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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Never owned a Nikon so can't help you Simon on operating but specification lists:
  2. This has been a view I have had for a while Bruce not based on Pixel peeping but looking at real samples. I would assume development work has/is being done on Algorithms and that high ISO and high may well be the future but at present I remain to be fully convinced, although have seen some good samples floating around.
  3. I can relate to that Clive a 1DMK111 and associated L lenses weighs a bit as well and the reason when I am not 'shooting seriously' the G11 is in my pocket. Thanks for the kind comments
  4. Mmmm potential partial Lake Sailor to Jonathan methinks
  5. Seems to have been a bit of a running theme over the Christmas/New Year break. David (Antares_9) is the undeniable voice of experience here and I am sure will be along soon. From my own experience (and my father in law who has a life time in truck fleets) Red Diesel Sulphur content can be seen as a cause. Most issues I have seen have been related to coking/sooting of the burner unit related potentially to the Sulphur issue. Things can go wrong when your boat gets hot and the Weberspacher is turned to a low setting. JPC advised me years ago to run mine at full 'chat' and if we got hot open a window. This evidently is the best way of keeping the burner unit soot free although eventually they all seem to succumb (well those run on Red Diesel) Sometimes if there are issues with starting the Glow Plug can become Diesel soaked and hinder starting but David has a unique (as far as I am aware) solution to this which works time and again although Rachel will I am sure be now expecting a new domestic appliance
  6. Very nice Simon, thanks for sharing them.
  7. Mark beat me to it Col, some really excellent images there
  8. I have had this now for a couple of months and accept it is expensive as a Point & Squirt camera but you really should not consider this if that is all you want from a camera. By no means is it as flexible as my SLR and where ultimate image quality and creativity are required this would not be in my bag but increasingly over the the last 18 months I have found I take a 'pocket able' P&S where I could not be bothered to take an SLR. The G11 has allowed me more user creativity and therefore as I carry it most of the time more opportunity to get shots I would not normally get. It is solidly built and will come as a bit of a shock if you are used to a normal p&s. The swivel screen I thought was a bit gimmicky but it did allow me a couple of shots that would have been much more difficult with a fixed screen and if you wish it will sit in the normal fixed screen position which is how I tend to use it. Lens is 28-140mm based on 5x zoom. Camera is 10MP compared to the G10 14.7 but in my view has less higher ISO noise than the G10, shooting up to 3200 ISO, the high ISO is impressive even in RAW. The dedicated control dials on the top on the camera for exposure compensation, ISO and Shooting Mode are very easy to navigate. Numerous shooting modes are on this camera from full manual to low light. Battery life is extremely impressive I hardly ever seem to charge the thing up. The all round image quality is very good. There are cheaper compact camera's but if you want a tool that will give you good all round creativity, High ISO and build quality I can recommend this product. A few snaps:
  9. Thanks Ian a big operation but all positive and in the right direction, hopefully two smaller ones to go and by mid year that will be her done - he says fingers crossed. Talking of New Years celebrations I could not help but notice the new line in Life Jackets you appeared to modelling at WRC on New Years Eve, look forward to seeing you donning that when out with the 'Salty Bottoms'
  10. Nice shots all glad to see at least some where abiding by the rules and leaving the Seals to do what they do. Unfortunately Simon some of the behaviour you saw is indicative of certain members of our society. Me I tie them to a stake and lie them between a seal pup and its mother
  11. A good move I would say Mark. One day and then you can practice what you should be doing rather than umpteen days practising what you think you should be doing. A couple that might be of interest. http://www.yachtsurvey.com/docking.htm http://www.strongsmarine.com/siteFiles/ ... ocking.pdf http://www.clubsearay.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14358
  12. About 20 seconds of the 15 minutes of Fireworks. You can see the Port & Starboard marks for the Marina channel flashing in the foreground.
