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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. What price doing it right They are the only Marine Engineering business that quoted me for work and then invoiced under the quote as the work took less time than they had anticipated If its good enough for the RNLI it is good enough for me.
  2. Oh lord and they purport to be Marine Engineers........... you made the right decision in seeking advice elsewhere! There is currently only one place on the Broads I would trust with our ship (I say currently as previously I would have included Broom) Goodchilds. As for anodes http://www.mgduff.co.uk/leisure-craft/c ... ction.html
  3. I bought one from Maplin a couple of years ago for the winter and it has worked faultlessly. Takes a bit of getting used to to set it up but once done the picture is excellent. It would be no good Mud weighted in a Broad or at anchor as the signal needs to be maintained.
  4. Hope the Red Wine was strapped down... makes an awful mess
  5. Nice photo's and post John
  6. Clearly can't always do it Ian then it is Pilotage but if we are kicking our heels as we were Sunday then it is something vaguely useful.
  7. Hi Biggles Thanks for the kind comments it is no more than a bit of rambling an an odd photo or two but glad you enjoyed them.
  8. Ore Entrance http://www.eastcoastrivers.com/2011/05/ ... -bulletin/
  9. Plenty of sunshine this weekend but the N-NE wind was a constant feature with the mean around 25 knots and odd gusts up to 40 knots if you could get out of the wind it was pleasant but in it on the coast a bit chilly. No chance of a trip out this weekend so after a 'family' visit on Friday it was time to fit the Galvanic Isolator to Kiki given the significant difference to the Galvanic action on Kiki v's Kingfisher; in hindsight the 'test' was rather too conclusive. As ever sincere thanks to David for his lead in this; I make a good spanner monkey though Consumer Unit Unit 'broken' off BUS bar Shrunk Sleeved Connections Nicely Housed in Flexible Protective Sleeving In Situ Finished Griff Rhys Jones classic yacht Undina has been in the shed for some refurbishment and now complete. Even as a Mobo'er I can appreciate the lines of this craft. You may remember it being featured in this: With the wind continuing to blow and always liking where possible to view a new port before making an approach from the sea we had a trip up to Orford to have a look on Sunday. With more East in the wind it was blowing a hooley and consequently nothing was moving but it is well worth a visit being pretty quaint but encompassing a lot of history and a castle; further up stream is Aldeburgh. The entrance has not been fully charted this year yet and wind directions, tides and weather has got to be very settled for a visit but it is something on our 'to do' list. Orford 'Big Sky' Blowing!
  10. Yes Rod especially for you.... glad you appreciated it You crossed our minds over the weekend as the N- NE wind was a constant 25-30 knots and we know what a horrible wind direction it is; hope all went OK.
  11. Looks very useful when away from Shore Power
  12. Bill your comment regarding 'fixed quay heading' is clearly valid where there is little rise or fall. If the tidal range is reasonable then what was step aboard height at HW will be around 1.7- 1.9 metres lower aT GY based on LWMS tides; plenty of scope for an accident (although in no way am I saying this accident was caused this way as we don't know). Good quality Walcon type floating pontoons with concrete floats are eminently stable as opposed to those with polystyrene floats. I would still take polystyrene floating pontoons at water level than having risk a 1.7 metre rise and fall though.
  13. Can you order weather like that every time Hope you enjoy the rest of your break.
  14. With SWMBO having had yet another operation potentially being bounced about was not really an option so the weekend was a trip up to Ipswich in company with Kingfisher and Shotley new resident Binky. No need to say how good the weather was...... but it is only two years ago we had snow at Easter so a very welcome change. Ipswich was pretty busy but as ever we were 'snugly' fitted in with Phil & Carron creating a new berth! On the basis a picture is worth a thousand words.................. p&s camera so apologies for the quality. In the words of Harry Enfield "you don't want to be doing that" Fresh from Fairline Ipswich Orwell real estate Keeping an eye on things Binky 'snug' Phil deflowers his ship A great Sunday Lunch at the Salt House Had a really interesting chat over a glass of wine with Michael Emmett who we saw at the Heybridge Sea Festival two years ago. He is now based at Ipswich where work for restoring 'traditional' boats is more abundant than Maldon. If you are into traditional Gaff Rigged vessels there is nothing he doesn't know about sailing and building these. Black Rose http://www.traditionalcharter.co.uk/blackrose.html Traditional East Coast welcome for a new resident .... day trippers gaze in awe
  15. Hi Phil Circa 400 metres long...............Pretty sure it is this one http://www.emma-maersk.info/ It has had its problems though
  16. It was a tongue in cheek comment When I saw the announcement I looked from our mooring across to Felixstowe counted the number of containers high on the current large Maersk ships and then looked where 10 high would go Thanks for the background on the training - Dubai is getting a bit warm now anyway Rod so you don't want to be going there
  17. They will be hell of a beast to handle in the confines of the Thames I would have thought Rod; Felixstowe will be a doddle in comparison. Will you need to do ant simulation work to get used to the windage of these huge things or is this 'all in a days work'
  18. I think I shall have to seek an official Lake Sailor ruling Rod viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&p=124701&hilit=east+coast#p124701
  19. What material is the tank made from Merlyn? Tek Tanks Wayne has posted are well know for supplying plastic tanks for marine use. I think if S/S it has to be CE marked for marine use, These might be worth chatting to http://shop4tanks.co.uk/bespoke-tanks/
  20. We all have our personal 'camouflage' favourites Jim
  21. I prefer the Blue Jill; still I suppose there is no accounting for taste
  22. I reckon the business plan was put together after watching 'Field of Dreams' and consisted of six words........... "Build it and they will come"
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