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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Yes its all the fault of that nasty old government..... they forced East Port to build it
  2. Bang on Paul. It was ill thought through, I am not sure who did the business plan but he sure did not know Norfolk As you say other Container Ports are still very busy so the 'downturn' just does not wash. The biggest cost of importing a container once it gets to port is the transport Felixstowe is around £580 for the containers I import goodness knows what the cost from Yarmouth would be!
  3. Jonny this is certainly one of those occasions that beauty is most certainly in the eyes of the beholder I echo Jonzo's comments traditional (therefore right) with a modern twist
  4. You had a decent day for the trip Paul although the coast was not as good as in land on our part of the coast it was NE so a bit cool but hopefully conditions were good for you. Our ship was purchased from Shepperton so know the marina pretty well we had a few weekends exploring down there before it was shipped NW.
  5. Hi Sonia A bit of background info http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/features/binoculars.asp Definitely a product to try before you buy
  6. http://www.pla.co.uk/display_fixedpage.cfm/id/618
  7. Our resident Forum Webasto Guru is on his ship this week so you may not get a reply for a day or too but I am sure David will spot this and respond.
  8. One of our Yacht Club members who is on the Harwich Harbour Authority Leisure Committee was telling us about the changes at Felixstowe and the size of the new Maersk Container ships Rod can probably confirm this but they reckon that from the bridge they will not be able to see anything under a kilometre in front of the vessel...... clearly wise not to get under its feet.
  9. Is it not Boat Jumble season
  10. Kiki is no ocean greyhound Jonny it has an SD hull so mid teens is a comfortable speed but we can generally keep going at this speed even when it cuts up a bit; flat out with a clean behind she might just make 20 knots. She is 7.5 tonnes loaded though so this does not help. Ian - The Anodes on both Kingfisher and Kiki had worn pretty quickly (as do those on other craft in the marina) so the reason for conducting an 'experiment' was to see if a Galvanic Isolator would work. As indicated above the Anodes on Kingfisher with the Isolater fitted have fared much better than those on Kiki which has not got hers fitted; we will remedy that now the experiment is completed.
  11. Another fruitful weekend. Kiki was lifted on Thursday for a splash slap and dash. Thanks to David being down last week we have one of the best seats in the house; it is very distracting given there is always something happening in the lock coupled with folks stopping for a chat. From the Cockpit Other Way Seascape' from Brundall Bay (previously of Broom where we met them) recognised Kiki and wandered round for a chat. Another sea going boat fed up with Broads 'bridge issues' now resides in Shotley having relocated a week ago. We also caught up with Phil & Carron on Saturday and had a very enjoyable evening. During last year David and I acquired a Galvanic Isolater but rather than fit them both we decided to conduct a controlled experiment. David fitted his I left mine off so two boats using MG Duff Anodes mooring next to each other in the same marina; we looked forward to the results.............. The results were quite significant. Kiki's anodes were in significantly poorer condition with the Shaft anode completely gone, Kingfisher on the other hand had fared much better with anodes which can probably remain in place. Kiki Anodes Kingfisher Anodes Last year we had our hull polished and finished with A Glaze Ceramic Sealer it has been excellent. Apart from rinsing the hull with water we have not touched it for a year and it still looks good. A very quick run over with some 3M Restorer/Wax and she is already looking as good as last year; that Sealer is certainly good stuff.
  12. Try one of these............... http://www.moorfast.com/ Our bow is too high for SWMBO to use this from the bow so we reverse alongside now thread a bow rope through from the stern cockpit and walk it forward. Well that is how it should go
  13. I have to declare that I am a keen angler but I am afraid I cannot lend any support to this cause for the reasons outlined. Funny amongst anglers it appears only the Pike Anglers are against the dredging
  14. More scaremongering by a very small selfish minority who don't want the Sound dredged as they want shallow water and b*gger everyone else. http://www.gofishing.co.uk/Angling-Time ... ae-threat/ I hope all the boats have tolls I think you have a thing or two to learn from the French chaps................
  15. After Dylan's You Tube problems he is back http://www.keepturningleft.co.uk/
  16. Sorry we did not see you Andy. Hope the Chute went well you will have needed it on Saturday as there was virtually no wind.
  17. What a great March weekend; you could almost have been forgiven for thinking summer is round the corner. Nothing too testing this weekend but a nice trip in the sunshine to Ipswich. Good to get the prop shaft turning and a few spiders blown out of the exhaust. Some very nice Adnams was on in the Yacht Club and the best value quality steak in Ipswich Nice run back today but the fog was starting to descend off Languard Point. Some very high tides this weekend (over 4 meters and negative at LW) the water was positively steaming in yesterday when we left. http://www.hha.co.uk/navigation.html
  18. Perhaps let them have this Ian in case they take that route this year http://online.hhait.net/library/files/8 ... 1A390D.PDF
  19. Quite right Ian; avoiding 'bottom touching' (ooh eer Mrs) is an East Coast affliction we all try to avoid No mistake BTW; a question put up for any views - what forums are about.
  20. Not sure about the East Coast Ian but the Outer Thames in particular from years of fishing. In an 18ft Dory with an outboard if you went aground it was just a case of 'getting out and pushing' You could always go the other way and have a dabble with the Ray Sands if you are looking to cut down the mileage Ray Sands.pdf
  21. Chart to have a look at online if yours is not to hand. The Havengore PDF posted above follows this out onto Maplin Sands http://www.visitmyharbour.com/viewchart ... 6DC9D22409
  22. Ian - Assume you mean going south between Foulness Island & Wallasea Island cutting past Potton Island and exiting via Havengore Creek and the Lift bridge over the Maplin Sands. It is a few years since I was across on the edge of Maplin (fishing) there is from memory not more than around 6 feet is at normal tides so a neap would need to be timed to perfection and even then it will be bottom clenching. Local advice is the passage should only be made during springs by craft drawing no more than 1.5 metres. If you go aground here it will be properly the Maplin Sands are massive. Also there is a Firing Range which I am pretty sure still operates so this need to be taken into account and permission sought. Weather will also need to be very good given the depths over the sands. Havengore is a Lift Bridge which you will be used to but like those your end has had its share of mechanical problems over the past years This may also help - http://www.roachriver.org.uk/rsa/haveng ... engore.htm http://www.hooness.org.uk/articles/have ... /index.htm I can't recall for certain but I think there may be a Swing Bridge to get round Potton Island. I realise the need to conserve fuel but if it were me I would bite the bullet and go the longer route there would be just too many variables with this for me; and besides surley you have had enough of bridges Havengore.pdf
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