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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. I have to agree with Strowager. Neil decided to leave the forum he was not banned or but it was pointed out that a couple of his his posts could be cause offence. I am sad that any member of the forum feels the need to leave rather than take time out and maybe start posting when their angst has died down; I hope Neil will review his decision and in doing so take heed of what has been pointed out by the moderating team. In my view you are better taking a minute or two to review what you are about to post before hitting the submit button rather than posting in haste and repenting at leisure. This forum is very lightly moderated with interjection rarely; in this case one was thought to be required (which I agree with). Without boundaries much like those that were the subject of the thread things can get out of hand.
  2. Sorry Gavin you have lost me The forum is a virtual meeting place for like minded souls; from these virtual meetings many friendships develop often resulting in meets etc in 'real' life. The moderators in my view should not represent different factions but be impartial whether they attend meets or not matters not a jot as their role is to keep posters within the TOS; very much a light touch on the tiller and only when needed. They do not need to be intrinsically involved. The mod team from my perspective cover a broad spectrum of experience, age range and interests; this breadth gives the best opportunity for the right call to be made as and when it is needed. Apart from the current incident which has a couple of folks who seem to have an axe to grind hot under the collar there has scarcely been any need for moderator input from my recollection for some considerable time.
  3. Wish you flat seas Paul. We overnighted in Haven a couple of weeks back and had a look for you but I guess you were busy with something 'proper'.
  4. Oh dear... in post 9 of this thread I finished by saying Sadly this advice seems to have been ignored.
  5. The guys at Mutford told us about this when we were waiting to lock out the other week. They were hoping to keep the pump out etc operative but more than that I don't know. BTW the disused warehouse they made the low budget Zombie film at looks hideous with its poor camouflage paint work, I am surprised a certain resident of Oulton Broad has not made representations to the BA, because it must be their fault
  6. +1 Kfurbank I also (very oddly) find myself nodding in agreement with Ponkylav
  7. Thanks for those Chris they were great
  8. Like the rest of your upgrade of your ship Paul that is a lovely job
  9. Look forward to seeing the photos Chris
  10. Ah that takes me back a few years. I spent a bit of time with clients in Lincolnshire some 15 years ago and A10's were a regular site (and sound) then. It was always disconcerting traveling a long straight pretty empty road and see one of these coming low level towards you on occasions peeling away just when they got to you. An awesome sight and made me glad I was not in a tank
  11. iPlayer link http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... Irish_Sea/ Martin I was on a 12 hour clock
  12. Very worth watching the first series was excellent. http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/ ... ack-at-sea
  13. Hi Chris Yes the last few miles were a bit 'lumpy'. Apologies for not giving you a wave we were almost passed you before It dawned on me who the unmistakable ship was. Where were you off to?
  14. Pleasure Ian & Bill. A few photo's always brighten up the forum
  15. Thugs and criminals who the Yoghurt Knitters are now trying to say feel 'disconnected with society as an excuse Unfortunately particularly the left leaning BBC seem to be driving this theory. No discipline in society, no respect and no boundaries I am afraid this equation results in what we have today. Some sections of the young feel the world owes them a living, sit on their backsides and then have the cheek to bleat on about others having more than them. Until we return to the values that served us well for a hundred years there will be no answer. I am sure we all feel angry about the current situation but would just council to keep this thread within the bounds of the site TOS.
  16. After three years away we decided to have a return visit to get our Broads membership renewed It was an opportunity to catch up with some friends we don't get much time to see these days on their home turf. So what were our impressions: Terrifically busy everywhere we went although many people said it had not been so perhaps we picked peak weeks. Quality of food in the pubs we eat at was very good these included: Bear & Bells - Back to its Best Coldham Hall - Good food and Beer The Ferry - Stokesby These establishments look to have really raised their games. Our journey up has a 1.5-1.8 metre swell but at 7 second intervals it was fine until we got to Southwold when the wind (northerly) got up from nowhere (squalls) to 5 gusting 6 with the normal north sea short chop. This saw us punching it up to Lowestoft and making a fine approach to avoid a direct beam sea. Pagodas at Orfordness http://www.bbc.co.uk/suffolk/dont_miss/ ... ford.shtml Running Up the Beach! Entering Lowesoft I think the Colvic in the background is Chris of this manor Tender Fun at Beccles Paul - Swordfish and his Ship As outlined the food at Coldham Hall was very good and just look at the entertainment they laid on Stokesby another surprisingly good watering hole Stokesby Sunset It was then on to Ranworth where we tucked ourselves away on the Island and had a very enjoyable few days. We met up with Ian & Liz (Palmtree) Jim & Maxine (The Topaz) but also found other old friends dropped in too. Jim being 'mine host' Putting the world to rights So that's what the hole is for Kings of the BBQ I must say Karen & Mike's BBQ was very impressive and topped the 'Which' test. Sundowner Early the next morning I was woken not by Hire Boat engines but a wooden clacking much like an oversized Woodpecker; this is the sight that greeted me and progressed to this Well they were from Belgium! A very pleasant communal breakfast ensued Very good to meet Simon again Ian & Liz took Tamara for a sail but the wind really was not playing While Kingfisher like Thunderbird two disgorged a flappy thing from its 'pod' Church All too soon it was time to make our way back south but meeting up with friends again was a great weekend - thanks guys David putting his Radar Arch down 'on the fly' Waiting to Lock out The journey back was the sort as a motor boat you dream of This is how we like to see the exit from Lowestoft No overfalls at Orford Pot hunting was the order of the day - some trailing 30ft of warp............... good job it was calm. Just shows you what beaching legs allow you to do!
  17. We were relayed a tale a couple of weekends ago by folks in the know that a yacht was under the bows of Stena Britannica in the vicinity of Shotley Spit causing the master to go full astern. The master was understandably unimpressed and this incident has been reported; at best a raggie is going to get a stern warning.
  18. I can't see where Phil made that quote on this thread Jonny......unless I have missed something. But it is a serious car which you would love to hear the sound of the exhausts Trouble is it would be difficult to keep up to hear them
  19. Its OK Phil I just heard from Michael Fish that 12th August on is going to be very good You are due some decent weather so fingers crossed.
  20. Its not where it is that I noticed but the fuel usage..................
  21. Yes that is excellent value even by coastal marina standards
  22. Yes very odd Barry. It was good to see you when we passed through Cantley. We headed back south today in perfect conditions it was tempting to set a course for Belgium and some more Mussels but sadly time is against us.
  23. Dutch Tea Gardens is correct what I can't fathom is why there is a disabled pontoon but no way off? Someone clearly ran out of money as there is no way to get off them
  24. After an enjoyable week or so its time to stretch our legs and get back down to our grounds for the rest of the week. The Broads run has saved a summer jet wash as any sea creatures that were residing on our ships have been killed off thanks to the fresh water Currently enjoying a relaxing late afternoon in glorious weather before a meander down the coast.
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