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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. All large trade bins, Alan. At Ranworth they've even installed a solar-powered waste compressing machine!
  2. As they don't consult those who pay their wages, I sincerely doubt it, Alan.
  3. We were in the Sutton Staithe Hotel, Alan. I've never had a Soggy Seagull before!
  4. We've been oop North a week or more now and have found rubbish bins at Wroxham, Horning, Ranworth, Salhouse, Sutton Staithe and here at Womach Staithe. This has been more than adequate to keep Friday Girl smelling sweetly! Going to the Acle Bridge today for a meal this evening; then it's an early start for the slack water at GHYS tomorrow morning. Next stop OBYS.
  5. So are we! Just next to the shop..... Hope
  6. Mike, hi and a warm welcome aboard the forum. We have an ex Barnes boat with a 10kVA genny. When we bought her she did NOT have a shore power lead, however the modern boats do. Barne's philosophy was not to have gas onboard, so Robin is quite correct that your gas camping stove would invalidate your insurance. You won't need to bring either of which you suggest, just enjoy your wonderful holiday!
  7. Just to add that the hire boats in Holland are far less battered than ours!
  8. The Soggy Seagull is quite similar to the Bure Gold and is 4.2%.....
  9. Like you, Iain I have 50% Scotch in my blood!
  10. Sorry, peeps. In my post above I meant to add that they have a Senior's lunchtime menu, two courses at £5.95. The f&c let alone the pud, is really good value as it's £11.95 on the normal menu. And no, they're not smaller portions!
  11. Drinking in the Sutton Staithe Hotel. All £3.50 a pint!
  12. We hired in Holland 4 years ago ... €500 deposit, returned if you didn't scratch or mark the hull. They don't allow cdw over there....
  13. Not tool sure where you are but on the Bure and today the Ant it's been serene!
  14. I used to go in there in the 90's, Peter, and usually had. A varied bike ride back to the RNSYC!
  15. http://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/Operators/Other-operators/NewRiver-in-2015-Buying-selling-and-Co-ops-on-pub-land
  16. I've never logged in via FB as my password is quite long and complicated whereas this one is simple for me to remember!
  17. Yesterday I changed my FB avatar pic and that's been transposed here................................................ Just how did that happen? (I've changed it back to something more appropriate for the NBN!)
  18. Great, John! We just need to hear from Charlie & Crew now. Just below the Balti Raj is Broadview, a very nice watering hole with (mouth) watering attractions on a Saturday night! Or if you like it (very) noisy there's the Lady a few yards away.... I've provisionally booked a table for 20
  19. A very warm welcome aboard from us, Rick. We're hoping to get under the bridge in a week and you're our first port of call!
  20. Ian, Hi. Well, the gales haven't moved your tree.......... but the rotary washing line.........
  21. It's fascinating reading, David. We're looking forward to the rest of it!
  22. Not very long at all, Popp, after all they're related to otters, aren't they? BUT PLEASE don't let this degenerate into an argument on that topic.
  23. Sounds an intrepid start, Jon! We'll be interested to see how the rest of the week went, the weather in West Norfolk was pretty bad at times.....
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