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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. It entirely depends on your upload speed, Bob, I upload 500,000Mbs in under 4 mins. Try this test but don't bother about the instructions, just click on 'yes' that you've done them at the bottom of the page. http://speedtest.btwholesale.com/ I'm getting 32.55Mbps download and 16.76 Mbps upload speeds. Before I got fibre optic Superfast it would frequently take me hours to upload to You Tube
  2. Thank you, David. My next clip was taken a week ago today, we've just left Oulton Broad and it's early again. First I need to explain that I have two navigation pages on my tablet, one giving a map and the other navigation data. The map page has a facility for showing your track gone; here it is for the Brundall to Acle leg before the Meet. Then I have the data page: I've had a few near misses playing with these and Mary-Jane has called out on quite a few occasions! The next clip, at 07.17hrs, was going down the Oulton Dyke and I've had to superimpose music because I haven't been able to edit out my exclamation when I looked up....... So we can and do all make mistakes... hopefully we and others can learn from them!
  3. Bob, hi. Yes, of course, as Bob (QV) says. Just please upload them to You Tube first and then put the URL into your post here. I f you leave the formatting as is when you paste you'll get the You Tube picture as well. We look forward to seeing your skills!
  4. I checked around and had a few quotes for this year's major engine service. Typically I was quoted £125 - £150 cash......... Peachments did it for £105, including VAT, and young Lee made it seem so easy!
  5. Sunday, 22nd May (continued) It's now quarter to eight and the morning is brightening up quite nicely!
  6. Jonzo has proposed the Spring Meet, 2017 at Salhouse Broad but not in the Bank Holiday weekends because of the extra hiring costs. The tides are favourable for the 20th/21st May weekend and unless anyone can think of a better venue or timing then that's when it's likely to be. So far Charlie and us have entered our names for that weekend. As for Summer and Autumn Meets next year we're open to your suggestions, preferably not ones from the Jokes section!
  7. Thank you, Grace. I had hoped that you'd like the "Flappy" ones! (Mary-Jane and I have taken to calling sailing boats that now, so you have a lot to answer for!)
  8. A very stressful time, Eric. Did your flight manage to miss the myriad Cumulonimbus over Europe?
  9. Sunday, 22nd May (continued) Its nearly 06.30, about 30 minutes after stated Slack Water and the ebb is just setting in on the Bure. The sky's brightening and the rain's easing as we pass by the Yacht Station, round the yellow pole and onto Breydon Water.
  10. Sunday, 22nd May (several more just posted on 1st page) When my alarm went off at 04.00 a week ago, on the Sunday morning, I had already been awake for an hour or so and it was the beginnings of a lovely fine day.......... when I left at 04.35, things had deteriorated somewhat! The offshore wind had picked up and it was pouring down. Friday Girl was pointing downstream in a strong ebbing tide and when I'd released the bow spring and the stern port line I only had the stern spring to release. Friday Girl's bow had by now drifted well out into the stream and I was momentarily worried in case I slipped and let Mary-Jane loose alone. (and asleep!). The joys of solo helming when there's no-one else awake to help!
  11. Many Thanks, Jean. I'm presently uploading more on my PC and using my laptop here in the kitchen with my morning cappuccino!
  12. We finally arrived at Acle Bridge to find Paul's Morning Swan and an offshore breeze. Towards the end, as Friday Girl starts to drift away from the bank, I was ashore with both forward and aft lines in my hands. The gent in the hire boat did then kindly help me to tie up!
  13. In this next clip I overtook the first yacht, who was motoring, because I wanted to pass by the bigger, white-sailed yacht without the first yacht's distractions.
  14. Saturday, 21st May We spent a couple of lazy days in hot sunshine at Womach Staithe and set off for Acle Bridge last Saturday morning. Going down the Thurne we came across to yachts tacking back and forth into the quite strong sou'westerly. I passed the first one much as I would have done when racing 470 dinghies many years ago!
  15. I don't think I published this one before.................
  16. I'll check the dates tomorrow, Bill. In the meantime, here's the two I got mixed up. Somehow You Tube makes all my vids private unless I change them to public and I forgot with these two.........
  17. So sorry, Bill. When I get back home I'll change that. I did say that I'm very new to this, so sorry. .......
  18. And passed it by........ some were occasionally in a hurry! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpAXllUvgGk
  19. We later approached Ludham Bridge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kobdSYgjtgo
  20. I've now finally sorted out the videos I made and can put them into some sort of sequence! Here's the first as we left Sutton Staithe en-route Womach Water. It was 07.30 as I wanted to be at Womach Staithe by 10.00 to hopefully get a mooring!
  21. That was just under 6ft 6ins on the gauge, Jean. I have been under at 6ft 3ins but wouldn't do it again! When we bought Friday Girl she was placarded as 6ft 11ins air height and not to go under below 7ft but I think that was to dissuade hirer's from going under Wroxham Bridge! We gradually went under at lower heights each time after Rod (Sally B ) told us that he'd taken his under at 6ft 6ins and she's the same boat as ours.
  22. Yes, I'm using W10. I'll try what you suggest.
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