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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. You old romantic Adam Properly done if I may say Have a great weekend
  2. Might see you somewhere off Languard heading.... depends on weather - very East and Moules Frites, or North or South depends on the weather. There will be a couple of free berths in Shotley if you need them
  3. On the Broads we carried an anchor on the bow and two mud weights now we catty two anchors and a mud weight as an 'angel'. I always felt these would be a fair compromise between the two on the slower area's of the Broads
  4. 52 is up about the Orwell. You are right Dylan it is too busy, Shallow, too much mud yuk a horrible place to be the Solent is much nicer http://www.keepturningleft.co.uk/index.php
  5. I did understand you are pulling my Plonker James, metaphorically speaking you understand I will lend you my back up outboard anytime, it is traditional so will just suit the PB's
  6. Thanks all it was a good weekend. Titter ye not Jimbo don't judge a book by its cover as David has alluded; as Yorkshireman I am sure you know Prudence very well It is small enough to store in the Lazerette and does what it says on the tin. Re the Border Agency Ian they are regularly based the other side of the lock in Ipswich, we see them trundling around our bit of coast a fair bit. They were pretty good I have to say and at least one feline on Kingfisher was not happy a pint was not brought back for him
  7. At last some half decent weather although it was a bit 'in & out. So a proper East Coast lunchtime as the tides were right A gentle run up the Orwell to: Pin Mill is a delightful location helped by the excellent Butt & Oyster Butt & Oyster Picked up a buoy and tendered ashore Tie your horse here and head for the bar Half an hour later they were afloat Can't beat it Power & Sail co existing Passing Traffic Peaceful Orwell Kingfisher amongst the Yachts; Orwell Bridge in the distance A thoroughly enjoyable weekend
  8. Once you have caught them cook them..... Ray Mears style - "They don't like it up em Mr Mannering" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F36zxp8l_Kw&feature=related
  9. It is stunning Ian but the weather on Sunday allowed me to see it in its best light, I am sure if it was pouring I might not have come away with the same impression. A day like this perhaps
  10. From another place posted end April this year:
  11. Hi Jonzo, Most of the beach shots are Cricceith with Castle in the background
  12. Thanks Mark. Although I travel extensively on business including Wales this is not an area I know so was very surprised just how scenic it was.
  13. You are right about the horizon Simon and if I could have been bothered to process them rather than just downloading and posting I would have made it more horizontal. Truth is on a cold miserable day I thought a bit of sunshine might be appreciated so just posted rather than processing them.
  14. All this talk of freezing weather here a few to warm you up. We had a fleeting visit over the weekend to see some acquaintances in the Snowdonia area. The forecast for the weekend was cold and Grey so I did not even think of taking my SLR and just threw my trusty Point & Squirt in my pocket, I wish I had taken my SLR to do justice to these snaps. Much to my surprise Sunday turned out to be wall to wall sunshine, light breeze and warm. We did not have a great deal of time but managed a few shots. The later images are looking across the estuary of the River Dwyryd; hardly discernible is Port Meirion of The Prisoner fame and no I did not see that White ball
  15. OK so some of them were not easy but if it keeps you checking it keeps you up to date. Answers by Quiz Image Number 1 - Power Vessel Under way (Bow View) 2 - Hovercraft 50mtrs or more Under way (Bow View) 3 - Sailing Vessel Under way (Bow View) 4 - Towing Vessel less than 50mtrs with tow of more than 200mtrs Under way (Bow View) 5 - Vessel Towing (Day Shape) 6 - Fishing Vessel 50mtrs or more trawling (Bow View) 7 - Fishing Vessel under way (Day Shape) 8 - Vessel Not under command making way (Bow view) 9 - Vessel with restricted ability to manoeuvre (under 50mtrs bow view) 10 - Pilot Vessel on Pilot duty under way (Bow View) 11 - Vessel under 50mtrs at Anchor 12 - Isolated Danger Mark 13 - Safe Water Mark 14 - Emergency Wreck Buoy Baton passed on
  16. I will post the answers up this evening to give a bit more time. Item 2 (Image Quiz 14) is not easy as it would potentially not be around for long so all are forgiven for not getting this one. Rod put it this way you would not see it around the Montgomery It is an Emergency Wreck Buoy
  17. Following the Cardinal Marks bit of fun here are some more. 14 to answer
  18. Excellent stuff Simon. I would agree the Rape field and Church has great colour contrast but the female Pheasant is a contender
  19. To give some idea of why the Deben is not a good idea in a strong NE -East here is a photo taken this year showing the Port and Starboard hand marks. There is a foreshortening effect in the sea based photo but as can bee seen from this years aerial photo the beach and rocks are pretty close. Keeping the Green to Starboard it is almost a 90 degree turn to run up parallel with the beach and the rocks. This weekends wind direction would have been blowing from behind, over your starboard quarter in the photo, meaning as you turned to enter or exit seas would have been beam on and at 3-3.5 metres that close to the shore it was in our view foolish to get involved with it. Always another weekend
  20. The weather was pretty similar Simon it was very very windy. As has been said before you can always get out somewhere at Shotley if you want to. The Stour was flat calm and the odd yacht on it was fairly whizzing along with a perfect combination of wind and flat water. Getting off and on your mooring was a different proposition
  21. The weather gods seem to know when there is a Bank Holiday Our planned trip to Woodbridge was aborted due to the forecast on Sunday and Monday NE 25-30knots not advisable over the bar. Being stuck up at Woodbridge was not an option as we had to be back for today. This was all the more galling with Saturdays weather but totally vindicated by Sunday & Mondays. We did make Woodbridge for the SPYC BBQ but on four wheels. An enjoyable evening but turning very cool once the sun went down. The good folks of SPYC had a remedy for the cold as can be seen below; I can only assume this was 'wrecking' implement handed down the family David had a box of English Charcoal which was put to good use Pocket Size BBQ A member wrestles with half a Cow! Sunday saw it tip down from virtually morning until night with strong NE winds so we stayed put and tested the beer in the Shipwreck. Out of curiosity I had a run up to see what the Deben Bar looked like; vindication of staying put if any were needed it was a mass of surf
  22. Thanks Paul, We had planned a run up to Woodbridge but looking at the forecast for Sunday PM/Monday the bar in a NE a fair bit; does not fill me with joy so will probably play it by ear, maybe run up to Wrabness if the wind is not as bad as forecast.
  23. Our weather seems to have a knack of knowing when it is a Bank Holiday Enjoy your weekend Paul
  24. Calculator, Gyro stability control and laser measuring device Mark 1 eyeball is still the quickest option
  25. If you take a look at the image below this explains the basic theorem, this pre supposes you are dealing with a fairly uniform area of depth. An area such as the Deben Bar for instance would have many area's of differing depths and consequently wave heights and frequency. The White water will almost always be on the windward (or should that be waveward) side of the edge of the shallow area. In my dingy fishing days around the sandbanks of the Thames Estuary we could pretty well tell the depth and size of most of the sand banks/bars just by reading the water.
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