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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. We've done this many times, Alan. It's really not too daunting. We went to Rochester a few years ago from Burgh Castle, as I describe below. I'd go to the RNSYC whichever way you choose and just wait for the flood, as Strow correctly suggests. If the weather's good and settled then go to Lowestoft and wait for the tide. But you shouldn't have to as if you go through Gt Yarmouth at LW it will be Slack Water at Gorleston already (at the harbour entrance). I'd then go in shore to Lowestoft and then follow the coast a couple of cables offshore on until Southwold. Then on to Shotley for the night and across the Thames estuary the next day. A really nice little trip!
  2. I am, Strow..... and I'm hoping that they'll take all my boat jumble off my hands!
  3. Why is this in the Team Room, please?
  4. Well I've already read the penultimate paragraph, Peter, so let's just leave it at that, please!
  5. I brought Mary-Jane to Wells, here in Somerset, yesterday for her birthday and today for Mother's Day. We came down to Caln on Friday and are hopping over to Glastonbury for a couple of days tomorrow.
  6. Welcome back to the NBN, Andy. We haven't heard from you since November.... Your second paragraph is correct as I read the rules and regulations; I think it just needs a big dollop of common sense from all of us.
  7. Martin, Hi. I think the initial costs would probably exceed those that the BA would incur if they installed electric sockets and gave away the leccy.....
  8. Try looking at other peeps' holidays, Sarah, in http://thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/19-holiday-tales/
  9. An very warm welcome aboard the NBN, Sarah. Where are you picking up your boat, please?
  10. I guess you'll be coming Hoek to Harwich, Frank? It's not too bad a journey, Harwich to Potter but watch the A140 for speed cameras!
  11. Oh Dear! I somehow wiped the first two paragraphs of my post out......... it went something like this: "I used to pay scant regard to speed limits out side built-up areas in our younger years. About 20 years ago we had a 150mph 'bike and a Lotus Elan Sprint to play with.... Nowadays I engage the auto-throttle at the posted limit and sit back and watch the world go by. Apparently........... etc"
  12. Apparantly advancing age does bring some benefits
  13. With the pass it'll cost you £1.80 instead of £3.50, Gramps.
  14. Unfortunately they charge £9.60 P&P for two cans..................................... and the SUPER10 comes back as " Voucher Not Valid "
  15. Thanks, Steve, that's what I want. I've checked with most of our local DIY stores but can only find it in large bagged amounts. Did you buy your spray locally, please? (there ate lots of places that flog it on the internet).
  16. I'd like to see that when we're back to Bells, Ray, back in the water Friday 1st April. I've been reconsidering recarpetting our lounge area for some time now.
  17. Are they glued down, or what, Steve?
  18. A warm welcome aboard, Ric, from us.
  19. Just seen it in the online leaflet and its downside is the flow rate of 0.2L/min with engine oil... you'll have to be very patient! http://leaflet.lidl.co.uk/07bb323c-49f3-49d6-8087-47c10500e962/#/28
  20. Even more alarming, Poll, is if you're moored next to a high-freeboard boat and its heating exhaust is anywhere near an open window on your boat. Why, Oh Why, don't they put ALL diesel heaters' exhausts on the same side??? They definitely DO pour out CO...
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