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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Good to see her out on the salt side.
  2. For future reference Ian Spitway 2010 contours.pdf
  3. You might want to keep your eye on the forecast unless you are thinking of going the back end of the week. 3 metre sea and a 5-6 second interval does not sound too inviting. Give us a shout if you get down.
  4. Sorry to hear that Merlyn but it is about what we had heard. Dutch and French can be hot Belgium Doune pretty laid back. They almost tripped over on David's Red Duster and just gave a cheery wave. We had full receipts and a copy of the RYA/HMRC letter but fortunately had no need to use it. Apart from the friendly people, helpful marina's, super food no hassle from customs was another reason we opted for Belgium and decided not to head into Holland. Maybe another year. Well done for sticking to your guns.
  5. Many thanks. Jonathon - You would love it I assure you working bridges aside there are other attractions Marshman -At least you have been there and worn the T Shirt, nothing to prove thanks for the comments
  6. A quick selection of photo's I put together. Most are snaps bobbing at sea so nothing great from a Photography viewpoint. Bit of music also to pass the time Answers are: 1) No we were not that close to Sunk Innner Rod I had zoomed in 2) The Wind Farm in the far Distance is South Galloper 3) The Beacon is West Hinder mmm clearly I can't embed the link so just double click on the picture
  7. You know me Ian always willing to help Yes the entrance is 'interesting' Bit more on Tollesbury viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&p=33110&hilit=tollesbury#p33110 Is Ellen still based there?
  8. Hi Merlyn & Lorraine, Good to hear you will be heading down to our neck of the woods. Look forward to catching up over that pint
  9. Sorry to hear you have ship troubles Phil Just arrived back at Shotley. All good things must come to an end but the Shotley Beer Festival and a Ska Band tonight will see us round off our two weeks in style.
  10. Is that a Freudian slip Ian Glad you got up there OK. I regularly used to fish the edge of the swatch off Grain Spit where at even a MLWS there was 2 metres dropping off to 6 meters it was a good spot. For fuel economy you might want to look at the Swin Spitway for your return trip.
  11. Rod, If we had known we could have given you a lift, there were two boats in our possession both running OK The Haven site is really interesting, I often look in so tell Dave to keep up the good work.
  12. Our Log showed a target on Radar around 100-1030 which was a MOL Ship as we headed in from Kentish Knock toward Long Sand Head it appeared heading into Sunk. When we got to around Sunk Inner (but not too close) one of your Taxi's looked to be heading from a vessel heading south up to the Sunk Anchorage we did wonder if your were around
  13. Thanks Jim, Yes had a great time everything went to plan. Jill - good to be back OK and still having some time to potter around locally. At Rough's some 6 miles away from home the typical east coast chop was there to welcome just as if to say welcome back!!
  14. The decision to head had after 10 days has certainly been vindicated given the North Sea forecast for the rest of this week. We have learnt in the past that it is better to 'bank' what you have had and head back rather than trying to run to the very end of your holiday and risking the weather stranding you. While car shuffling trains and public transport can be done OK Belgium would be more of a clat but clearly possible if neccesary. The crossing was very good returning and at one point around West Hinder it was flat calm save for a swell We are Orwell based at present and the weather enjoyed in Belgium has disappeared over here. Good to learn that the lady Yachtsman I towed into Shotley yesterday is OK and to boot was a diabetic and starting to 'feel funny'. She has recovered and Shotley have sorted her engine, she dashed to the lock as we exited today to say thanks again.
  15. Well done on your solo trip and also a refreshingly frank log of updates. Sorry we missed you but hope you had a good time overall.
  16. Conditions today were pretty good if you did manage to get off, tomorrow also not looking bad with mainly Westerleys. http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/walton-on-the-naze Personally I would run inshore in these conditions having the land as a buffer and use the Swin Spitway. Just be aware of tide times as an incoming tide with Westerleys will give you the worst of wind over tide although if the winds are as forecast they won't be too bad. As ever with the Thames, Pilotage and tide times are the two key factors that are likely to govern any Thames trip. Hope you have an enjoyable run up to London
  17. Back in the UK as we saw a weather window today so left Blankenberge at 0600 this morning and were back in Shotley by 1215. A bonus for us with good conditions both ways. As a last test I had to strap a Yottie to the side of Kiki and get it into Shotley as it was drifting in the channel with engine failure. Total fuel consumption for the 200 miles or so we have done was 450 litres. Now have the rest of the week to potter around our local area.
  18. Well here we are in Blankenberge We had a short 20 mile hop down the coast with a beam sea due to a onshore breeze, a shade under 2 hours from slipping lines at Niewpoort to being tied up in Blankenberge. The weather continues to be a real bonus today was 29c We are moored in Scarphort Marina in the centre of Blankenberge which is a great location in the centre of town and close to the beaches. We have again had Mussels yet another way; well when in Rome.................. We are sat on our ships having a sundowner it really is a very pleasant warm evening.
  19. We normally pick up a buoy at Pin Mill a couple of hours before high water it gives you a 3-4 hour window for 'lunch' without muddy feet. The Ship at Levington is not my cup of tea, The Shipwreck at Shotley is, couple of spare berths there also
  20. As most days here so far it has followed a pattern of overcast early on with the sun burning through to leave a very warm sunny day, today is no exception. It is Rachel's Birthday today - Happy Birthday Rachel - Tina crept up this morning to add some decoration to Kingfisher. This was followed by an entertaining hour playing Crazy Golf and an afternoon Crepe and Coffee/Hot Chocolate, very civilised. A few random snaps; apologies for the quality but as the bandwidth is pretty poor I am having to compress.
  21. Talking of fuel both Mr Volvo and Mr Yanmar have been pretty frugal Kingfisher using a shade over 200 litres (the thing runs on fresh air) and Kiki 250 litres which considering it's 7 tonnes I am very pleased with. We were full leaving Shotley and topped up at Niewpoort meaning the usage above was a near 80 mile trip to Ostend and the trip down to Niewpoort.
  22. Hope you have a great holiday and all goes well for you I am sure you will enjoy the area.
  23. Hi Col, They had run out when we were in there earlier in the week otherwise I could have tested them.... The ones in Niewpoort are certainly the best I have ever tasted. Which are the best Mussels Ostend or Niewpoort....... only one way to find out
  24. Old timers is playing tricks with me the score from the last three years was Belgium 2 London 1 But we have managed to get one back this year
  25. It is the third time of asking to Belgium, yes Ian. Not sure luck had much of a part to play in prior years it was all down to the weather the vaguries of which we accept as part of being Coastal based. I am just glad we have no bridges We are having a great time thanks and so far so good all has gone to plan. Look forward to updates from your trip and hope all goes OK. A few more random snaps attached
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