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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Where will you be moored, Frank? (And you'll need an NBN Burgee from me!)
  2. Graham is a Nanni-trained engineer and is more thorough than any other who has serviced our Nanni.
  3. Frank, Hello You also have to have your dog injected against tapeworm before arriving in England: https://www.gov.uk/take-pet-abroad/tapeworm-treatment-dogs
  4. HakunaMatata, Willkommen an Bord der NBN. We are a friendly lot and look forward to your company. Prost!
  5. Have our early announcements (started last May) of this year's Meets influenced peeps holiday decisions? Or are there other considerations we might consider for next year's Meets?
  6. Steve, Hi Do you mean for beers, food, atmosphere or a combination of all three?
  7. A Warm Welcome Aboard from us too, 1Drab1. (Or do you prefer James?)
  8. I think Polly is referring to the PPPPPP mnemonic, Viking?
  9. I think you need to take it to either whom you bought it from or a reputable technician, Paul.
  10. Naughty, Peter.... your old navel attributes are shining through!
  11. We plan to implement this change by the end of March 2016, removing the bins and associated structures, unless agreements can be reached with relevant landowners and/or other public bodies to take over the running of the facilities. in a report to the Broads Authority Navigation Committee in December 2015, it was stated that Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites. If you put these two together do you get "three"?
  12. Welcome to the NBN, Barry, and I hope your friend is successful!
  13. Wherever do you dredge up such tales, Peter? And what about shaving your head, or legs, or other parts? The mind boggles!
  14. I've met him on the Yare near Cantley in previous years, Robin. Always a cheery wave and 'Thank you' as I slowed right down when passing him! BTW are you a speleologist, a spelunker or a caver?
  15. A mate of mine runs a historic battle re-enactment company, Grace. He told me last night that he needs shoes for every period from Mediaeval times through Tudor and Elizabethan for his personal parts. He has over sixty pairs of shoes................
  16. Peter! I'll have you know that in polite HMFC Officer talk the phrase was 'leg-over'.............
  17. I don't usually post FB topics but this is nigh-on unbelievable!
  18. Thanks for that, Mark, you really can find 'em, can't you? As a Mod I really welcomed your penultimate paragraph, thanks. Perhaps it might have been just one employee who created most of these problems?
  19. Back to the thread title....... Any ladies whom I took out in the 60's were offered usually Babycham and Cointreau, a quite explosive mixture even nowadays!
  20. It stands for Steward & Patteson, Iain. http://www.norwich-pubs-breweries.co.uk/Steward_Patteson/Steward_Patteson.shtm
  21. I've just noticed that we in England can get all the Scotch foods in for Burns Night by visiting Aldi's today! Scroll down below the Fishing gear and there it all is: https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/sun-17-jan/ I particularly like their Fresh Haggis and Scotch Pies, washed down with a Guid Ale!
  22. I've not been online since yesterday morning, Eric; so I've only just read this. Crikey, Mate, you've certainly taught me a lesson and at my age I need to know such things...... Glad it's sorted, anyway, and you're back with us!
  23. A warm welcome aboard the good ship NBN from us, Gordo and Julie.
  24. You can always chuck 'em in the loo and flush 'em with river water, Monica!
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