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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Accidental or not it is about as good a control as you could have given the above and that my anodes are also MG Duff. Be interesting to see the difference when they are hauled out.
  2. They certainly fizz in Shotley. I have been called a lot of things but never a control Guinea Pig
  3. Very nice Col. I'd say Pongy was right on the Mackerel Sky and the following day was certainly moist and windy.
  4. Forecast was for a pretty grim weekend but as it happened Saturday was a real surprise early on, so a run up to Ipswich given the forecast for later Saturday and particularly Sunday was the plan. The real beauty about this area is within reason you can always get a run out somewhere, as dependent on wind direction there is always a relatively sheltered run. Guests on Thistle enjoying their day out The skipper of Kingfisher was testing his newly fitted VP engine information system I am sure it will make coffee as well On the way through the lock we saw Merlyn & Lorraine taking their ship for a run out; happy I am sure not to be constrained by non opening bridges. Evening saw some gastronomic fish delights - just for Gavin The Bass was definitely line caught! Overnight the wind had as forecast increased and saw us heading back to Shotley in a Southerly 7 Someone's ship was back from its run and nicely tucked up Wind over tide around the Stour/Orwell confluence was 'interesting' when combined with wind over tide. Plenty of yachts were broaching in the higher gusts as the exited the relative calm of the Orwell into Harwich Harbour proper. Good to be getting the use out of the ship even on a inclement weekend
  5. Ask the American Ryder Cup team what waterproofs they recommend
  6. Orford Overfalls don't you just love them Nice video Chris I am impressed ho still you kept the camera over those 'rumble strips'
  7. 100 times reduction in Sulphur content is a big reduction for sure. If you don't use a lot of fuel then it is probably worthwhile carrying just what you need for 3 -4 months. Messrs Webo & Eber as you say will benefit from the Sulphur reduction.
  8. Thanks Pongy I will take that as a compliment Tubular Bells to your taste
  9. I took some 'Movie' footage on the G11 and due to its ability in this area (not great) and the low light it is pretty grainy. There are some fairly spectacular bolts if you persevere; taken over about an hour duration. The Lightning was in just this cloud it was quite surreal.
  10. Quick Draw McGraw eh Truth is I had to improvise by balancing the camera on a Balcony wall and using long exposures and zoomed in
  11. Thanks both. No jiggery pokery other than to crop the clutter (buildings etc in the foreground) I did take some 'video' on the camera and will see if I can post this up although it is a bit grainy. This started at 6.00am and went on until circa 0715 hence the different lights. Jonny the camera is my p&s
  12. I managed to grab a couple of these last week from a very obliging Anvil Cumulonimbus doing its stuff. Unfortunately only had my G11 with me and conditions really needed an SLR but you have to use what you have...........
  13. I admit I know nothing about the installation of the BMC it is common practise for boat engines to have a solenoid valve that closes and interrupts the fuel supply when it is energised thereby stopping the engine. I have problem with Kiki's which is on my winter 'to do' list. We can tootle happily and moor and the engine stop button works perfectly, run hard and try to turn off and Mr Delmonte say no. In these cases I have to resort to a long 'stick' to poke in the engine and stop it Check and see if you have a Solenoid Dave
  14. I think this is the guy Merlyn mentioned above.
  15. Glad you had an enjoyable trip down. Hope you enjoy your new home
  16. Evidently fishing its head off at the moment, especially for Roach. A recent 50 peg match was won with over 48lb's of Roach with only two of the 50 weighing in less than 10lb While the Wensum is a pale shadow of its former self the Yare appears to be in rude health. I think the term is 'dip your bread' while you can.
  17. http://www.dalenelson.co.uk/classic-45/press-report.asp http://www.dalenelson.co.uk/classic-45/video.asp
  18. They certainly do Clive. Have you a 'secret' project on the go
  19. Always worried me Barry - more so now
  20. A better weekend forecast although our foe on this coast Mr Easterly was forecast to be around on Sunday. We had a run around to Titchmarsh moored up and in the afternoon had a run in the tenders. Unfortunately the tides were early mornings/evenings which meant that there was not enough water to get around the back way to Hamford Water. Plenty of big skies and fresh air though which gave us an appetite for dinner. Wonder where these will be built now C&J Broom are no more Hamilton Drives - Great for Ditch Crawling 'Tit Marsh' as the locals call it We thought about going to Walton & Frinton YC for dinner but as our Yacht club are going there next week we decided to dinner at Titchmarsh. It was acceptable but the Romford Navy was very much in evidence Big Skies Getting quieter as summer draws to a close Handy Where is the drool emoticon.... Dale Nelson 45 Classic all 750k's worth Left Titchmarsh on the HW this morning (Neaps) as we passed Stone Point what we half expected materialised and proved why an Easterly not that much is the worst weather direction for East Coast boating there is. A 3-4 blowing for the last 12 hours gave a good beam sea all the way out of the channel towards Pye End; much Red Wine would have been spilt if not rigged for sea Only 12 feet under you and an Easterly breeze soon wakes you from a slumber............... As we anticipated as soon as we hit deeper water after crossing the Pye End 'plain' everything flattened off.
  21. It's a while since I updated this Given the grim forecast over Bank Holiday we aborted a run up to the Broads and settled on that old all weather standby Ipswich. The weekend was made better by a great Sunday lunch at the Salt House http://www.salthouseharbour.co.uk/eaterie/sample-menus Merlyn & Lorraine popped around to see us as they were down to sort out their mooring at Neptune - Guys you will be spoilt on the food front - look forward to catching up soon. The run back to Shotley was interesting with a lock escapade - see here: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=9263&p=112165&hilit=lock#p112165
  22. Jim, I don't know about you but I'm dizzy.... its like the hokey cokey
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