  13. Thanks Chris very kind. Some people think the view is industrial, I can see why but at night it is pretty spectacular. I had intended to get a couple of shots of Shotley & Felixstowe with the moon in the background but a bank of fog came quickly up river! Here is an earlier one. BTW I can now place your boat which we used to look across at when moored at Goodchild.
  14. Thanks for the update Mark sounds a thoroughly good few days.
  15. Thanks Mark, a quick dash down but no less enjoyable.
  16. Welcome to the world of outdrives and planing hulls I am afraid Mark there is no substitute for practice practice but that assumes that when practising you know the moves you should be making (no sleight on you meant just a general point). Generally Broads Cruisers are shaft driven and have a relatively small engine/prop meaning that plenty of throttle has a slow effect which can be judged in a fairly predictable manner. Your average sea boat will be higher powered and have a larger prop that 'bites' more, these are different issues to get used to but once got used to can be used to your advantage. Personally unless you know someone experienced with outdrives that can give you a few pointers it may be worth a day of training so that you can work on this at a relativly quiet time of year. In winter marina's tend to be quiter with many boats out of the water so a great time to practice close quarter manoeuvring in relative calm. I have no experience of outdrives save for twin outboards but Kiki has a hell of a port kick astern she just will not go astern anything like straight. Over the years I have got used to angling her stern at 45 degrees away from where I want her to go and letting the prop walk 'pull' her round. Sounds fine and do able after some practice but then throw in different strength winds/different direction current etc etc which have to be allowed for and it does take time to learn. Even then it can and does occasionally go wrong. Main thing I have learned is to do everything as slowly as conditions will allow with the minimum amount of throttle and if it goes wrong don't try to 'fight' things back right go around and start again. Its early days so don't expect instant success you need to get to know your ship and how she reacts in differing conditions. Glad to hear you are getting use from your new ship and look forward to sharing your experiences.
  17. SWMBO is a trooper and agreed to a quick couple day dash to the boat - not bad 10 days after being in intensive care! A very enjoyable evening in The Shipwreck where we caught up with the crew of Kingfisher who had only been on their ship since Christmas Eve As usual Harwich provided the midnight pyrotechnic entertainment which went on for over 15 minutes - not bad when London only managed 9 minutes. The view from Shotley is excellent and can be viewed from the Shipwreck so no drinking time is lost New Years Day and there was no sign of Good King Wenceslas but it was a day made for him A couple of yachts had used their masts as Christmas Trees some very 'Gay' Blue lights on display
  18. Those really are shiny Clive, Give my arm an ache just looking at the hulls Thanks for the update; things are really coming on.
  19. Sorry Dave I can't help much on AVCHD but went through the same research this year. I took the HD DV route earlier this year after a talk with a Pro Cameraman who has had his wildlife work on for example BBC Spring Watch. His view concurred with my own research at the time (March this year) that HD DV was still the best route for the very reason you alude to in the main - editing software. If I look to upgrade my Sony HD in future I will have another look. The advent of H264 codec was a big step forward but I am not up on AVCHD editing software to make further comment. I currently edit using Sony Vegas Pro
  20. Available now. http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/
  21. The second option below could well avoid the stern thruster damage Rod eluded to but boy they are not cheap http://sleipner.co.uk/id9.html http://www.side-power.com/public/templa ... p?page=*SR Jonny bow thruster cost depends on the size of the unit you are looking for but for the smallest model you won't see any change out of 2k fitted probably nearer £2250
  22. I would suggest that this was to stop the Sulpher smell you get predominantly in salt water but also in brackish from the lavvy. In this environment the organisms in salt water when left a few days in the inlet break down resulting in a strong sulpher type smell for the first few flushes. A way that this can be avoided is to use fresh water to flush which is what it appears Grenick's previous owners did. You will have a sweet smelling Lavvy when you venture salt side
  23. Hi Adam, Why not give Alan or Steve a call. I am sure they will point you in the right direction.
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