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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Neil, I sent for his books direct to him before Christmas last year, he sent them very quickly, and he signed a copy. Nice touch I thought. http://www.chriscrowther.co.uk/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=category&task=view&category_id=1&Itemid=0 Iain.
  2. Oye Steve, am just a EX - vocalist, yon TIMBO bloke is the multi music tasker band player, not me! . Sadly not a Grandad. Would have loved to have been one Tim and the Cartoonists sounds good to me! Uncle Albert as his Agent! Iain
  3. Ah Tim, I can see it now....The "Auld Codgers" singing.... Please release me let me go, my gearbox has gone far too slow, the bearings have seen their best days, so release me and let me cruise again. Iain.
  4. Excellent Eric I hope you didny create a sandstorm bombing along! Iain.
  5. Awe Grace, darling, dearest, wonderful lady member, As for the others Am overcome with emulsion! Iain
  6. Mark, They haven't developed a league for me.....YET! Iain
  7. Oh I see let's get the Pesky Mod day! I have feelings you know, and am hurt, yes, hurt no really really hurt. Hang on a minute, I CAN Sing so to MM also. Dave, my dancing skills are known the world over, that is why ladies all walk with a limp after dancing with me and my size 11's! Twa left feet! Iain
  8. Hi Mark, People have paid good money to hear me sing lol That was me performing at a World AOL Meet in 2002. I say World coz there were peeps from the USA came over for the bash. For the record, the song was My Ain Folk. Always brings a to the eye lol In my youth, I sang the serious stuff with my father. Now, i'd require Broadsbeat to find the notes, so I could sing them! Iain.
  9. What Grace really means is.....SHE is the WORLD Gongoozling Champion! Iain.
  10. Sorry MM WHAT was that you said? Iain.
  11. Oye Tim!!! Don't do that not good for my heart rate! Anyway I dinny wear the kilt! Iain.
  12. Having just had a peek at the Barnes webcam the Temp showing is a not very warm 8c! @ 23.50pm I do hope the boats have plenty of extra blankets on this week! brrrrrrrr! Iain.
  13. All very confuzzling! Iain.
  14. I don't know what you lot are all on about. There has been a great one day cricket series played out, one dampish match, well two.. As for it being cold, it has been since we returned from Norfolk, positively Baltic at times, you at least have seen it over 20c. Still, next week it will be hot down souf, WIMBLEDON is on! Common Andy!!!! Iain
  15. Knowing that section of road Griff was on, I have had the opposite I have been over taking going up that hill past two lorries, to be met with a car on my side of the double white lines coming down same hill, there is if memory serves me correctly a speed camera on the downhill side. I hope it nailed the nutter that I had to take action to avoid! I have seen an accident there in the early days that by-pass road was built. I hope Griff, that the nutter is nicked! Iain.
  16. When we were down in Morecambe last week on a streatch of road there must have been 100 flats laying empty, in one street. Also, remembering that you have the University of Lancaster close by, I can only assume its speculators there. If these buildings were allowed to be brought up to today's living standards, think of the work it would give to the service industry upgrading them IMHO. Iain.
  17. Well, pootle up to Sutton Staithe, if boatyards are not for you. To be fair to Richos, their yard is very trim and well kept. I use to manage to moor up at the old Staithe next to Mooncraft yard, every time we came down to go to the old Tuesday Market. Looks like you have just been unlucky up there. Iain.
  18. Oh you are missing out on an excellent Indian Restaurant (Oasis2) and The Swan Inn does first class food also IMHO. Iain.
  19. Deffo lecky points at Beccles, Mark. Moonlight Shadow was on a post next to me in May. Iain.
  20. Not a happy time of year for me. Hope all had a great day. Iain.
  21. Found this on google.... http://www.broadsidechaletparkstalham.com/About-Us.html Iain.
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