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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Jim and Colin, Hi This explains it: http://www.trafficdelays.co.uk/a47-traffic-delays/
  2. A belated welcome aboard the NBN from us, Jayne, albeit in such dramatic circumstances. Whatever happens now, you have introduced yourselves to a pretty friendly bunch who will welcome you back on the water in whatever you are destined to have.
  3. I'd say to avoid Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights as that's when the clubs down Prince of Wales Road stay open late. Outside of those nights we've never had any troubles!
  4. Mary-Jane says: "Today it's done under local anaesthetic and you won't believe the difference! " (She had hers done in '88 & '89 under general anaesthetic).
  5. Only just back online from this morning and so sorry to read this, Mate. I just admire your grit and determination to actually get home when you were feeling so low. No wonder those Scottish Regiments put the fear of God into our past foes! Try to keep smiling and let's hope for next year.
  6. Isn't it quicker to go through the Plumsteads or Blofield Heath, Q?
  7. Absolutely and ditto with the Breydon posts... if the Yellow Post's cost is anything to go by then it will be a small fortune to replace the Breydon ones...........
  8. Looking closely at the new routes one can only wonder.......
  9. Very enjoyable, Malcolm.... don't those pictures take you back, eh?
  10. Much better! And our new Gt Grandson, here in Lincolnshire, is a beaut!
  11. Oh really? Perhaps when you're aged and partly immobile and have to moor solo you'll reconsider your statement? Have you considered having extra warps to hand to tie to your bow lines when necessary? We have and do; so does that make us stupid? We "learned about these things" about 50 years or more ago and I don't ever recall whingeing about tidal ranges, including sailing the Bristol Channel.
  12. Branden and Beth, hi. You seem to have duplicated the topics, so I've merged them.
  13. Utterly fascinating, the way you describe your feelings on that last day. I have enjoyed all of your tale but that was really an insight into a hirer's inner thoughts. We shall make a determined effort to be afloat late next September!
  14. What's this, young lady, no mention of shoes, wine or Christmas? You're slipping!
  15. Oh, well said you luscious lass! Get them humans to bring you a barrow of chocolate!
  16. As are ours, Peter. As JanetAnne says, cut long enough to avoid the prop. They lie the length of the gunwhales so that I can step off with both the bow & stern lines in hand.
  17. Barnes Brinkcraft fitted ours. It's a Max power supplied by Peachmnts. It has its own battery right next to it.
  18. Last week I posted a pic of a young deer swimming in the New Cut.
  19. Yes, Strow, let's please just give it a rest.....
  20. A warm welcome aboard from us, Greatplum, nice to have you on the good ship NBN!
  21. G'morning, Iain, and it sounds a most promising start to the week! Have a great time!
  22. Nice plug, thanks, Peter. They're now not much bigger than a briefcase, Peter.
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