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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. I'm not too sure with your simile on line 4, Grace. In my (long ago past) experience it can be a fair bit less than that. ....
  2. It's the Twelfths Rule, Eric. The tide rises 1/12 in the first hour, 2/12 in the second, 3/12 in the third and fourth, 2/12 in the 5th and 1/12 in the 6th. So if the total rise over a whole tide is, say, 6ft, then you'd expect it to rise 6ins in the first hour. We used it all the time when entering North Sea harbours abroad.
  3. I retire hurt, Ray..............................
  4. Are you sure this shouldn't be in "Jokes"???
  5. Welcome aboard from us, Chris. Which address did you try to use, please? Try norfolkbroadsdotnet@gmail.com
  6. I used the same distance as a fan belt.. half an inch deflection with a thumb push.
  7. That is a great idea, Stuart. I look forward to reading about it when it's finalised.
  8. Well Done, Malcolm! I've got your address and will post you the calender as soon as they arrive.
  9. Thanks again guys. Paul and Griff, I haven't heard of startrescue before, I'll look them up when I get back home.
  10. Thanks for the tips, peeps. Now there's an idea, Strow....... I'm sure I was given such a non-chipped key when I bought the car... I even remember where it is (together with the spare chipped-key)!
  11. That's a good idea, Mark. We don't very often venture out of Norfolk! Do your haverage any suggestions?
  12. When I had bought the shopping on Monday I brought my goods to the car before I went for a coffee in the store cafe. Normally I open the boot by using the boot-open key, rather than the all-locks key. The car then automatically re-arms when I shut the lid. I did just that and then felt in my pocket for the car keys............. they weren't there. I hurriedly searched every pocket but no luck anywhere; so I'd call the breakdown lot to get into the car for me............ We had been with the free Ford recovery service for the first three years of Red Ford's life and had intended to renew with the RAC or whoever on March 1st this year. Therein lies the problem as we were somewhere in the South Atlantic during March! So can anyone suggest a good, reasonably priced breakdown service, please? There seem to be so many out there now unlike in my early days when it was the Automobile Association or the Royal Automobile Club or nothing! Oh, and by the way, I had used the all-locks key and was able to retrieve the errant keys from the boot myself!
  13. We had just slipped quietly past Malvern Light, giving them a wide berth, when all this peace and tranquillity was to be broken, if not shattered..... Coming towards us was a large (private) Broom-type cruiser with a noticeable bow wave. Not to be outdone a large, newish Broads cruiser was attempting to overtake him at displacement speed plus..... For the first time in a long while I forbade to acknowledge their (hand) waves and just gave them an exaggerated shrug, turning my hands upwards in despair. Ah well, on towards Reedham for our planned brunch stop. As we turned about to moor into tide just outside the Lord Nelson, the Quay Ranger popped out of his cabin to take our forward line; it was Keith from the Great Yarmouth Yacht Station. He was down at Reedham covering for another Ranger and finding it quite quiet! After the regulation bacon butty and cuppas I strolled over to the Lord Nelson to enquire about their progress. "You can't be in here; it's a work area" was my greeting as I looked in through the big front door. It certainly was as the next two pics show! The worker then went on to explain that H&S bans anyone from entering the said "work area". He also (optimistically, I think) said that they hoped to be open for Christmas!
  14. We saw our first fellow-traveller coming towards us as we approached Fleet Dyke; it was Calypso and they gave us a cheery wave as they bumbled past with barely a ripple abaft them. Not long later, just before the Beauchamp Arms, we saw Brinks Quartet 2 coming slowly towards us, followed near Langley Dyke by Sunlit Horizon 1. Evidently the Autumnal air give a feeling of serenity as we were all barely creating a bow wave! Approaching Cantley we saw Malvern Light ahead; they were going even slower and we gradually overtook them when we had passed the sugar beet factory. The public moorings at Cantley were very busy with rib-training. About four youngsters with each instructor were bobbling about as they were talked through the next stage of training.They appeared to be associated with the four cruisers moored there; two modern and two older Alpha-FD types. We were impressed with the relaxed manner of their instruction; I was sure that this October air has a calming effect on us all!
  15. Yes, that's correct. Mandy, he's at Thorpe, just an hour away from Brundall. Pumpouts £10 to NBN members.
  16. Here's what I've found. Earwigs can be controlled with boric acid powder. To get rid of earwigs that have made it into your home despite proper sealing and landscaping techniques, spreading a residual insecticide like boric acid near baseboards, cracks, and hard to reach places is recommended. Boric acid is a natural insecticide and works only if the earwig is forced to travel through the powder.
  17. I do like that, Howard. "Freed from the shsckles of rapacious owners" I'll put that in my memory banks!
  18. Hear! Hear! I'm not too sure about the rag, though......
  19. We had planned this year's final week aboard just after the Autumn meet in late September and so it came about. First thing, (well, ten o' clock), on Monday morning we arrived at the Norfolk and Norwich for Mary-Jane's annual check-up (She's good for a long while yet.). I junction-hopped around the Southern Byepass to the Sainsburys' turn off and duly stocked up with supplies for the week. Then into their cafe for an excellent cappuccino (Tescos take note, please) while I waited for my call. 12 o' clock and nothing heard so I drove back to the top of the hill car park just a few minutes from the out-patients department and only had 20 minutes to wait. We drove slowly down the A47 and turned off to Blofield, where the King's Head is now our favourite nearby destination en-route to Friday Girl. Black Sheep, Ghost Ship and Doombar all at £3.30 a pint. They also happily give us a container of ice to start off the freezer part of the fridge, not to mention the odd G&T ! And so to yesterday which dawned bright, sunny and flat calm, idyllic! We slipped our moorings at Bells at 9am and trickled out onto the Yare at tickover... serene peace, we were going to enjoy this! I set 1400rpm and we slowly made our way down river past all the boats at Brooms and then the numerous river-side dwellings; Coldham Hall was deserted and we were alone on the river. The sun was still quite low in the sky and I've tried to capture the serenity of it all.
  20. What a wonderful descriptive way you have, Paul.... I was just about to start a write up of yesterday's cruise from Brundall to here in Beccles when I decided to read your narrative.... I'm not too sure that I can come anywhere near your standards! I'll go and have my morning bacon butty and cuppa and think about it! (I do have quite a few pics to show).
  21. Steady there, Borr...............
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