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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Two images attached make interesting reading re tax take. Without getting party political you may remember that a few years ago the 'fuel escalator' was introduced as a way of moving prices up as a 'green initiative' this was fairly punitive over a number of years. Interestingly even though tax has gone up the % of tax per litre has dropped in percentage terms but only as a result of the petrol price increasing significantly. The first image shows that from 1995 fuel prices have increase by 144% and tax has increased by 105% per litre. Second image shows the pre tax and post tax elements per litre on particularly Diesel you can see how punitive taxes are in the UK v's Europe Thank goodness the government saw sense on Red and did not apply full duty.
  2. Boat Sheds are not going to win any design awards but they have a functional purpose. Are we really saying Southgates for example is a thing of beauty
  3. Well done on the photos and posts looks like you had a good time. From my observation it looks like Baileys and Ice was your 'pudding' at The Swan
  4. Those that could not open the original link try this: http://www.eastcoastsailing.co.uk/
  5. That would certainly frighten the Seagulls
  6. You cheekings monkey Jimmy I is beings only 72
  7. The SRN4 was a sight to behold (well as a young boy looking out from Ramsgate) my father used to take us for a run out to the coast to see them. Watch them through Bino's leaving France and see them arrive going to Pegwell Bay or Dover. You could see them from miles on a decent day just a mass of white spray on the horizon; simple things....................... The scale of them is difficult to imagine but they were a boys own treat to see back in those days.
  8. Sorry to those that could not see it and thanks to Strowager and others that have diagnosed a Macro Media Flash issue for those that cannot see it. Shame because it really is a very well put together on-line magazine - even if it is aimed at yotties in the main
  9. I found this quite interesting. There is even a bit about the area I started messing about in boats as a young teenager http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1te76/ ... ugust-2011
  10. Oh pleeeeese it was only time before someone shouted racist And it is all the fault of the nasty Tory government............. Flanaguff lives
  11. Thanks Karen Good to catch up with you both too and share a BBQ and drink It was a great weekend and the sun even shone. When our next visit will be I am not sure as we have a Broads Authority stamp giving a 3 year exemption
  12. Don't forget to offer to move your van for a few million though; there are principals at stake you know http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-14804705
  13. The law is the law don't impose it and anarchy will reign. Here an idea for that bridge issue though Gav... have you got a tranny van and double axle caravan spare http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... steps.html
  14. I would suggest that the dear old Broads Authority has a deaf ear when it come to outcry's. "None as deaf as those that cannot hear" There efforts would be better served by sorting out a bigger outcry on their own patch (Network Rail) rather than indignation on someone else's.
  15. First one http://www.itv.com/itvplayer/video/?Filter=272270
  16. Here you are................. We could always do it again
  17. Nice big high looks to be on the cards for next weekend though
  18. Getting more interesting.......... Time for an extra warp!
  19. This weekend saw me being press ganged into doing the Yacht Club Photo Shoot. One Motor Boat wanted some photo's near the Jewel of the Sea but we also managed some next to a wind farm service vessel. Then we anchored up the Orwell and awaited the Yachts doing their thing. Not wanting to waste time we had some bait so while I snapped away David had the rods out trying to catch a Bass. This was not helped by a trawler running up and down The weather was very good so we enjoyed an afternoon of leisure in the sun on the Orwell before retiring to The Shipwreck bar. Little & Large Wind Farm Service Vessel Gives an idea of the scale Nick our fish.............. Post Shoot refreshments!
  20. And totally unsuitable for the Broads they are
  21. Looks a tad Breezy this weekend. Comment from one forecaster ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It certainly feels as though autumn has begun a month early, and the weather charts are confirming this suspicion. The Atlantic hurricane season is well underway, and although Katia has stayed east of the USA it is in the process of heading into the jet stream and will be heading across the Atlantic towards European shores next week. In fact Katia makes it into the North Atlantic by Saturday. It's not unusual to see a tropical storm marked on surface weather charts at this time of year, but it's more unusual to see a full blown hurricane on there. But that's exactly what appears on the UKMO forecast chart for midday on Saturday. It's just then that Katia is being 'hooked up' by the jet stream, although because of the reduction in sea temperature she will quickly become ex-tropical after this time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. 100ft Training vessel loses its mast and is rescued by Weymouth RNLI No a pleasant day http://www.rnlivideolibrary.org.uk/getv ... d=gzpdryrq
  23. Hi John, Can you add Tina and I to the list please. No mooring required. Thanks
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