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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. pks1702


    See if this helps The exam is tomorrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN2RM5wa1ek&feature=related
  2. Yes it is sad but fish die from a myriad of causes, old age, disease, poor angler handling etc. As an angler myself it is one of the most sad sights to see prime specimens dead; but fish do die. Sometimes the poor handling of Pike of this size by inexperienced anglers is the key culprit although clearly this is not know at this time. I am sure the EA will look into it and attempt to establish the cause meantime as the PAC bod says - be careful with them.
  3. http://www.eastcoastpilot.com/Lowestoft ... Vessel.pdf
  4. No not on the Broads......... Plenty of depth for the salties if they call in http://apps.hha.co.uk/library/files/f22 ... ed5aa7.PDF I only have 6ft under me at worst
  5. May I suggest as the sun goes down sit back with a glass of something and a listen to..................................
  6. Mmm the track seems a bit erratic http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/defaul ... 15:27%20PM
  7. That is some keel Clive, directional stability should be superb particularly going astern.
  8. Super shot Paul, good to see the old girl 'dressed' up. Sorry to hear you are selling her; it is certainly a unmistakable ship.
  9. pks1702

    Any Excuse

    I really don't know why Deben Inns did not use that name....................................
  10. We clock up circa 12,000 a year to our ship which rather puts fuelling the boat as a relatively insignificant part of ownership when compared to the cost of getting there!
  11. http://www.rnli.org.uk/sosday2011/ Best of luck guys hope plenty is raised
  12. Those transiting between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft might like to take note of these changes http://www.ryaeast.org/new_site/documen ... rmouth.pdf
  13. I'm with Rod on the Webo scenario. While boats run OK on Red Webo's and the like don't have much of a liking so I see this as a triple benifit. 1) No bio so much less chance of the Bug 2) Significant reduction in coking of Webo's etc 3) Less smoke (not that that is an issue to us) but maybe the Fairline Turbo and Princess across from us won't do such a good impression of a London Smog on starting
  14. Well done W44nty thanks for posting. Precisely my thoughts Ian............. How Refeshing; how NBN
  15. Very sorry to hear you news Andy I hope the damage is not too bad and easily solvable. I noticed the starboard Bilge Pump operating regularly on a boat across from us earlier in the year. As it was a member of our yacht club I was able to contact him. He had the yard look at it immediately to find the stuffing on one of the props virtually shot it was lifted straight away. It is what you hope any fellow boat owner would do for you. Best of luck
  16. Very disappointing I had a 'special Birthday' there last year and was very impressed with the place.
  17. A great comparison Strowager for anyone considering the two options
  18. Navionics Version viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7973&p=95619&hilit=navionics#p95619
  19. Nice graphics Strowager. I have not used C Map cards as our sip is fitted with Raymarine (Navionics) What is Burgh Castle Marina doing off the starboard arm of the Outer Harbour?
  20. I think you mean Neil; Jonny. I suspect whatever Neil's private thoughts are he could do no other than recommend genuine VP Parts.
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