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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. My first go with Vegas was a bit shaky (as was a lot of the video!) As I say in the thread I learnt from my mistakes much more judicious editing needed to cut down to 'interesting' clips. A lot was either hand held while steering the boat or a suction cup tripod on the dash, the problem was that the rails on our ship were directly in the shot. What is also clear is no matter which online site you upload to the compression rips out most of the detail viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&start=240
  2. Hi Jonny She won't be going back in with that one it will be replaced I had Ali on Ian when we first moved down from Goodchild and they did an Alka Seltzer impression I think after a chat with David yesterday that a Galvanic Isolator is potentially the route we need to go.
  3. Kiki was lifted this week and will be out for a couple of months. She has not been out of the water more than 10 days since we have had her (4 years) so with SWMBO due another couple of operations it seemed right to let the old girl have a couple of months rest chocked and resting. I have a few jobs to do anyway including having the prop off and sending it for another inch of pitch and cupping and also with the very kind help of Antares _9 fitting a new Triducer to ensure my unreliable sounder reads more accurately. One thing you cannot afford on the East Coast is an unreliable Sounder What has quite surprised me is the Anode situation in just over 6 months since replacement they are not in great shape - but at least they are doing their job. Apologies for the photo's I did not take my camera yesterday hence only taken with my phone
  4. Super shot Pete. I agree totally if that is a soft lens..... all I can say is that it ain't a Friday afternoon model the detail is superb
  5. Yes we do David I was surprised how good the returns were. It was an excellent test of how useful Radar is in inclement conditions the echo's from buoyage was also very good given the amount of metallic 'clutter' around Harwich. We thought this was thick until we got back to Shotley
  6. Agree Mark and the reason Kiki does not sport one. I read the report when it came out and reached much the same conclusion. David's point on AIS is a well made one. I think for keeping yourself from under the feet of big stuff Radar and AIS is a very good option (apart from keeping out of where big stuff will be as much as possible). Clearly the reciprocal is that big stuff will be able to see you but I am pretty certain if you were in very busy waters that the usefulness of this for commercial skippers must be somewhat diminished by the amount of targets on their screen, but at least you would know you are showing as a 'target'.
  7. Link to MCA site ref registering for CG66 https://mcanet.mcga.gov.uk/public/cg66/
  8. Radar Reflectors - Bedtime reading http://www.westmarine.com/images/wa/Rad ... report.pdf
  9. I'm concerned I might have to use a corner of my 'bonded' Lazerette
  10. This is all you need Mark http://www.tcschandlery.co.uk/7063/Plas ... gn=pid7063 They cost little really and you could have a motoring cone in case you want to pop a sail up while motoring Ian don't worry just get a ball fender put it in a Black T Shirt and hang it from your Radar Arch........ when you have forgotten your Anchor Ball improvisation is the name of the game
  11. Radar reflector as high as physically possible Mark, but my own rule of thumb is to use my Radar to keep from under the feet of big stuff if Mk1 eyeball is limited in any way. As I have Radar I have not bothered with a passive version but may look at an active one as a future project. Anchor ball should be mounted in a prominent position normally towards the pointy end (yachts use the wiry bits they have) but Radar arch would be a good place on a MOBO.
  12. They can fizz a bit viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&hilit=east+coast&start=160 The one that has gone missing can be seen below: Really does underline despite us wanting to keep our ships in for as long as possible that this is one area you just can't ignore, even if you can get a lift and hold in the strops for an hour while you change the Anodes.
  13. That is the programme I use Dave albeit I use it with HD camcorder and Tape. The reason I bought it was its ability to handle HD but also as I wanted to burn the finished product to Blue Ray it could handle that also. I can recommend it.
  14. Another couple of Dylan classics. He really has the knack of combining excellent video with a laconic commentary - shows us how it should be done! Still it is his day job http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NphmuKymn_4 Get a Webasto Dylan http://www.youtube.com/user/dylanwinter1#p/c/BA6B54369893E4B5/0/a6KSm7h7Uio
  15. Interesting clip Jonny. It really is heart warming to see that Hunters Yachts keep tradition to the letter avoiding any of those nasty Plastic Fender things What with this lot and Griff Rhys Jones they will have to be sending out for another pot of Creosote
  16. Can't help but agree with Col & David. We looked at all options when we purchased Kiki which came with no heating (Turkish built) and came to the conclusion that Diesel Heating was the most convenient and cost effective given the amount of time we spend on board which normally includes right through the winter. The choice between Webo & Eber was made through recommendation of people I trust including my rather in law who was a truck fleet manager but also because JPC are Broads based if we had any issues. I did not have the time to fit the system myself and as it turned out the rather good price I negotiated turned out to be a bargain given the work involved some of which JPC had not anticipated, to their credit they honoured the quote. David's recent conversation with Webo at the Boat Show was quite interesting reading the CO2 adjustment. JPC did this on ours and the unit has been faultless in almost 4 years oh apart from the time I tried to see if it would run on fresh water but that is another story.......
  17. Sorry to have missed Shirley and yourself Rod but we had just 48 hours over new year. Now I know why most of the half decent beer had gone by the time we arrived down Look forward to catching up with you both soon.
  18. As mentioned earlier in this thread viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&p=82196&hilit=plb#p82196 We had the intention of supplementing our soon to be out of days Flares with a pair of PLB's. While my back was turned at the Boat Show Mr Antares had feigned shock and horror with our man at Mailspeed and before I knew it a very good deal had been done on a pair each of Fast Find 210's I won't repeat the West Marine video posted in the link above but the cost of one of these is about what a set of Offshore Flares would be. Not Fast Find but a bit of background to PLB's in this case the ACR model is featured but principals are the same.
  19. Yes Ian but a bit more space to run away
  20. Plenty of Offshore work I would think. Hope Goodchild pick up some offshore supply boats
  21. Yes I saw those You Tube clips when I was having a search the other day its easy isn't it Mark...... flat calm little wind - what's the fuss all about That unsuitable boat of yours should able to move sideways in a gale from a lee shore under way so get your finger out eh
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVEPvur06FE One For Arthur Ransome fans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0awgCm8NjnQ
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