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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. I always find this entertaining in a quirky way, I think because his thoughts and mistakes are not hidden and on show. A touch of the "there for the grace of god". Did anyone else mentally urge him to steerto starboard entering Banff on seeing the wave approaching from Starboard. It seemed to do as I feared which was knock his centred course between the pier heads off to port and potential collision with the harbour wall. Those of us that have entered Lowestoft with a beam sea would know what to do
  2. The contents of that standard letter have been posted here before as one of our yacht club and several East Coast MBM Members have had similar replies. Someone must have a full time job in the embassy churning those out just changing the name That is my point. The change is some sort of clarification but if our government are saying it can only be used in UK waters and outside will be subject to rules of the country then it seems to be inviting fines; regrettably. In the UK HMRCE give us dispensation on the heating element of the fuel we puchase typically 40% this is a UK tax issue which thankfully we are still have control over (just) without recourse to the EU. In other European countries Red Diesel is often duty free and that is the nub of the issue. Even the Germans are at it. http://www.sail-world.com/Cruising/inte ... fuel/87266
  3. Not a great outcome all round, seems Red will only be legal in UK waters. http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/drafts/pp-craft-tiin.pdf I know of no interest to some but this will limit for the time being foreign forays. My understanding is that if marina's put in White there is no exemption as per the propuslsion/heating split at present on Red as HMRCE will not run duel duty on the same fuel.
  4. MM what a post... One of your best Well said
  5. I ran a shaft anode for one season Mark and never felt comfortable with it. Kiki has a prop nut that being Turkish I could not find a replacement for quickly enough before she was dropped back in so I ran a shaft anode as a very last resort. I was paranoid the wear would allow it to slip and slide back to the P bracket. As it turned out on lifting it had stayed in place and our yard machined me a prop nut to fit for when she went back in. The point Ian makes on speed & fuel is valid but that goes for Rope Cutter too I know which one I won't forgo.
  6. Having talked to a few folks about anchors on the East Coast most favour Delta or CQR both based on the Plough pattern, this seems a pattern that really works in the mud and sand generally found down this part of the coast, clearly it works in Broads silt too Mark Following behind but favoured by some is the Bruce which I don't have experience with but I guess being a plough type would be perfectly aqequate. The Danforth (Britanny) from personal experience as outlined earlier, is as soon as there is any bottom weed holding becomes more questionable. I would have thought the Fisherman or Grapnel pattern would have been totally unsuitable around this part of the coast and can't say I have ever seen a boat around here with one on. The mechanics of the design and the type of bottom found would mean as one of my school masters used to say "you can't argue with the laws of physics" Anyone exeprience of a Rocna
  7. Winter can be some of the best times if you get the right weather. Thanks for the photos they will get the AA's choking in their weak Lemon drink
  8. Any of our other East Coast Salties experienced any issues with anchoring on the East Coast? If you have/have not what anchor pattern do you use. I should have perhaps started a "what anchor " thread
  9. A further job on the list for this year is to replace the Danforth Anchor with the Delta I have 'in stock'. While I have had no big issues with the Danforth on clean sand or Mud some of the areas on the East Coast that have a covering of weed do benifit from a Delta or CQR Pattern. We have had the odd occasion where we have had to re anchor or move slightly due to the holding in weed. Best c hange of some decent grip from your hand barke allows for a more peaceful night at anchor Shame really as Kiki's Danforth is a shiney stainless model, still it will make a substantail Kedge/spare.
  10. I've seen a Horse Fly, I 've seen a Dragon Fly but an elephant....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqITI8ZwR-A&feature=related
  11. I have a CG66 Ian but have had no mail.
  12. I see the one man Archant advertisng campaign is at it again complete with nice pop up when you click the link I have spotted a Cheetah also racing across the plain with the herds of Wilderbeast.... W4tty David Attenbough has identified that as a genus of the Fordus family pretty rare in Norfolk. I spotted this one the other day too
  13. 4-5 inches here overnight but the most beautiful day with Blue Skys' and bright sunshine and not a breath of wind.
  14. Seemed like loads of folk jumping to conclusions if you ask me. The sack looks to have been used as just that a sack, which someone has put rubbish and dumped. Plenty of places these can be got hold of including ebay, ok not with Waveney NHS Trust but many of these types of bags are produced in the UK so hardly a secure supply chain. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yellow-Clinic ... 3cb6d2cdc3
  15. Kiki is out of the water for a few weeks for a scrub, anodes and some Prop 'fettling'. Unfortunatly I had forgotton my camera and only had my phone but took a couple of images to compare the state of the anodes now a Galvanic Iasolator is fitted v's before. Before After As you can see the Anodes are still working OK but not fizzing quite so fast. The one reccomended by David and fitted is
  16. The tacking will be just so much easier. Engage port engine only, reach the bank un engage port engine and engage starboard engine
  17. Hi Andy There is some information and pictures in this thread; pages 24 & 32 (on my machine anyway) viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&hilit=galvanic&start=345 viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&hilit=east+coast+diary&start=465 David had fitted his Galvanic Isolator I had one to fit but left it off as a controlled experiment to see the wear, I wish I had fitted it earlier! Mine was fitted with most of the help from David
  18. Trevor I was being ironic with that link so don't take the bait No heavy politics needed here
  19. Nah Trevor, If you want something to make you mad try this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -plan.html At least the guy in the article was self made, there won't be much of a safety net for him. It was his business and he made the decision and will have to live by it, something that all of us in business have to. He certainly didn't learn from the example of Nick Leeson as this was a punt in any other name, the sad thing was he had a way out before it got that bad and that was to tell his children "sorry but you are off to the local comprehensive school".
  20. Lord Paul, You should have said it was you
  21. Are you running an Archant Web Marketing campaign?
  22. My arrow was fired towards Spankers Corner Pops, you really must learn to duck
  23. http://www.climaxphoto.com/nikon_d200_s ... aning.html http://bythom.com/cleaning.htm
  24. I believe the few that spout this nonsense should read Animal Farm.... "Traditional good; modern bad". If you ask me it is like a lot these days its all about envy. How many times do you hear the PB's spouting about 'bling boats & gin palaces'. I say to them, if you are happy with your old fashioned wooden sailing craft, your beard and open toe sandals, Fray Bentos for tea and freezing cold while you sleep good luck to you but don't think because you believe it is traditional its right; unless of course you are still using a horse and cart instead of a car. Don't forget also it is empty vessels that make the most noise
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