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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. What great write up you guys Photo's as ever add to the tale of your holiday. Never mind the Broads Tourist Board and BA spending thousands on schemes to attract visitors - just use this.
  2. I can't imagine any way that I would catch that but it is a good point Pongy well made
  3. Yes that is true. I hasten to add this is not a trick question but I doubt many would guess the what happened next. As the skipper was gesticulating at the bow of his boat (Sealine S27) to come alongside we duly did and had fenders in place and glided gently next to them. Skippers significant other was at the stern and SWMBO passed our stern line for her to put around their stern cleat and pass back to us (which is always the etiquette I was taught, rather than tying onto their ship) which I was then waiting for while SWMBO goes off up to the bow. Skippers other half refuses to put the line around the cleat by which time the stern of our ship is starting to drift away and forward with the strong wind toward the next boat in the raft' necessitating me to dash back to the helm and put some astern on getting us back to our original position. I lean across and do a Twizzle impression and lasso the cleat. As the line is still a little slack due to me leaning out the wind is pushing the boat forward again - another dash to the helm some astern dash back and tighten the rope. I should add that all through this exercise she is furiously shouting "this is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous" and to the skipper "have they crashed into our boat' is it damaged"....She was definitely a women though as she could multi task - well eat a Cheese sandwich and shout at the same time I should add the skipper was a perfect gentlemen and could not have been more help. He just raised his eyebrows and said "don't worry everything is fine" to SWMBO. But she was not done yet oh no; as the lock gates opened she disappeared to get a boat hook and said to her teenage son (I assume) "push them off with that' there" she said pointing to our Blue hull. They both got one of my blackest looks and I told them that I wouldn't if I were them. Lock opens we retrieve our lines this time use a bit of opposite rudder and thruster and come off them sideways, SWMBO thanks the skipper who says "you are welcome". Boy do I pity him; she must be just about the most miserable person I have come across in a long time. Our consolation heading back to Shotley was that the skipper said they were heading back to Brightinglsea; given the sea conditions I reckon that Cheese Sandwich might have fed the Seagulls on the way down The Wallet
  4. Don't forget to vote for Sandersons will you
  5. Oh dear a rather sweeping statement and very much at odds with most evidence we see from other users here. I am sure you will have discussed your alleged dissatisfaction with the company at the time to allow them to be aware and act accordingly. A bit like going to Paris and saying you don't like French people
  6. MCA update http://www.mcga.gov.uk/c4mca/mcga07-hom ... m=8&y=2010
  7. So here is a situation. You ask for and are given permission by VHF courtesy of the Lock Keeper to enter a lock. As you near the lock it is clear the floating pontoon is full so you may have to moor on the wall opposite. As you start to enter the lock the Lock Keeper gives instructions for you to go to the front of the lock and raft up. As you go down the lock a skipper of a vessel towards the front of the lock is motioning you to come alongside. The wind is very strong from astern. What now skip?
  8. In the words of Shaw Taylor.............. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-11130938 Pots and this
  9. Just launched http://www.dpreview.com/news/1008/10082 ... eos60d.asp
  10. Dylan Interview http://www.saltyjohn.co.uk/resources/Dylan.pdf
  11. IPS on a Hire Boat.... that will get the AA's & PB's revved up - definitely not 'traditional'
  12. Clearance will depend on how much rain we have had and general weather and atmospheric conditions. This is a useful link http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk/home/bridges.asp
  13. Where is the drool emoticon... Fine entry cutting through the chop and flatter aft section giving lift - classic SD
  14. Found it. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=my71 ... ls&f=false
  15. The Fairline Turbo is pretty well regarded as a decent sea boat Baz there is a fine line between what constitutes planing and what a semi D in many cases. Basic definitions are: I am a semi D man our ship is over 7 tonnes unladen and would do 18-20 knots from its single engine when new but this top end has come down with assorted junk accumulated. We cruise at circa 14 knots with reasonably fuel economy. Ours has a deep V front section and a dead rise of around 18 degrees allowing 'planing' at higher speeds. Mind you I did have to put my trim tabs down at 8 knots ish down when transiting the Oostende to Niewpoort canal to get the nose down We dis have a lock to catch The beauty of a Semi D is that you can keep making decent progress without slamming even when it cuts up a bit, oh and ours surfs quite well in a decent following sea amazing to see the log increase by 4 knots or so
  16. Sorry to hear your trip has been canceled Paul, been there worn the T shirt but lived to go another day, so prudence is never far away - poor girl It certainly has been odd weather this last month, there have been times when we thought the forecast must be wrong only to find two hours later it was blowing a hooley and our decision was vindicated. Fingers crossed for you for Ijmuiden
  17. This really has been about as windy an August as I can recall virtually the whole of the month has suffered from strong winds I reckon you will have to sit tight a couple of days at least Paul. Gibraltar Point to North Foreland Issued by the Met Office at 0400 UTC on Monday 23 August 2010 24 hour forecast: Wind - Cyclonic 4 or 5 at first in north otherwise westerly or southwesterly 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9 in south, decreasing 3 or 4 for a time in north. Sea State - Mainly moderate. Weather - Rain then squally showers. Visibility - Moderate or poor becoming mainly good. Outlook for the following 24 hours: Wind - Westerly or southwesterly 6 to gale 8 veering northwesterly 5 or 6 later. Sea State - Mainly moderate. Weather - Squally showers. Visibility - Mainly good. North Foreland to Selsey Bill Issued by the Met Office at 0400 UTC on Monday 23 August 2010 24 hour forecast: Wind - Westerly or southwesterly 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9 at first in east, decreasing 5 at times. Sea State - Moderate or rough. Weather - Rain at first. Visibility - Moderate or poor becoming good. Outlook for the following 24 hours: Wind - Westerly or southwesterly 6 to gale 8, decreasing 4 or 5 later. Sea State - Moderate or rough, occasionally slight later. Weather - Squally showers. Visibility - Mainly good.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-11057161 Thankfully all appear OK. Just to say that Caister is an independent Lifeboat and this forum were able to provide a donation via generous hands in pockets from a collection during the Spring meet Breydon/Goodchild meet a couple of years ago.
  19. Hope you manage to find a window Paul. Like you we often find when Passage Planning differing forecasts from different places. Overtime however we have found Windfinder to be more accurate that most. http://www.windfinder.com/ The beauty of this is it allows you to pick various locations perhaps en route or a start and finish point to get a picture of conditions not just locally but along the passage. Additionally the beauty of this site is that it gives Wave heights, direction and interval.
  20. Did someone mention..............
  21. Looking at the forecast for next weekend I doubt there will be an appearance of two Blue Hulled boats unless the big low forecast for the back end of next week fills and disappears. http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/walton-on-the-naze Today forecasting S - SW; 26 gusting 40 knots 3.3 metre seas with 6 second interval. Good as it would be to catch up with folks that would certainly put me off
  22. Great photos Chris and a proper ship to boot. Sorry we missed you at Shotley.
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