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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Magical, Andy, are you a professional writer by any chance?
  2. OK, you win, I'll leave you to it.............
  3. Gosh, Peter, so I guess Monica's comment is just to be ignored, regardless of just who was overtaking who?
  4. I rather like it and couldn't express it any better than Robin said: "She has really captured what it is like from leaving home to arriving at the yard and taking over the boat for the first time and the excitement that goes with it. There is no fancy cuts or edits, which really keeps things down to earth".
  5. But we're forgetting Monica's original statement, guys: "I saw this yesterday on The Wherry Cam. Over the other side of the Broad (Topliner side) was a hirer being pursued by a yacht. This poor chap kept pulling nearer and near to the shore. I felt very sorry for them." So what we can tell, or not, from the pic is surely irrelevant and we revert to Keith's earlier: " As any overtaking vessels need to keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken, whilst the vessel being over taken should maintain a steady course. The overtaking byelaws apply to sailys as much as motor boats".
  6. Ditto, Ian and we're having my (pre) birthday meal that night at 19.00.....
  7. I couldn't work that out, Peter; so I bow to your superior knowledge!
  8. What a holiday you had, Andy. And just about my favourite "scratch meal" too! You have brought us in to your family-life aboard most beautifully; a really lovely tale.
  9. Quite so, Keith, you have it in a nutshell. Unfortunately many of us wouldn't know that unless we'd raced dinghys or knew the colregs.
  10. And I guess everyone else (as well as us) is really looking forward to reading it Andy! It does pay to have Janine onboard doesn't it? Or in my case, Mary-Jane!
  11. We've had both and I still think it's horses for courses. At the time we finally decided to leave the sea we were moored at Goodchilds, very convenient for either Broads or the sea. Our 24ft, 200bhp, single-engine Beneteau was quite adequate to take us directly across to Holland or wherever a couple of times a year and we did use her quite extensively on the Broads, North and South. (She had an air-height of 8ft 3ins). BUT............ just look at those sides.. no sort of rubbing strake anywhere and the number of marks and scrapes we received during our last cruise North were just too many, hence Friday Girl 4 Also a damned sight more comfortable!
  12. Iain was correct; just 30 miles/mins from Brundall!
  13. I wouldn't say that, Dave. Your "let common sense...." says it all.
  14. We've found, Jane, over the years, that the fishing brigade can be very nearly as numerous as the school-hols peeps in September.
  15. And we won't forget this one, will we, Q? We actually did always obey this one! (Nowadays we have to wait until we can see their exhaust unless they're sailing directly into wind...) Colregs Rule 25Sailing vessels underway and vessels under oars A vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled by machinery shall exhibit forward where it can best be seen a conical shape, apex downwards
  16. Thanks for that news, Dave. We were planning to stop there on both our ways North.. maybe outside school-hols time it will calm down a bit?
  17. Well Grace, we've got five real ales, two lagers, cider and Guinness on tap so even with the motley crew here we usually only run out of one pump most nights!
  18. Not too sure about the pub moorings, Jane, you might give them a bell? The public (BA) moorings are seldom anywhere near full........... but with all the attention they've been getting recently I'll probably be prove wrong on that!
  19. Now, now, young lady..... just calm down a bit, please!
  20. Let's hope for an Indian Summer in September, then!
  21. I recently appeared in the Hockham Eagle in my shades (it can be very bright from behind the bar) to lend a hand......
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