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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. As many of us did not have TVs then me included, can we really call them Prime Time TV? What about Donald Duck n Mickey Mouse! Could they have been under the Eiderdown together? Iain.
  2. NOW you see WHY we would like to get through that hole more often Thank you for the pics Bobdog Iain.
  3. Confucius says, you cannot put a square peg in a round hole....when did the elastic join in? Having condemned many Made in China electrical Items, nothing would surprise me what comes from there IMHO. Yes I know they show the safety signs, but I would never take the risk. Iain Iain.
  4. Best telephone voice John, as my pigeon French is less than half a fag packet! Iain.
  5. Hi John, There was a French School Party there when we were, me being me, said to the teacher who spoke very good english, err do the kids know you lost! When you have seen the lay of the land there, the Duke was not stupid. Iain.
  6. Ditto, Grace, even after 40 odd years! You sure aint alone. Iain.
  7. Hi John, I've been to Waterloo, a very nice Rotunda Museum there. I was however, unable to climb the hill to the Lion, well the Bier was good and the coach driver never gave us enough time to do it all! Iain
  8. For those of you who didn't know my love for the game of cricket,you do now If you are not on the Broads on Saturday do try and watch the last of the most amazing five ODI Series of matches from Durham. A smashing ground with loads of atmosphere! Iain p.s. Enjoy Monica
  9. I think you did very well then JM only mentioning TWO! Iain.
  10. Thank you for that info. My lasting memory of The Beauchamp Arms is a ladder was on the roof for quite a considerable time lol Only ever moored there once. I have often wondered how it survives. Iain.
  11. Its the weight of all that red lead paint that has made it lower Neil Iain
  12. Now this all very confusing, when we were down in May and was chatting to chap at Norwich YS i He was under the impression the bloke was involved with both places? He was trying to put someone in Berny Arms for the main season? Watch this space as they say! Iain.
  13. I am sure many folks would like to see Hickling Broad, full stop! Yes we can add additional expense and hire a day boat. However, as that is never going to happen, any day soon, lets dream and maybe we will get both, dredging AND getting through that hole more often! Iain.
  14. I have learned more about river fishing today, than in my entire life. Very educational indeed. Thank you all. I will however, as usual, stick to watching paint dry! Seriously I have played a lot of sports in my time, fishing just has never been one of them. Iain.
  15. Just had a thought Eric!! Yet another invention us Scots have brought to the world. Congratulations! You can tell Eric is an engineer! Iain
  16. I've spotted a Hillman Mink well it was close enough! Iain
  17. Thanks for the recipe etc Eric. Now we know what all the members will be doing today. No not brewing...Condom buying! Iain
  18. I tried the wine malarky in my earlier years, but couldn't be bothered with all that you had to do to WAIT to sample. My mums grog was weyhay, But promised id never try her recipe ever! She brewed it throughout WW2 I believe, and the Pilots who had been shot down and were in the recovery place my mother worked, loved it! Iain
  19. If on the rivers during the fishing season Steve, I will IF its possible give them a very wide berth!! £2k That's a lot of drinking money! Hic! Iain
  20. Is home brewing taxable ...yet? Iain
  21. What I cannot understand, is the length of some of the poles used, you come round a blind bend in a bathtub and you are met by this monstrosity dangling out way past the middle of the river! Its so nice these days to be able to cruise in the non fishing season. Iain
  22. Alan, maybe JM hadn't cut his grass to show it off at its best Iain
  23. Steve, If you go to a Fish n Chip shop you can try and handle the remains I'll get my coat Iain
  24. Some how Alan, I dinny think that contraption wid be able to negotiate some of the very tight bends up in the Highlands lol Iain.
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