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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Fancy them doubting you Lou Early Saturday was very pleasant but by the afternoon the heat had set in a reasonable sea breeze put in an appearance with the ships bouncing around on the buoys. I don't know about elsewhere but the Stour PM Saturday was what Tina refers to as 'Sloptastic' Understand talking to Merlyn & Lorraine yesterday that they had a pretty bumpy ride back from the Thames on Saturday, evidently not pleasant at all.
  2. The first line of my post above should say 'playing ball' Sadly I can't edit it
  3. Well done on taking some photo's as you went. Thanks for posting.
  4. A most enjoyable weekend with the weather at last playing ball. Saturday saw us head up to Wrabness for the Beneteau Owners club BBQ. Yes I do realise we don't have a Benny but I know a man that does We didn't gate crash and were made very welcome. The slight Easterly Breeze had strengthened through the day and we were being bounced around on the buoy quite well as the wind had the full fetch of the Stour. I was very impressed by David trying to repair his errant Outboard while sitting in his Walker Bay doing an impression of riding the bucking bronco. The moorings at Wrabness are quite close to the channel used by Coasters going up to Mistly and if on an outside buoy it can seem a little worrying as they head for the moorings and then turn to follow the channel. Coming Through Kingfisher on the Left The ebbing tide and increasing Sea Breeze meant our ships were bouncing around, we had intended to stay overnight but it was clear that it was going to be uncomfortable for some while until the wind eased back so we decided to head back to the marina early evening. Coming back down the Stour saw as impressive wind over tide as I have seen on this relatively benign river both Kingfisher and Kiki were throwing spray everywhere. Fill her up Landlord! A pleasant evening blowing the froth of a couple was followed by Sunday morning David stripping down his outboard and getting it running and clearing the salt from our ships. Rachel went off for a play in one of the club members flappy things as part of the preparation for next weeks fun day challenge, Rachel is part of an all female crew sailing against a team of others while David will be introducing a few yotties to a Motor Boat.... watch them with the throttle David. SWMBO will be in hospital from next Thursday so we will miss out but hopefully we are at the end of the current journey. Martin in the picture below did the ARC last year so the ladies were in good hands - heck it will even be his ship they use ! We had a very pleasant surprise when Merlyn & Lorraine came round to introduce themselves they had been around London and Shotley was a port of call on the way back to Yarmouth. We enjoyed our chat, very nice people they are too. We gave them a Shotley send off around mid day and they headed off for the 1500 Yarmouth bridge lift bound for Brundall Bay.
  5. Don't know how I missed these Well done all some nice shots there. Fancy getting a visit from Del Boy and Boycee
  6. Deben Entrance Chartlet - http://www.eastcoastrivers.com/wp-conte ... y-2010.pdf Walton Backwaters Chartlet (note 2008 but not much has changed) http://www.eastcoastrivers.com/wp-conte ... pril08.pdf
  7. Salties bedtime reading http://www.crossingthethamesestuary.com ... wnload.pdf
  8. http://www.keepturningleft.co.uk/index.php Another excellent piece of work This illustrates well how confused The Deben entrance can be even on a calm day. Throw in a moderate NE to SE wind and you have the perfect recipe for your own roller coaster. Just make sure your Helm Pump does not pack up exiting in these conditions
  9. Not sure if you have a hosting site for your photos Strowager (in addition to backed up versions ) but I find the Plug In's available to export directly to an online host to be a really good feature.
  10. I will be interested to see those in action. Not having to rely on a mobile signal and get the first hand data seems an excellent idea. Your helm will look like the Starship Enterprise
  11. I agree Strowager. I have just upgraded from 2 to 3 although I was using Beta 3 but the release version as you outline has a few extra Bells & Whistles.
  12. Exactly what I told SWMBO who promptly dumped them at the thought of knitting warps
  13. Thanks Jill For some reason the You Tube link does not seem to work for me. Second time you have had to come to the rescue
  14. Tried those Jim, Very good they are. The only issue is that you can't change the Fender height very easily, a matter of threading more or less rope through the holes. Brilliant concept but SWMBO has put those on the 'fail' pile
  15. Can't pass on much more advice than so far but this is probably the best background to crossing the Thames I have seen. But Crossing The Thames Estuary is an excellent publication. http://www.visitmyharbour.com/harbours/ ... panded.asp Salutary passage: Not for one minute am I suggesting anyone would view their passage as a jolly but it can be confusing and in area's the room for error is small. Plan it well, have decent weather and you will wonder what the fuss is about. Even Dylan got a little confused http://www.youtube.com/user/KeepTurningLeft#p/c/A5EAE2674C9E2321/10/5-CDtoqZzK0
  16. As David has alluded SWMBO seems to have a penchant for these things and we have spent over the years more than the GDP of a third world country We have tried most of them all ours were for the rail. Current favourite is Fend Fix (the one Luke has posted) followed closely by Fender Flutes (see image below) I can't understand what is wrong with a hitch but SWMBO seems to like experimenting and I am told clearly that this is not my 'department'
  17. Thanks for keeping this thread rolling David sounds an interesting trip and proves yet again that whatever the forecast says it will be ain't always the case. Plan A-Z required as back up's. I see you blew the dust off that camera some very nice shots there
  18. Not if there is fog you won't
  19. A potentially useful site http://www.leesan.com/tech_help.php/
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