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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi AshbyCut, Welcome to the NBN Forum from me Iain
  2. Yes John, so true, my father quoted Burns often also. What Burns crammed into a very short life, was quite amazing. When you consider one of his poems is sang throughout the world, all the year round, but especially on Hogmanay. Iain.
  3. Co-codamol to me Grace are sweeties lol I went through 300 of them when I had a very bad attack of shingles, totaly useless. But they work well I know for many folks. Iain.
  4. I was staggered one day on Flog It... just the reel went for silly money! Meant nothing to me, but it sure meant something the two who bid for it! Iain
  5. Oh goodie, I am due a new mobby/i phone soon, Tapatalk was ok but too many adverts for my liking. Iain.
  6. Awe Grace, how kind of you Yes oor Rabbie had a way with words, aye and the wimen tae as they say Thank you very much. Ae fond kiss, is a lovely poem/song. Iain.
  7. Hi Ray, It is indeed, my only surprise is, its taken this long! Perhaps held up by red tape and chewing gum and the like! Now I didn't check this year, but it would be good if they repaired their mooring frontage also. Iain
  8. Sad news indeed Steve, maybe try Jon at Wayford? Or maybe another member has one collecting dust. Hope you find a replacement soon. Iain
  9. Yes indeed John. Before it was Beefy Bashing! Now its Broad Thumping! Iain
  10. Hi Ian, Yes it is the Bard indeed, I found the pic by accident today.Just thought I would use for a short time. I saw his statue every working day till I left working in Ayr. His statue is in appropriately Burns Statue Square. Iain
  11. Here are a few more just in case some members missed you Myer. Iain
  12. An old thread, same subject, (swimming in general) different opinions. Iain.
  13. Broads Authority and swimming.... knew I had read it somewhere! http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/safety Iain
  14. With all the meal Gift Vouchers we received, we will be eating out till Christmas Friends were very generous indeed. Iain
  15. Local bands use to practice there Keith, many an interesting nights listening to pop rock and OMG music. It was part of the KH just more modern if you could call it that in the early 70's. My first ever pint in Norfolk I had there, sitting looking out the window at the resplendent craft stern moored across at Porter & Haylets, trying to work out which one was Sun Glory, that we had hired. lol Iain.
  16. Hi John, Yep, broke my rules for the day, had a very nice bottle of Merlot with my best man, (nothing changes there ) When we returned home a couple of very nice Glenmorangies were partaken. Iain
  17. I was lucky Charlie, an SFA physio did a course of manipulation on my side, or I would never have played cricket or golf again. BTW I was in more pain after he had done his thing....then it calmed down. Clever bloke he was. Iain
  18. On wet days in the 70's Keith they did the odd BBQ under cover in that area. Was that not a short cut also to the Three Horseshoes Bar then? Iain.
  19. Just replying to Marshys thoughts Keith, as a hirer. I suspect if we saw the logs long before web cams and instant photography, this happened ALL over the Broads. Today its highlighted instantly thanks to the modern media available. Iain.
  20. I would never hire from Brinks because of the car parking set up. IMHO its a accident waiting to happen. Iain
  21. Can you really see the BA funding it John? Also it looks to me as a police state project. People after all are on HOLIDAY! If it came to Marshys idea, the Broads as a holiday place would be know more. May suit all the privateers though? Iain
  22. To numb the pain when my sciatic nerve snapped my GP gave me DF 118 tabs, which I believe are pure codiene. It works for a wee while. I did all the excercises Poggy mentions. Took me nine/ten weeks to be back to some normal movement again. I found resting on the floor helped also, but a bit of a bugger getting back up! Wishing you a speedy recovery Tim. Iain.
  23. Jean, Put Coltishall on your list for the next trip, its a very pleasent cruise above the bridge to Coltishall. and Belaugh. Good for Kingfisher spotting. Just wait as near to the bridge as you can, unless of course the Pilot spot is vacant. Iain.
  24. Oh a wee bit harsh Marshy Iain.
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