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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Had you seen this Ian http://magicseaweed.com/Southwold-Surf- ... ecastTable Anyone thinking of Southwold this weekend might want a look
  2. He based his premise on Keep Turning Right http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... coast.html Clearly did not realise that his next turn right was the Swale which would lead him back whence he came...... At low tide you will run aground around Elmly and that appears what happened Looks like he was brought in at Queenborough ATL. Good job he did not take his first right otherwise he would have been in Stangate Creek. Really should not be allowed out without a carer - He could drive to Southampon by car on a tank of fuel so thought he could do it in a boat
  3. How could you resist this area for boating http://www.keepturningleft.co.uk/LocalIndex.php
  4. I baited my hook with a nice wiggling worm and Dan totally ignored it
  5. In a nutshell you have the keys reasons we moved from the Broads. The Broads have a charm and character of their own but when you want more than turn up and go boating and more sea based work it really does not work that well unless you are passage making rather than wanting a quick overnight. You have either the 'clat' to get in and out through Mutford or use Yarmouth. Once you are through the pier heads you can either do the 'island' or run down to Southwold if you want an overnight stop. I like Southwold as a town but like others I am less than enamoured with the harbour but given the choices available there really is no where else much to go, I have also probably been spoilt by our current stomping ground. If the weather is settled Wells could be a possibility particularly as it is in the process of being dredged to give a bigger window. Personally I don't get a great deal of pleasure from just blatting about with no real destination save for the odd spider clearing session but I can perfectly see that a 'run out' is what is required by many folks to gently cut their teeth in the salt stuff and is a prudent way to gain confidence. To hone skills a bit further and picking a settled period then personally I would be looking to run down to the Orwell and have a few night there if you are looking to combine a short hop destination with skill honing, it would certainly beat Southwold for me but then we are all made different. One of the reasons we moved to the Orwell was to have more scope for weekends/holidays when in almost any weather you can get out somewhere, it is very much you pays your money and takes your choice. If we have our fill of being sea based some time in the years to come (I can't imagine that at present) then the Broads would certainly be back on our list. I can perfectly understand the decision that John & Mary Jane made recently and their choice of ship to do it.
  6. Whatever the thoughts on design it is good to see investment going in whichever yard. A Bermuda is hardly a thing of beauty is it?
  7. Thanks all and sorry Martin for hijacking your thread. It would have been better Mark if those blooming Dolphins would have stopped flicking salt water at the lens as you will see there is a mark in the image It was a P&S Ixus and took some great little photos.
  8. Very nice Martin, I have done Ionian and Dodecanese and most of the Turkish coast and have enjoyed every one of the trips. The last was with a group of forumites here abouts. Can't blame you for your choice of holiday.
  9. Have you moved from Goodchild John? If so I must have missed that
  10. Glad you picked up the irony Jim
  11. Spot the difference Me I'm off to get my Rock Eel & Chips
  12. Worth a look Simon http://www.jeppesen.com/documents/marin ... tAug09.pdf
  13. Two weeks running with Sunshine oh joy although the breeze on Saturday did take the edge off things but also allowed some to be 'blessed' by its rays It was clear Blue sky's after a foggy start which allowed a good view of the competitors in the Tendring Air Race various types of planes buzzing around http://mediafiles.thedms.co.uk/Publicat ... 20Race.pdf Mark opposite our mooring was getting ready to take his Failine Turbo for a run, a nice chunky ship but those old Volvo TAM engines while bullet proof due like to puff a bit... 'Make Smoke' The boat fishing is pretty good off the East Coast at present with Cod & Ray in reasonable abundance, we seem to have had a plethora of charter and pleasure fishing boats arrive at Shotley this year (it has its benefits as another forumite knows). Generally lock etiquette is very well policed and observed but when the fishing boats lock in it really is a free for all and it is a case of every boat for itself:
  14. There is a B**ody great Pike down there so I heard
  15. Well done Jill Feel free to edit the posts above.
  16. Click 2009 Jill then episode 50 Beamont & Harwich http://www.youtube.com/user/KeepTurning ... 27E80D3CE3
  17. I reckon this is Dylan's finest yet but it is our home stomping ground so perhaps I am biased. The production is excellent and shows Harwich, Felixstowe, and The Stour. At one of our favourite summer anchorages Wrabness one of our club members can be seen taking it easy at 11.49 http://www.youtube.com/user/KeepTurningLeft#p/c/38685E27E80D3CE3/25/uSxJgw5rwoM mmm don't know why that won't embed?
  18. The 'Breeze' started early PM Saturday Simon being a NE off the sea as you say it was a tad 'parky'. How could I forget Rod's Taxi behaving itself
  19. At last we woke to find some of that Yellow stuff in the sky I did wonder what it was Our new boat was delivered but could not get it into the lock as it was too big.... so we sent it back This was going across to the Container Termimal across at Felixstowe where a Diver helped a crane strop the boat and lift it onto a Container Vessel bound for who knows where. The forecast was for the NE breeze to get up later to 5 ish and continue that way for most of the weekend so we slipped our lines on free flow and headed out for a 'spider clearing' session. A run out towards Cork Sands and then toward the Walton Backwaters to see if any of the buoy-age had changed over winter. Still there! Kingfisher running into the start of the chop as the NE started to increase That one shows OK on the Radar After a 20NM run round is was time to head back to base as the wind started to increase although the weather itself was glorious. The Shipwreck and a few shipboard jobs beckoned Locking in Sunday saw a a forumite from t'north and his good lady visiting us at Shotley - very good to see you both.
  20. David and I had a 'Snubber' made up by the onsite Chandler at Shotley, it works very well.
  21. I would also give Mellor Electrical a go. I have had good service from them on Webo spares. Presume your D4 is 12V so might need to call and see what availability is. 24v £285 http://www.mellorautoelectrical.co.uk/N ... Mk2_*.html
  22. Excellent shots Col. Thanks for posting them
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