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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Sorry to hear your news Jonathon, hope the news is better than you think. I sympathise; I had a helm pump go a couple of weeks before our holiday last year compounded by the fact the replacement had to come from Turkey and they did not make the same model which was also a slightly different shape. Why do you get these issues when you are against a deadline. As you say fingers firmly crossed.
  2. If you can't get into Bradwell there is always Waterside Marina opposite in Brightlingsea. Bradwell/Brightlingsea to London is very do able in a day but if you want to break the journey options are really Medway based. Tidal streams in the outer Thames are worth looking at carefully when passage planning to give the smoothest possibility passage given Wind Over Tide.
  3. I had not realised Southwold was your start point. In that case Bradwell would probably make sense if you have decent weather and can get passed The Wallet and they do have Petrol (or did last year). You will need to time your arrival to ensure there is enough water I would have said LW + 1.5 minimum based on our experience last year, although the marina claims access at most states of tide.......................... http://www.bradwellmarina.com/ Yes Chatham was on the Medway last time I looked I had forgotten the need for easy access on and off your ship There is also Gillingham Marina http://www.gillingham-marina.co.uk/mari ... _chart.asp Nothing wrong with St Kat's and fully understand your motives and you may well get in with no wait but only right to point it out, forewarned is forearmed and all that. But I think more to do at Chatham. Just watch out for Rod in action as you head up the Thames
  4. Welcome to this. A couple of years old so usual advisory applies to check bearings, positions etc based on latest navigation but maybe a start point if you are looking at this route. Other options overview for crossing the Thames also attached Shotley to Medway Passage Plan.doc Thames Estuary Passages.pdf
  5. I will settle for another couple of these Sorry for the poor quality.... scanned from slides.
  6. I can't edit my post but as you will see the link for Chatham has made its way to the bottom of the post Which route are you planning from North to south across the Thames? This is a very good guide http://www.crossingthethamesestuary.com/
  7. Shotley would be my first stopping off point not because it is our home marina but as it is the most convenient stop off after what with transiting off the Broads will have been a fairly full day, and giving you re access to your route south the next day within around 30 mins. If you make it down to Shotley then we won't be there.... only because the weather will mean we can get off on our two weeks holiday. http://www.eastcoastmarinas.co.uk/pdfs/ ... idance.pdf Any more info on Shotley David or I can assist. Shotley to London is a very full day do-able but as it is a holiday you may want a stop over particularly if the Outer Thames is a bit snotty - beware the wind over tide... from personal experience! This leaves you with Chatham (fully serviced marina) as an option but it is a fair run up to or Queenborough (few facilities)or for a authentic experience why not anchor in Stangate Creek very sheltered and the chance of a Seal and a great sunset (well you will be blessed with good weather obviously) http://www.medwayya.co.uk/images/MYA_Visitor_Charts.pdf http://mdlmarinas.co.uk/mdl-chatham-mar ... p?ID=52128 Chatham Dockyard is well worth a visit Required reading heading up the Thames http://www.pla.co.uk/display_fixedpage. ... recreation St Kat's is a great berthing point but they are often not overly accommodating locking in so be prepared for a wait (even if you have booked) or consider Limehouse as an alternative, no better 'hotel room' than St Kat's Limehouse is more accommodating IMHO. http://www.skdocks.co.uk/july-2010/ http://www.skdocks.co.uk/ http://www.bwml.co.uk/marina/11/limehouse+marina/ Have a great time guys and don't forget to take a few snaps. http://www.chdt.org.uk/Discover
  8. Southwold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1Jq7HT29QU&feature=digest
  9. Well done Jonny I am sure you will all enjoy the experience. Could you take a Hand Held GPS and mark a waypoint any spots where you have a decent catch
  10. How very odd.... I posted this earlier and yet it it has vanished
  11. Not sure where you are looking Jonny One of the links I put linked to the boats home pages as an example http://www.woodmarine.co.uk/#/dates-prices/4536371980
  12. Say 8 anglers thats 2k a day............................ Think that might have been for the boat Jonny
  13. Did you try ringing any of those I listed Jonny. I understand many did not have websites but most of the skippers will be out catching stuff rather than designing websites
  14. Google might be your friend John Try: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window ... llery.aspx Hope one of those helps. edited out broken links. jill
  15. Google might be your friend John Try: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window ... llery.aspx http://blogs.vertigo.com/personal/alanl ... ement.aspx http://blogs.vertigo.com/personal/jatwo ... vista.aspx Hope one of those helps.
  16. Google might be your friend John Try: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window ... llery.aspx http://blogs.vertigo.com/personal/alanl ... ement.aspx http://blogs.vertigo.com/personal/jatwo ... vista.aspx Hope one of those helps.
  17. Have a good rest of the week, the forecast looks very good.
  18. A nice view from your window Jill
  19. Sorry we missed you too Rod but with traffic and the journey time it was 21.00 before we made Shotley on Friday
  20. You clearly did the right thing the weekend was not pleasant. On the upside tomorrow looks as flat as a Witches T*t http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=24118 Have good time
  21. Another classic Bank Holiday from a weather perspective With any chance of getting further afield is was back to that good old fall back Ipswich. We locked out and got nailed down in Ipswich before the winds increased too much but boy on Saturday PM and Sunday in particular it blew old boots. I was amazed at the strength of some of the gusts which went from F5-F8 in about two seconds....any yachts on the Orwell better have had a reef or three in It was great to see a place such as Ipswich with a great sea faring tradition celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Dunkirk landings in such a big way, a full day of entertainment was put on with all the participants getting into the part. http://www.ipswich.gov.uk/site/scripts/ ... newsID=398 Ipswich Operatic Society play the part Trinity House Servicing Gathering Fish for the Chips Lottery Win Quiet Ipswich Port with Orwell Bridge in the Distance Kingfisher & Kiki Nailed Down Did You say Prawns? Ipswich Bound near Levington
  22. Wise words Paul. It is not just the going but coming back. This is in our thoughts for the weekend also.
  23. Thanks Jill Its this one viewtopic.php?f=106&t=7441&p=87970&hilit=g11#p87970
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