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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. EU sticking their oar in again http://www.motorboatsmonthly.co.uk/news ... red-diesel
  2. Another piece of great researched journo http://www.motorboatsmonthly.co.uk/news ... o-buzz-off
  3. Fishing in the Thames Estuary in an 18ft Dory. Pulling the boat up on a sand bank raking for cockles and clams as extra bait and then dropping back a bit and fishing the bank on the flood. Learned more about water craft and Nav in those years than I think I have since.
  4. I had forgotten the one in the Harwich approaches which was very well spotted considering we were surfing down waves with a good wind up our chuff. Being hooked onto that would not have been pleasant in those conditions.
  5. Lovely benign conditions Paul. 36 hours at 5 knots......... I admire your fortitude
  6. Hi Paul Hope you are well. I agree Paul, potters have every right to ply their trade I have no wish to curtail this especially as I like to sample the results of their work! Pots properly marked and without long pick up lines are all I ask of our potting friends. We have encountered a couple of sets with lines attached from pot to pot this is a real problem. I can imagine potters saying that there is no need for us to be that close inshore but as you know with winds from SE-NE being 'up the beach' can make for a more comfortable passage. As for night time I would be well offshore Give us a shout if you get down our way.
  7. Quite a spot Ian, I confess I have never heard of them.
  8. For those salt side off the East Coast these can be a menace if not marked properly. Poorly marked they are a real problem to spot in bad weather, if you do have an encounter it can be costly and potentially life threatening in extreme circumstances. Another place has a campaign and petition running if you feel like signing it. More here http://www.motorboatsmonthly.co.uk/spec ... ot-the-pot http://www.motorboatsmonthly.co.uk/gall ... %20target= Sign here: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/spo ... nthly.html
  9. Strange though Ian as it was a Proms in the Park with Katherine Jenkins but we got Katherine Jenkins and two Proms numbers shunted in at the end and no Fireworks That is why I had mine disguised as an Intravenous Fluid bag although this was soon nick named the Colostomy Bag Company made up for what the music lacked
  10. Remiss of me not to update this thread before now Anyway the prospect of probably the best weekend of the year so what were our plans - The Blackwater; Walton Backwaters Ore & Alde? No we were off to Ipswich. To be fair this was arranged in the dark days of winter with Ian & Liz (Palmtree) part of Ipswich's Music Weekend we were off to see The Proms In the Park featuring Katherine Jenkins. We had such a good time last year we re booked for this year and in all fairness were really looking forward to catching up with Ian & Liz. The weather on Saturday morning was the sort you dream off boating, we exited Shotley for a very pleasant run down the river Flat calm looking towards the But & Oyster Ipswich Port Control held the lock for us so it was straight through into the wet dock. There were quite a few boats jilling around for the lock out We got our string ashore and after letting the engines cool a little a service was on the cards but I am afriad the good weather and the call off some Tanglefoot put paid to these plans and a 'chill out' was the order of the day. While sat relaxing we could hear the occasional buzz of a Sealine F42 as it came sideways down the Haven as part of the Sealine Experience day with only the occasional bump into things (Don't worry Luke it only looked superficial ) Early PM saw a contingent of Salty Bottoms call round for a chat it was good to catch up with you guys; I think your Sealine experience was more an afternoon hope you had a good time. I am sure you can't wait to get your hands on your new ship Luke. Salties enjoying their afternoon Early evening we were off for a sit in the park to listen to some music. Interval gave time for a refill and a 'slice of cake' I have to confess to being disappointed with Katherine; marketing dream and good on the eye but I am afraid she did not do it for me. Sorry for the poor photo
  11. I say what I said at the time what is wrong with e-mail? You don't even have to look up the individuals e-mail address just hit e-mail instead of PM
  12. Rescue is not easy even for the pro's http://www.rnlivideolibrary.org.uk/getv ... d=hldxfazv
  13. This debate has cooled down far to much I suggest we move to Diesel v's Petrol
  14. Behavioral Psychologist................. I already have my own thoughts on who is a case of classical conditioning and who operant conditioning
  15. I think the HHA site must be down. Try this one http://jobs.nautilusint.org/job/481/pilot/
  16. http://online.hhait.net/library/files/0 ... AF1732.PDF Retirement or a new position Rod?
  17. I meant to mention the fishing was comfortable
  18. On our ship....... with limited WifI access. PM sent
  19. A diddly dee version http://vimeo.com/25208944
  20. Hats off to you and the team Clive that is one tidy looking ship.
  21. Totally agree. From our recent experience this is what hire boaters had to contend with.... tsk!
  22. Very nice range Jonzo I agree. Having said ours would not pull a Hen of its Nest it did keep the Germans at bay for a while
  23. I was surprised how light and airy the Caprice was Dan even when the weather was not great there was plenty of natural light and the 'living area' of the boat actually seemed internally larger than its size. I have to say it would not pull a Hen off its Nest but perhaps we are used to a few more horses on tap when manoevering. But it was traditional with no Bow Thruster so it was back to basics on boat handling. We came into Dromineer with a good F5 SW on our beam and then up our chuff; for a hire boat it was quite interesting as the big fetch had allowed the wave height to build a bit, although it did wander a bit it handled quite well and would have been better if those extra horses were around. What I know about hire boats you could write on a fag packet Dan so I will leave my observations there but a Caprice in France or Ireland I am sure you would not be a disappointment.
  24. You will not be disappointed I assure you; there is enough Nav & Locks to keep up the interest of the more experienced boater and the facilities and hospitality excellent. I concur that some UK Marina's do not have facilities like we came across it was an eye opener, most though had a plaque thanking the EU for the financial assistance though
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