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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. As ever Paul a really super job. Your workmanship never ceases to amaze me
  2. When I have sorted my photos etc I will post you a snippet of this starting up once refuelled You would certainly hear it coming!
  3. What happens when a Cigarette runs out of puff.... (well in this case fuel) Send for the boating equivalent of the AA. This was towed in from 1.5 miles out. Saw dozens of these patrolling.
  4. Good to see your ship back in Paul. Have a great season.
  5. Sounds a good trip Mark except the last bit! Hope the issue is not too serious and you can resolve it quickly. Good to get some serious passage work in on a new boat to build the confidence, from that point of view it seems successful.
  6. We have been enjoying the quiet tranquility of Useppa Island. It is a private Island of 100 acres, fortunately we know a man who can! Air con is a must in this cruising area the 50 amp cable is indeed like a tree trunk. Wildlife is simply stunning Ospreys are like Seagulls! I will post some better quality photos when we get back.
  7. A few more. Have a look at the size of the shore power cable!
  8. A couple of rough images from my phone
  9. Docked at Cabbage Key which is absolutely idyllic. Had lunch overlooking Charlotte sound watching the Frigate birds soaring overhead. We had just docked when we witnessed 3 Sea Otters (mother and two cubs) climb aboard several boats looking for food. They were cute enough to be able to open a cooler box and help themselves to lunch! Sorry to hear the bank holiday weather is not good Ian. I would move our boat here tommorow given the chance it really is boating heaven. The Nordic Tug is behaving herself very well and has not missed a beat.
  10. Arrived at Boca Grande plenty of stuff planing past at high speeds the Broads AA's would have a fit. Numerous Dolphins and a Manatee today. A fish caught also
  11. Docked in Venice enjoying a great G&T. 90c and just about perfect. If we had the weather we might have this sort of boating in the Uk, the place is heaving with folks using every type of boat imaginable. Off for something to eat at the Crows Nest tonight. Heading down to Boca Grande tommorow.
  12. Very well put together from the publishers of the excellent East Cost Pilot. Mainly aimed at Yotties but some interesting stuff on London Array http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1wltt/ ... --May-2012
  13. Thanks Branden that's better You certainly look to making a great job there
  14. Looks a good wind direction for the trip down anyway. Have a good time.
  15. In the traditional manner "only two sleeps to go" Bank Holiday Monday will be here http://www.useppa.com/indexb.html Fortunately we have a man that has vouched for us We pick our 'hire boat' up on Friday.
  16. As far as I can see Broads bylaws are a virtual direct lift of COLREGS with very minor alterations. Paul two inverted cones would be very appropriate
  17. Yes it has been a tad a Shotley. Last night it was 35-40 knots gusting 45, time for extra string. Rod's Taxi Company had suspended its service due to the road being a bit 'bumpy'! I suspect it was more to do with actually boarding a pilot than the launches having an issue with the weather. Now about that drought
  18. Had out boat washed and blow dried numerous times this weekend lets see if Anglian water can catch the culprit
  19. Single 450HP fitted and I think that will about do it As I said before a 'proper' looking boat
  20. Fingers crossed the weather is better for you this year.
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