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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. I really must quote from the Guidelines, Peeps: You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, So let's keep it within those boundaries, please.
  2. I can only quote "Never look a gift horse...." I will be taking advantage of this generous offer quite soon and booking online as it's so much easier. And if Kris wants to make conditions that's his prerogative, Neil.
  3. If you have your car keys in your pocket as you stagger towards your car..... then probably yes!
  4. I've solved the problem by only drinking in the Hockham Eagle!
  5. Many thanks to Kris for this generous offer: Hi John, I have the following discount code that can be used on our website only. TNBNET2015 Discount up to 10% for Norfolk Broads Network forum members. Member name must be provided at time of booking online bookings only. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. If offers 10% of the standard rate and 5% off the discounted single occupancy rates and longer breaks. Hope this is suitable Regards, Kris Kristen Heavens admin@wayfordbridge.co.uk
  6. Hear! Hear! What a lovely guy he was.
  7. Very nicely put and definitely well said, Peter!
  8. Prescriptive text, Monica? Looks very pretty, anyway! And what a great day we have to look forward to, Happy Hogmanay to one and All!
  10. Good on you, Ian. I trust this won't affect your boating too badly? Anyway, all the Very Best for the New Year and hope to see you both about in the Spring.
  11. They're not pontoon moorings, are they, Howard? The range of tides at Brundall makes access to boats on fixed moorings somewhat difficult near Spring Tides as you get older!
  12. AUTUMN MEET, 24-25 September, 2016. OK peeps, the date's set but what about the venue? When I last visited the Ferry House at Surlingham in early November (which Peter recommended above) Sonia was pretty confident that the headings would, at long last, be completed over this Winter. I'm open to all suggestions! NO, Charlie, NOT those sort! Just spoken at length with Sonia and she's determined that the headings will be sorted by March 1st, 2016. She's employing someone to do it this time. So unless anyone else has a better idea I've provisionally booked spaces for up to 12 boats so far.
  13. Here's the latest (and we'll all be on the floating pontoons unless anyone specifically asks for the concrete): (Boat Name, Crew name(s), Stern/Side, Leccy Y/N, Days) Friday Girl, John & Mary-Jane, Stern, Y Fri-Mon Fair Chancellor 1, Eric, Day, Chloe & Skye, Stern, Y, Sat-Sun. Water Witch II, Charlie & wench, Side, Y, Fri-Sun Nyx, John, Stern, N, Fri-Mon.
  14. Simple, but just Brilliant, JanetAnne. Give that girl the biggest choccy bar you can buy, please!
  15. I do use Firefox and it does save my passwords, Poppy. "Yes, I only have to type in the H and it then comes up with my Avatar and Password but I'd rather it just comes up automatically as it does on my PC." But I still have to sign in every time, although I do allow cookies and keep them, too.
  16. I was living in a wooden Seco hut at RAF Topcliffe that winter. Uni-Seco Structures (Selection Engineering Company), mass producers of timber huts for the military in WW2. A timber frame clad with asbestos sheets and a timber roof of shallow pitch with a plasterboard ceiling beneath,The prefabricated panels were a sandwich with a wood-wool filling between sheets of corrugated asbestos-cement, supplied by Turners Asbestos Cement Co Ltd. I can tell you that they were exceptionally cold, even though the batmen used to try to keep a coal fire burning in most rooms. The more junior you were the less chance you had.... I was an Acting Pilot Officer! But we kept warm in the daylight hours as the Group Captain Station Commander had decided to make his mark with the RAF Hierarchy by opening the runway and flying the Vickers Varsities off it. EVERY man and woman was out on the runway with pickaxes and shovels; after four days we cleared a long and wide enough stretch to get airborne... And yes, he did get promoted again!
  17. I've now got a new laptop (Thanks, M-J!). It's running Windows 10 which I'm getting used to but every time I log into the NBN it asks for my Avatar and Password. Yes, I only have to type in the H and it then comes up with my Avatar and Password but I'd rather it just comes up automatically as it does on my PC. Any (polite) suggestions, please?
  18. And works outside the 09.00 to 18.00 hours!
  19. A Very Happy Christmas from us both here in Norfolk on this beautiful Christmas Morning! Breakfast will be after pressy-opening; we've home-cured gravadlax and the bread's baking now... washed down with a good old bottle of fizz. Then it's off to the Eagle at 12.00 and back to the goose a bit later!
  20. A warm welcome aboard from us, Vaughan.
  21. But she's a female, Iain, and not subject to logic........
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