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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Thanks, Strow. She's also what the Yanks call a double-ender or has a canoe type stern. I believe that this also reduces water drag.
  2. Our Freeward 30 had 3.24 tons of pig iron encapsulated within the full length keel. With full water, fuel and the kitchen sink she tipped the scales at about 7 tons... definitely a heavy displacement boat. The engine was a Sabb 2GZ with a maximum of 22bhp. http://www.boatservicehaarlem.nl/sabb_2g_2j.pdf With this boat we frequently ventured across the North Sea and down to the Channel Islands.....
  3. I rely on Alan, Peter and a few others to let me see the EDP's news!
  4. Sorry we missed you on Saturday, Marina. I got Iain's message but I couldn't get a signal to call you when we gotr to the boat. We had to circle at Brooms for over half an hour to get a pump-out and top-up with fuel. We then went for a final cruise to the Ferry House at Surlingham. I must say that you'd go a very long way to beat Sonia's bacon butties! Washed down with a pint of Little Sharpie and I was then ready to return to Bells to winterise the engines and top-up the five batteries. (Whyever do they sometimes put batteries in such inaccessible places?). Friday Girl comes out either this afternoon or tomorrow morning and then we'll go down to clean up the waterline with patio and brick acid cleaner. Off with all the fenders (12) and the mooring warps (6) and bring them home for Winter maintenance.
  5. Here's a bit about his early life: Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, in London, Ontario, at St Joseph's Hospital,[10] and was raised in Stratford, Ontario.[11] He is the only child of Jeremy Jack Bieber and Patricia "Pattie" Mallette. Bieber's parents were never married.[12] Pattie raised her son with the help of her mother, Diane, and stepfather, Bruce.[13] His mother is of French-Canadian descent; his paternal great-grandfather was of German ancestry, and his other roots are English and Irish.[14][15][16] He has also stated that he believes that he has some undetermined Aboriginal Canadian ancestry.[17] Bieber attended a French-language immersion elementary school in Stratford
  6. It does indeed, Alan! I bow () to your vastly superior knowledge!
  7. Peter, hi. I just went to the question box at the top RHS of the page and typed in BA and lottery. It came up with lots, including what you wanted.
  8. Alan, brill! It certainly works well on my Galaxy Tablet. A pity you have to go to Activity, My Activity and then Everything but it does work... at last!
  9. That's a really interesting article you've picked upon there, Alan... however do you have the time and memory to do it?
  10. Of course they can be undone, Alan, but they only have a very short time in which top do it and hopefully will turn their attention to easier pickings. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Security-Luggage-Strap-colours-vary/dp/B014G7GTPW
  11. Welcome aboard the NBN from us, Les. I'm sure you'll get some good advice down the line!
  12. Sorry, Sue. Can you make either of the other two?
  13. Which is why I've always had a security strap around my suitcase wherever I went. The most likely place to have your bag opened is between the aeroplane and the carousel and a security strap just makes that a bit more difficult The result is that the ****** will usually/hopefully turn to easier pickings. In hundreds of occasions dead-heading I've never had a problem.....
  14. So now we need suggestions for the venue; the slack water times at GHYS are 10.24 on the Friday and 12.55 on the Sunday. When you make a suggestion may I ask where you are moored/intend to hire from, please? Then we can see where the majority are based.
  15. Ah well, that's it settled then... sorry peeps and especially you, Sue. I did go through the thread pretty well, I thought, but must have missed it.
  16. Slack Water at Gt Yarmouth is at 11.13 and 12.31 that weekend, Sue
  17. Smiths? Sorry, just read the post above, Peter.... Duh!
  18. Peter, Good Morning. I'm not going to do that but I will throw it open for suggestions of venue and timing. Over to you, peeps!
  19. £8.50/24 hours stern-on, leccy (if you want it) £3.50/24 hours, (as much as you want).
  20. Thanks, guys. There was a post on this a few years ago and you have reminded me of the general consensus, Peter, brick acid. Strow, I have a tub of Y10 hidden away somewhere in one of my sheds; I'll try to take that as well!
  21. Surely not just luck, eh? Lewis pressurised him into it.
  22. Friday Girl comes out next week and I've noticed a lot of lime scale around the waterline. I seem to remember that Jon said that he uses Cillit Bang . Does anyone else have any suggestions, including scrapers?
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