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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. A Warm Welcome Aboard the NBN from us, fairy1.
  2. It's been hawked around Facebook for the last few days, Martin.
  3. You seemed to have duplicated this topic, John; so I've deleted the copy for you.
  4. Welcome back from us too, Chris. We look forward to hearing from you.
  5. Sound sense, Andy. The one thing that overrides all others in my planning is to cross Breydon immediately after slack water low. Because then I am on a rising tide and have a few hours to change that wretched impeller (yes, it has happened to us). I might also manage to tie up to a post (I did). Our propulsion chain is as serviced as often as most but things can go wrong.....
  6. What a super pic, Jonathan!
  7. Sunk at 09.20 this morning.... pics to follow tomorrow when I get home.
  8. They've gone utterly and completely barmy. I'm so glad that the surviving senior members of my family (from WW2) have now left us.... they just wouldn't understand.
  9. Particularly velcro lined ones.......... k
  10. They do, they do! " warps", "halyards", "sheets", "running rigging", "boltrope", "bobstay", "bowline", "brails", "cable", "painter","hawser", "shrouds", "ratlines" ...... Blimey, me hearties, what have I missed?
  11. And here she is at the Meet! Mark arrived yesterday morning and Lady Jane at about 7pm in the evening.
  12. Fascinating, David. I've just been watching the Grand Canal one and I'm quite amazed how considerate the power boats are to the gondolas!
  13. Have a great flight Ian! She will be a classic in her own right.
  14. bat rabidly, hi. Gsh sorry but thats exactlytly what this damned prpredicive text came uplease with! Nowe I'very lost my thread! (totally non-hat on)
  15. Looking forward to it, Mouldy. Will you be flying the NBN Burgee? I only ask as it makes identifying Members much easier. You should see quite a few of us, either South, or coming back North from the Autumn Meet. You can check out boats on the Meet pages. Have a Great Time !
  16. Dave, hi. It's coming from the "Authority's national park reserves" as stated in Peter's link...... At this stage it is not possible to determine the potential legal costs that may be incurred by this Authority in seeking to defend this claim up to and including the hearing next year. As of the renewal hearing, the Authority’s costs were estimated to have reached just over £10,000. Any costs will fall within the Authority’s Legal budget and should, as expected, those sums lead to an overspend of the Legal budget for 2015/16, any additional sums shall be met from the Authority’s national park reserves.
  17. You get about 10 - 15 minutes to edit, Graham. After that you can always ask a Mod to do it for you. As I have just done.
  18. Graham, hi. We bought one earlier this year and it fits the bill as Robin''s above. It has the addition of a transformer so that you can take it home in the Winter. I'll take a pic of it this afternoon when we get aboard Friday Girl and post it here together with the details.
  19. OK, Graham, have you had it costed, will it break the bank, do you really want this boat? I do agree about what you've been told. So long as you get a reputable guy to do the job it shouldn't be a problem.
  20. I'd have it surveyed first, Graham ! Or at least looked into by an experienced fibreglass worker.
  21. Good Evening, dennismate, and welcome back. We'll hope to see you more often over the next few years,
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