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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Apart from Rocklands we get a Vodafone signal pretty near everywhere on the Broads.
  2. So where else are you going to live, somewhere in the third world?
  3. The article is fully of suppositions and I don't see any need to panic buy anytime soon. Bad news sells papers.
  4. I thought that too, Peter, but I'm not sure if Robin didn't mean to power his thrusters from it as well?
  5. I'm exhausted just reading that..........................
  6. Jane, Hi. I totally agree with Howard and hope you're having a great time!
  7. Robin, you'd need to win a substantial jackpot to fund that lot! Have you priced it yet? Q, where do you get the time and energy from?
  8. Just seen this, cheeky blighter, Ray! Hhhhhow could I have done that?
  9. You're surely joking, Peter..... It maybe OK in a dinghy. Some of the more elderly and infirm amongst us wouldn't dream of mooring there! Let alone those with shiny, newer and larger boats.
  10. "You only need to look upriver at how Sonia has embraced the walkers near Surlingham to see what could be done at The Berney. Positivity and less doom and gloom is what The Berney needs". Hear, Hear, Keith!
  11. I'd love to, Peter, but have you seen the headings recently?
  12. AND you did TWO A17/A17 trips on ONE weekend! Above & beyond the call!
  13. Well said, Frank! Can we agree to call it a day, now, please?
  14. Wow! You do know how to pack it into a weekend, don't you,Seriously?
  15. Good Morning,Ray. What a lovely way to present a series of photographs.... Is it a very difficult technique or do you have a programme for it, please? You did get a long way, didn't you!
  16. Hosheasons boating maps gives you broads maps and position & speed. It's a free app for android... don't know about ipad/phone.
  17. Come on peeps, let's keep it cool, please.
  18. Suggestions, please, for venue and dates for next year's Autumn Meet.
  19. We've now got the Spring and Summer Meets set up for next year; so we'll start a new topic on the Autumn Meet. All suggestions gratefully accepted!
  20. I used to make 5 gallons of beer at a time in the 60's, when I was a young Air Force officer, also lau-lau (rice whiskey). At one party we ran out of 3 or 4 containers of beer and I offered fermenting lau-lau... A young AirTraffic Control Officer drank a pint of it and had to be admitted to the Station Medical Centre with gastroenteritis. I was advised by the SMO to give up home brewing. ....
  21. What a lovely tale, Geoffrey & Wendy... l'm quite captivated with the idea of a holiday in such a charming place!
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