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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. A lovely start to your holiday tale, Andy. We're looking forward to the next installment!
  2. The last few days have filled an empty 50 gallon water butt here in Gt. Hockham. And that's one of four!
  3. Where can you get these, please, Stuart?
  4. Gosh! The bug certainly caught you young!
  5. Howard, Hi. I had thought of two peeps when BM posted.. you and me! Again, I think lunatics and asylums comes to mind!
  6. Thanks, Andy, I did wonder. Seems the BA don't get everything wrong......................
  7. I think another Iain, or Ian, might have something to say to that, Mark! only kidding also!
  8. Ah, yes, Alan... Tapatalk... I installed that on my new tablet and I can't begin to tell you how annoying it's become. I get incessant messages from them all of the time.
  9. Just as a matter of interest, but are yachts exempt from speed limits? I know a racing yacht can do a lot more than 6mph but they leave hardly any wake. And it is the wake that is the problem to river banks and moored boats.
  10. Oi! Watch it or youll miss out on your chocolate!
  11. Not a problem, Ron. I've looked into the "Guest" account under your name but at the moment I can't find it. Hopefully Alan (JO) can sort that one out for you. John
  12. I've been looking for something like this for a while, Rooster and thar one you've posted looks the biz. Thanks!
  13. I've got rid of the number account, Ron and reinstated your post count. I'll look into the guest account later.
  14. Hear, Hear! Alan. Lovely way to see things, Carol... I wish we could still walk that far!
  15. Shall we call an end to it then, peeps?
  16. And finally, what about the Gnat crash at Oulton Park on 29th July..... and the Spitfire crash at Biggin Hill on the 1st August... this year. It's said that things go in threes; so let's hope that's it for a considerable time.
  17. Danial, Hi Compared with the number of pilots who want to/do aerobatics that list is a drop in the ocean. Flying over the sea, unless you have a pretty good horizon, is far more difficult and demanding as it's only too easy to get disorientated if you're rotating at 300 degrees/second. The Harrier pilot knew exactly where his aeroplane was going to end up as he had inadvertently moved the throttle away from the firewall!
  18. I've even taken to wearing a helmet, too, Carol. I've got a small-wheeled fold-up bicycle and it's nowhere near as stable as a conventional one. I'm even contemplating wearing my high-viz dayglo motorcycle fleece when I'm out in those country roads...
  19. The more I read about the thoughtlessness of peeps the more I wonder.....
  20. Alan, take a look in Mod CP at Gramps' profile and recent visitors. I know that you check AdminCP most days and I wonder if something's slipped through.
  21. So long as one could still get under the bridges, then yes, Marina, I would leave GH then. I arrive with a bit of ebb behind me or at Slack Water if it's outside the Rangers' hours.
  22. What are you trying to say, Peter?
  23. Either, Marina, then you get a bigger flood each way you're going and you don't tend to outrun the flood.
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