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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Quite a few of us might well meet up with James in 3 weeks, I hadn't thought to bring it up with him, if that's who you mean, Peter.
  2. This does drag on a bit, Peter............
  3. Is there anyway that they can be informed of that, Peter? I'm not joking....
  4. Sounds like you had a very enjoyable week, Neil. Only three weeks and we'll be at the WRC!
  5. Really the Best of Luck with the weather, Steve!
  6. There's a lot of difference between an Indian Summer and a hard Winter and the el nino effect could well produce both.
  7. Steve, hi. There's a lot of difference between an Indian Summer and a hard Winter. Both may well be associated with the el nino effect.
  8. Perhaps BA registered boats might be passage-fee exempt, Alan. Then they can charge as much as they like for visitors?
  9. Exactly what I was alluding to, Peter.
  10. 1. They've just spent weeks and a lotta dosh fixing the lock gates, Robin. 2. In Holland they just hang a fishing line out with an empty wooden clog on the end of it. You put your Euros into that..... it works!
  11. So where will all this money come from, I ask myself? 800 boats @ £10/go doesn't even come near the annual maintenance costs, let alone all the rest. First it was Breydon and hence SofB, now Mutford Lock. Methinks that British Ports and Suffolk CC aren't shy about off-loading cash-costing parts of their businesses.
  12. We've been out & about this week, Grenville, and I've only just read this....gosh, I'm off to make a strong cuppa to calm me down! (P.S. If it were a bit later then I reckon I'd need a pub visit or an "Admiral's G&T"... which take very few prisoners)
  13. Good to hear that you're making the most of what weather we're getting at the moment! After today's showers it's set fair (well if a coolish N'ly wind can be said to be "fair"?) for a few days now. Where are you heading for over the weekend?
  14. What really good news, copying the New Inn at last. The only problem is that we won't have Gus to help with the mooring! (BTW, have they put in extra posts or rings?)
  15. Only just got round to reading your latest, Charlie. .. you do have some fun, don't you?
  16. A really good read, complemented with some lovely pics! Sincere thanks for sharing with us all.
  17. But we do spend our money here, Jon, and keep boatyards in business!!
  18. Where are you tomorrow evening, Alan?
  19. A truly wonderful blog, Andy, I only wish that mine could be half as descriptive! Do you keep a diary or is all this from memory?
  20. New topic started for the Summer Meet so that leaves the Autumn Meet open to suggestions, please? (Preferably sensible..............)
  21. We're trying to give as much notice as possible for all three meets next year; so here's the second one: (Boat Name, Crew name(s), Stern/Side, Leccy Y/N, Days) Frfiday Girl, John & Mary-Jane, Stern, Yes, Fri-Mon
  22. An interesting blog, Alan. Are you the only owner who spends precious holiday time on maintenance? (And don't whoever services the boat for you fix the minor snags too?). Anyway, enjoy the rest of your time aboard!
  23. I've just provisionally booked Oulton Broad yacht Station for July 23/24, 2016 for the Summer Meet. I'll start a new topic later today...
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