work on as they are not fly by wire, parts are readily available. If you are interested I have a full workshop manual in PDF form if you want to look in more detail - PM me if you need it
  10. A pretty dull misty damp weekend but a run out to Walton to blow a few Spiders out of the exhausts and test the mechanical systems. Flat calm until we came out of the shelter of Languard when a NE not much was creating a bit of chop. I never cease to be amazed on the East Coast at the difference wind direction makes; North or East not much is always cuts things up more than SW-NW quite a lot. Musical berths were occurring with an MSC no sooner clearing its berth than this pretty battered Maersk getting ready to berth. Battered Slow Down
  11. Nice site James. I must say I like the design of Platinum Emblem as hire boats go; I\'m just not convinced about the position of the Track Vision it looks as if it would interfere with forward vision from the photos.
  12. I am with a check of the seal on the Racor Primary. I had a Separ Primary that was a real pain to get a good seal based on the design and had an occasion where air ingress did what you describe Baz eventually causing the engine to stop. Fortunately this was just running in the marina. I changed to a Racor style but can imagine if the seal is not good this could be a cause. I think as David has alluded I would try checking the simple things first before digging deeper.
  13. This thread from another place shows Diesel Bug quite nicely. http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196555 It does not sound as if you have this Baz.
  14. Good to see you are out and about with your camera again.
  15. It was Shotley's 'Laying Out' supper on Saturday night. As I understand it this is a quaint old tradition practised by Yotties who put their ships into hibernation until April; cant understand it myself As it was likely to be a heavy night the thought of taking our ship back to Shotley with a potentially pounding head meant that I was persuaded to stay at the Salthouse; oh it took some persuading SWMBO checks out the view from a different direction to that we normally see in Ipswich That view with one of those awfully common boats going past Merlyn & Lorraine look to have found an easier berth Yotties sandwiched between motor boaters While many yachts are put to sleep on the Orwell more sea room is available for those that do not sleep
  16. Nice shots Jonathan. Were those two Ribs racing Rod's Taxi
  17. pks1702


    Any help Wayne See 3.2 [report] Navigation Tolls 2006-07-The Priorities for Additional Expenditure and Strategy for the next 5 years 300905.doc
  18. Looks like not before time, a spruce up is planned. http://www.eadt.co.uk/news/harbour_reva ... t_1_678484
  19. Very impressive Dave. If I did not know you had an Observatory I would have sworn that would have been taken in the Horning Triangle
  20. pks1702


    It will be a sure fire way to stop visitors coming to the Broads by boats from outside the area if introduced. On that basis I suggest the next salty bottom meet is the other side of Mutford for the benefit of the Ipswich/Shotley contingent. Beer Vouchers in lieu of an annual toll would be some night out
  21. No need to worry about those bridges then That really does has a proper keel Clive. As a hard top it has a hint of a S... S.... oh I can't seem to say it S.......... S....... Sea*ine
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