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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Sadly I have have an appointment at the Company Sheds West Mersea It is the start of our fortnights holiday, we are heading south. We did as you know make the Coldham Hall bash.
  2. Well done John. I will order the weather for you
  3. I think this one moves a little Ian but you are right entering the Deben can seem a little disconcerting. Taking a course toward to beach rocks before bearing away on a straighter course is a little counter intuitive but a glance at the sounder gives that bit of confidence. I actually find exiting often worse when you are across to starboard anyway and then have yotties insisting on sailing across your bows. Clearly there is a limit you can move to starboard due to rocks and the beach and you then become a vessel constrained by its draft
  4. See here Ian - viewtopic.php?f=37&t=11785
  5. Fine so you both like it here; time to move on.
  6. I just find it odd that a few folks had issues on other fora, join here and now a small group seem to have issues here too. Maybe a pattern is emerging.
  7. Nothing wrong with having a view but personal abuse is bang out of order. The moderating TEAM made a decision from what I can see.
  8. Well said Strowie. I blame the 'Celebrity Culture' that we think we are entitled to every detail of private matters. A decision has been made between the moderating team and the individual why do we need to know the details of a private matter? Personal abuse does not become you Geoff and is outside the TOS; it is most out of character, may I suggest you edit your post.
  9. The 2012 Chartlet is now available. Great work as ever by eastcoastrivers.com . http://www.eastcoastrivers.com/wp-conte ... ow-res.pdf Aerial Photo: http://www.eastcoastrivers.com/wp-conte ... l-2012.jpg
  10. That will dredge the bottom a tad!
  11. First edition of MBM http://www.motorboatsmonthly.co.uk/file ... ssue-1.pdf
  12. Good to hear a good night was had by all. I bet there was a thick head or two and odd case of Gandhi's revenge this morning
  13. Well done Brandenjg takes me back to my first boat which was a 16ft Dory. Pound for pound it was the best fun I ever had boating; I learnt more in that boat than any other since. A boat that size allows you to occasionally 'get away' with things. I have been aground on the banks of the Thames Estuary in my Dory many times but unlike something bigger which could be catastrophic it was a case of heaving it back into the nearest water Keep us posted on your progress
  14. I have an opinion Dave and can express it within the TOS that's what it has to do with me. Read the previous posts but if you have not, let me say this so that you may be clear. The moderators of this site for reasons of confidentiality do not discuss this sort of thing in public, it is no business of ours but between the moderators and the individual. This has always been how the site is run and let me say that in my experience folks get away with more here than fora elsewhere but if you don't like it you have a choice its a free world.
  15. But what if he is parked on his pitch for the night (on private property) with car attached to Van
  16. A great video but the conditions are as benign as I have ever seem, the tidal flow (see the buoys) gives you an idea of what awaits if you have something with a bit of East in it!
  17. There used to be one up around Thurne Mouth but it could have just 'moved house'.
  18. Another misnomer The site moderators have to protect the site from potential criminal prosecution/libel this is one of the reasons for the TOS. Individuals should be aware that they are subject to the same laws as if they were making comments in public. Regrettably some people believe because they can hide behind the relative anonymity of a keyboard they are beyond the law, that is far from the truth as recent examples have shown. The attached article makes interesting reading. http://www.fosters-solicitors.co.uk/new ... -media/245 I know nothing about the current events but do know from the time I have spent on this forum that the moderators style is a gentle touch on the tiller with restraint being generally practised. I have confidence that this action would not have been taken were it not warranted. I wish Neil well.
  19. That's the one Jonzo. Just for a minute I claim Dan's anorak
  20. I don't drink and drive on my ship but when parked up have often been know to take a libation If this came into force surely it would be for boats under-way? If not I will be the first ask for Caravanner's to be covered by the same
  21. Well done Eddie, you must be getting on for 300lb after eating all those Geese. I am sure James will be pleased Geoff.
  22. I don't agree with you Dave this site has always taken a very even handed view on things. The moderating team have pledged confidentiality so to snipe when they can't defend is a bit of a poor show in my view. Stay if you want but if you don't like it don't; we all have a choice in life.
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