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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. I should add our receipts from the UK were marked 'Duty Paid'. We also filled up in Belgium with White Diesel as soon as we were able so that it was clear we were not trying to avoid anything.
  2. I know what you meant Gavin just a reply by A.Pedant Things may well have tighten up but in 2010 we filled up before we left and had the receipts and also completed the Schengen form on arrival and had covered off the other issue e.g. making sure flares were in date etc. In Blankenberge we were moored on a linear with the ramp down to the marina next to us. The Doune almost tripped over the Red Dusters, we gave them a cheery hello and they did likewise and wandered on to go and look at a Dutch boat. I am sure some of the issues were caused by some Yotties adopting the 'little Englander' attitude. I find that quite hard to believe myself As David said we are keeping a close eye on things as there was a plan to go back this year but we will have to wait and see. Happier times http://perrysaunders.smugmug.com/Other/ ... BPKpQ-A-LB
  3. The UK is not a signatory to the Schengen Treaty which is why a form has to be submitted on entry. Form for Belgium http://www.rya.org.uk/sitecollectiondoc ... 20Form.pdf I have to say we had no issues the year before last but things may have tightened up
  4. When does Noel Edmunds and his 'Gotcha' put in an appearance?
  5. The blasts of wind that thing caused as it careered past the New Cut at high speed are a danger to sailing craft. Katabatic Winds are one thing but this is totally unacceptable on the Broads and a danger to the navigation at such close quarters. Network Rail need to be forced to obey the 4 knot limit.
  6. Completely outrageous Find the boats name and report them to the BA. I bet it was one of those great big nasty 'Bling Gin Palaces' that are a menace on the lovely tranquil broads - ban them all
  7. I think it has to be rememberered that the Broads is a holiday area too not just the preserve of private boat owners. There are mishaps which if genuine we can all empathise with; you need to think about some of your early boat handling experience. Even the most comprehensive training is no substitute for practice and the very best hand overs will never allow this, they can set people on the right path but this does not guarantee no mishaps. You can pass a driving test but the first 6 months while 'road sense' is gained is the period of highest accidents; do we blame the Driving Standards Agency for this? There will always be an element that will push the limits and get themselves into bother whether that boats, cars or Motor Bikes I am afraid this is down to individuals not the hire companies. I always found in our time on the Broads you could do things to minimise the risks of collisions by be careful on where you moor and avoiding 'holiday hotspots'. I would suggest Reedham Quay is an area to be avoided. Combination of inexperienced boat handling and tides made this a no no mooring spot for us. This is not new phenomena but if you can't accept the 'risks' then I suggest the other side of Mutford Lock might be the answer I don't also see what wage levels have to do with this; some of the best warehouse staff we have are Eastern European agency staff (whom we use to manage fluctuating demand) their work is eminently more diligent than our traditional staff at lower wages levels.
  8. I am confused...... Is the OP using his tender for illegal practices Pimp = a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking a percentage of their earnings in return If the BA find out about this they will want their cut for sure.
  9. That looks a really nice piece of kit Bruce. We have an Epson Stylus Pro 9000 in one of the businesses that is used for proofing large format carton designs, for client layout approval. It has been a good bit of kit over the years without much in the way of problems. Fingers crossed yours gets plenty of use.
  10. Thanks for that Bruce some very interesting stuff there. Some 'proper' bedtime reading
  11. I have an aversion to water in my bilges
  12. Mmm maybe I should have hung on.... 1DMk1V purchaser of a couple of months ago.
  13. G12 has been mentioned. I have the G11 viewtopic.php?f=106&t=7441&p=87970&hilit=g11#p87970
  14. Who said Indian Summers don't happen any more! For mid October the weather was just stunning. We were due at Walton & Frinton Yacht Club for a quiz night but did not fancy the 'pond' this time given the lack of flexibility to get out (see a previous post in this thread with photo's of the pond) it would mean getting back to the Marina later than we wanted on Sunday given that we have a 3-3.5 hour journey home, we therefore opted for Titchmarsh and a taxi round to W&F for more flexibility. Just before departing Phil & Carron decided that the list of onboard jobs they had could wait given the weather and decided to join us. A NE wind of 16 knots or so made it a splashy trip round to the backwaters nothing to bother us but it never ceases to amaze me how anything with a bit of East in it soon pushes up the wave heights. As ever Titchmarsh proved how very good with visitors they are giving clear instructions however in this case we were allocated berths when they were booked on Friday We were soon tucked up and sampled a very nice pint or two of Charlie Wells Eagle in the 'Harbour Lights'. In no time we were round at W&F where one of the yachts served pre dinner 'drinks & Nibbles' and were surely looking to see how many people it took to sink a 35 ft yacht.... Phil & I decided to see how well Red Wine comes off the cockpit and upper works A most enjoyable night was had by all but unfortunately despite us coming third and another Shotley team second we were pipped by W&F. Cool night but today was one of the best mid October days I can recall. We had a very enjoyable meander back to Shotley in the most glorious weather. Hosing the boats down in the sunshine you could have quite easily been convinced this was June. Apologies for the grainy photos, Tina was in control of the camera and thought ISO 3200 was required..... Binky stretching her legs with the mast of HMS Ganges in the background Quizzing - Phil hiding! Superbly Blue Sky this morning Sea Scouts just get enough wind to get out of the way
  15. Best of luck with your studies; it is a very worthwhile area. I have been fascinated (although not out of choice) with the medical science driving this and very fortunately have one of the UK's leading Oncologists on our team (thank goodness); it is a bit sad to be on first name terms though I will say it for her "I'm still here"
  16. pks1702

    Heading North

    If it is busy you can always ask Gus to tuck you out of the way...... We felt very safe here with all the action going on in the main river The Island at Ranworth is also a good place to hide yourself out of the way with plenty of room to play on the tender.
  17. Next issue up here for those that can open it http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1u86s/ ... tober-2011 Or follow the directions here http://www.eastcoastsailing.co.uk/ While cruising Yottie focused it has some excellent content for a free online magazine Well done ECS
  18. The advances in technology we take for granted now but if I look back 10 years when I was involved in the emerging technology side of the print industry the advances are staggering. I remember a client of mine visiting and the MD proudly showing him round the repro studio telling him that this cabinet the size of a very large suitcase housed a 1GB tape drive and that that desk (the size the bridge on Star Trek) could compose pages and airbrush images. Sending images down a phone line to clients first 56kb and then ISDN was a wonderous thing, you just had to leave the machine sending a big file (100mb) overnight! Within a couple of years Apple had revolutionised this industry and the defacto choice of designers, repro and print houses today is Apple. Someone that can have successful products in both business and consumer markets was clearly very astute. Like the products or not you have to admire what he has built.
  19. A sign of getting old I am afraid but only 52 ... Christ http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2011/oc ... illey-dies Played with him in Kent before he was plucked from his job as a trainee Diamond Cutter to play for England. Very sad.
  20. For on-line Theory Courses these have a good reputation. http://www.cmonline.co.uk/cmohomedom1.h ... 7802051018
  21. A very enjoyable evening although fairly fleeting due to Norfolk's Taxi's Thanks to John for organising it and Col for his raffle which raised a decent sum It was good to put faces to forum persona but sadly there was not much time spend catching up - next time though.
  22. Serious Complaint I have a serious complaint regarding the Birthday Bash. Who organised it on one of the best weekends of the year... 28c and light winds Could have been off up the Deben or down to the Blackwater - what a sacrifice we make
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